Hi, my name is Debbie. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself.
My husband is name George and we reside in Arkansas. We have 3 children and 8 beautiful grandchildren. Our original homestead is Louisiana. We move to Arkansas September of 1999 near my oldest daughter, her husband and 3 children.
We have 2 other children. one girl and one boy, which both live in Louisiana. My son has 2 children and my other daughter has 3 children.
My husband and I have been happily married for 28 years and we are both dedicated christians. We were the typical American family that attended church faithfully and raising our children in the church. My husband and I both participated in the work of the church and serving the Lord. We thought we were doing everything that God wanted us to do. Then it came to a point in our lives that we no longer attended church or worshiped the Lord. This is what I would call backsliding and doing worldly things. We just put God and doing his work on the back burner. You see people we forget about God, but God never forgets about his children.
In the year of 1989 our world came tumbling down, or as I thought, when I found out that 2 of our youngest children had Muscular Dystrophy. That was the most devastating time for my husband and I. I could not understand why God would do that to my children and why me. You see, our faith wasn't there anymore due to the fact that we no longer needed or served the Lord. God had gotten our attention real fast. It wasn't God that had done anything, it was just that we had lost faith in Almighty God. This was a hard lesson for us to learn and God wanted our attention. There is one thing that God doesn't do and that is he doesn't give us more than we can handle. It is so easy for us to blame God if there is a devastation in our lives.
What comes to mind now that I have rededicated my life to serving God, is when God sent his son to die on that "OLD RUGGED CROSS" for our sins, how devastating and humilating it must have been for hm to see his son, Jesus Christ, to be ridiculed and laughed at because he was called the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of All. God couldn't do a thing to help his only son, because you see that was the only way to save us from our sins. We had strayed so for from God that he had to make a sacrifice by letting his son take all of our sins to the cross so that we might be saved.
Could you actually imagine your child suffering and dying on that cross for someone else's sins. Well people God did it and I praise and honor him for doing this for me and for you. If God would not have allowed this to happen we would be doomed if not for Jesus Christ. I thank my blessings every day that we have a living saviour that died for our sins. People, where would we be if that would not have happened. STOP AND THINK!!
In John 3:16 it says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believed in him should not parish but have everlasting life.
And I truely believe that. So my suffering is nothing compared to what God had to watch.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, will go to heaven. Romans 1:16
And this is why I Can Face Tomorrow!! Because Christ Lives!!
published November,1999
This Award was given to me by my daughter, Michelle.
She has been my pride and joy and is a wonderful person. She is one of my children that has Muscular Dystrophy and in her website you will get to know her and how she is coping with this disorder.
Thank you so much for this beautiful Award and may God richly bless you.
Love you dearly,
I would like to thank LHLS webring for giving me this wonderful and beautiful Award of the Month. God had blessed me in so many ways and I would like to give Him all the glory for this Award. I love all of you for having the faith in me. Love ya'll, Debbie
This Award of the Month was given to me by Warriors For Christ webring. I was in total shock when I received this award. I would like to give all the honor and praise to our living Savior, without Him I could do nothing. This award has brought me tears of joy and I would like to thank WFC (my friends) for this wonderful award.
Love you all, Debbie
This was given to me by a friend and I was asked to pass it on to all I would consider a friend in hopes that it would find it's way around the whole net. Please take it as a gift from me to you and is not to be linked to me because I did not make it.
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