WDT on Web TV Takes off...
WDT on Web TV Takes off...
You have the right,to a minutes rest.
For when you go back,you can do your best.
But while your here,you can take a look.
And before you leave,you can sign my book.
so check me out,it wont take long.
For sites and info,or even a song.
I`m glad you came by,and I hope you will be.
Coming back soon,here on WDT Web Tv...
Hello Websters of the world
And Welcome to my Page.Where all my dreams are going to come to surface. In the future I plan to do things that will make this page fun to come back to time and time again.So don`t forget to mark this page in your folder.
This site has changed for the better!!
There has been a change in this site beacause i have just purchased a computer,and i still have my Webtv unit for alot of reasons.Some of my Webtv friends are not veiwed to good on the computer,so i`m keeping it around for my kids,and to help out my friends anyway i can.I will be also taking orders to help you any way i can with images and midi`s,and what ever else that is needed for you to have an easier life working with your unit.you folk`s don`t realize just how usefull your unit can be.For instance,the frames on the Webtv unit are far so much better than the computer frames,because you can create your own buttons and install background graphics in them for a terrific look.If your interested in this look,Email me and i will see if i could help you figure out how to do this.I also have a scanner and will be willing to scan for people,pictures and anything else that you could put into a envelope and send to me.(PLEASE)no sick stuff or adult pictures,i don`t care for that kind of thing,and will not help anymore if this starts to take place.if your interested in getting some help with anthing i have discussed,Email me and explaine just what it is you need,and how you would like it done,and i will get back with you.
Prisoners Of War
Link to Puzzle Page
View and Sign my Guestbook.
Theres some cool stuff in there.
Robins Craft
(Under Construction)
Sons Page
(photo`s and graphics)
Daughters Page
(Links of Interest)