

Door 2

Look on the door Stephen is coming out of, at the light and shades. The face of a boy is reflected on the door.


The Grave originally said Treacle, in this one shot is says "Further"


Look In front of Erica slightly to her left, the word "or" appears on the rug.


Water 2

Lower right hand corner, a shadow of a twiggy/stickman moves across the screen.


Look at the face in Cravens reflection, the face is not his and is facing the wrong direction

Not mentioned in the Esrever Secrets but found by "Jay" and posted in alt.movies.blair-witch-project

Look on the window behind Erica and Stephen, the word "No" in writen in the window.Also two panes of glass in front of Ericas face is either a 6 or 'G', and found in this same picure by "Just Me" in the newgroup behind Steven just over his shoulder what appears to be a ghost

Found by Outcast Radio in the same group:
"The first night in the woods, at the Parr house, they build a fire and are drinking beer around it. Immediately after Erica lights Kim's cigarette and says "You know what I can't figure out", at the top of the screen the fire creates the word "Seek". WAY too fast to see unless you frame-by-frame it."

i found these next two

Look on the lower part of the van window, slightly off center to the right, the name "Kim" is barely visible.

Tool Twiggy
This one is in the grocery store,
Look at the tools to the left, they look like a twiggy

Found by:
after the seek image, he says Bermuda Triangle, and blows out smoke between words. The face on the cover of the movie is in the smoke.
Smoke face

Chuck and Matt must have been watching the movie together, I got emails from them within an hour of each other with the same hidden image

Chucks findings:
look at the grass when the wiccan girl (Erica?) is laying back when they are beside the ruins of Rustin's house, should see a 'Me' written/spelled out in grass/weeds.
Oh and this one isn't a hidden thing just kind of a blooper, watch when the doctor is feeding the tube down the guys nose at the beginning you can see, just for a second, that he's pushing it beside his head instead of in his nose.

Matts findings:
In the scene where Erica is talking about how she'll shed her mortal coil and talk to Elly, she lies back in the leaves.  When she does, you can see the word "ME" on the left of the screen if you're not too busy staring at her exposed belly.  If you've got the dvd, it's chapter 5 at around 3.51 and it lasts for a few seconds.

After the "FURTHER" on the tombstone and just as they're walking out of the cemetery, the shadow thrown by a grave marker is more or less shaped like a stick man, and as they walk over it, it changes into how it should look. Dvd chapter 4, at around 24 seconds.
Grave Twiggy

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I will tell you how to find out what the hub-bub is! Wont tell you what you will find tho' lol
Ok i will give you this info. It apparently is the info we were supposed to find, but none of us did.
Go to
click "search"
first type in "seek me no further" and look at what it gives you
then type in "bring something back" in the search feature and check the results out for that.
Webtv users may not be able to see the results and may have to hoof it to the local library to use a computer. I have both webtv and a comp so, i am lucky in that respect.

(Eric Olson) Date: Sun, Jul 1, 2001,
Thank you for showing the solution to the puzzle. The only thing I can add is that in your solution you say to go to the Blair Witch site and enter the phrase "Seek me no further" in the search function. This does work. Did you know if you put in the phrase "Seek me no further or" you will be taken to a different screen and you can enter your name on a list of people who have solved the secret. Thanks to you I am #996 and I entered it on 7-1-01.

All images are the property of Blair Witch 2:Book of Shadows/Artisan/Haxan Films

I claim no ownership or creation of these images