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Shekinah (Natural healing through use of nature and the Bible)


"Blooming in the Light of His Word"

Dearest Reader~ I feel blessed that you have stumbled upon my little space of the world wide web, for I have worked hard to put this site together and welcome your thoughts, ideas and opinions! I hope that you stick around, read, and follow some of my links, for they are truly interesting and inspiring to read. :) Do also feel free to contact me, at the address below, should you wish to discuss matters further.

So... to the matters at hand: just what is this page all about? In one brief word, "HEALTH". We all want and deserve to be healthy do we not, and not just in body, but in mind and spirit as well? Sadly though, in this day and age, stress seems to overtake us, and finding the time to "be" healthy is just not found. This is so very sad, considering the Scriptures advise us on how to be healthy, from the type of foods to eat, to actually partaking in a day of REST!

Yes, from the above statement I have just distinguished myself as a Christian, but that was not always so.

I hope that I have piqued your interest just enough to get you to read further and learn of my background, my beliefs, my opinions and my hope for all of humanity, "For we are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
[1 Corn. 6:20]



***You may want to start here: ~THE NAME~ (page 1) in order to better understand some of the terminology used in the links below.

Mental Health

Physical Health

Spiritual Health

Natural Healing

About Me


~An Issue Dear and Near to my Heart~

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