Services rendered by me may be as either Option (1) "Full
Legal Representation" or Option (2) "Information
Provider". These options offer the public a growing and innovative
method for them to either: (1) obtain conventional legal
representation of an attorney or (2) if they feel they
simply wish to learn about a legal issue or represent themselves they may
learn legal information about a specific issue based upon the facts they
provide me.
Option (1) establishes a full
"attorney-client" relationship. Information and
consultation is confidential and private. For this reason I specifically
request you never to contact me by electronic means, especially e-mail,
Cellular Telephone or Digital Telephone. The Reason: Information
exchanged on the Internet and other electronic means is potentially accessible
to the public. If you disclose information it is potentially no longer
confidential. My rule is: If you are unsure about the
confidentiality of the method of communication do not use it, either call me
by conventional telephone line or drop me a letter in the mail.
Any use of electronic communication should be only to confirm appointments, or
if I request a particular item of very limited use. The only method to
establish an "attorney-client" relationship with me is to enter and
sign a written agreement by which I am your lawyer. This agreement will
set forth among other things my agreement to represent you in a particular
matter, any limitations on representation, fees/or method of computation and
costs, and duties, rights and liabilities. In most instances I will
require a retainer to be deposited to my IOLTA "Attorney Trust Fund
Account" (ATFA) as required by professional regulations. You will
receive a detailed monthly statement and invoice which will reflect the amount
drawn from the ATFA as earned fees and reimbursed expense/costs. Unless
otherwise agreed you will in return forward to me the amount invoiced, which
will be deposited to the ATFA and maintain the agreed retainer. At
conclusion of representation you will be credited according to agreement, any
remaining balance in the ATFA which is attributable to you.