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History of Valentines Day
Different authorities believe Valentine's Day began in various ways. Some trace it to an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia. Other experts connect the event with one or more saints of the early Christian church. Still others link it with an old English belief that birds choose their mates on February 14. Valentine's Day probably came from a combination of all three of those sources--plus the belief that spring is a time for lovers....

Love Is In The Air
This is the section for the viewers of this site to have their say on what they think about Valentines Day, their Experince,the Love of their life and so on. send in ur articles and we will display them on our site and the best message of the week will be awarded the lover of the week title

Philosophy of Love
Empedocles an early Greek philosopher agreed with Parmenides, an influential Greek philosopher, that what exists is eternal and unchanging. But Empedocles explained the experience of change by rejecting Parmenides' notion that the universe consists of one basic substance. Empedocles became the first philosopher to argue that what exists can be reduced to four elements--air, earth, fire, and water....

Cupid was the god of love in Roman mythology. He was also called Amor. Cupid was identified with the Greek god Eros. The Romans portrayed Cupid as a son of the goddess Venus....
What is Love
A short story...Touching...indeed

An Untold Secret
About Women
Believe me, women are complex creatures..see for yourself.

LOVE doesn't make the world go 'round....But LOVE is what makes the ride worthwhile.

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  I will always love you, and forever this is true

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My Recipes...My Recipes is the result of experience in cooking, be it typical Kerala food or North Indian varieties.Try these and let me know your opinions. Happy and delicious cooking......