Davis/Samons Family Home Page
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Davis/Samons Family HomePage

Last Update Nov. 24, 2006

Jewel Robert Davis

The Families of Edmund R. Davis,Horace M. Samons

Updating Hitt Cemetery on the Moore Family Homepage link below

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Brief Davis History

Davis Pictures

Cox Parker Cemetery

Desendents of John Sammons/Samons

Family Genpage Updated 8-29-02
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Goodspeed's About Simon Peter Hurn 1800's

Jay Gould


Military pictures and information

Pictures of Success Ar. & HITT Cemetery

Samons, Gould, Hodges Pictures

If you have any information you would like posted about these
families please Email it to me with the subject Davis/Samons

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Moore Family Hompage

The Davis and Songers Family site

The Davis Westbrook Family Tree

Jack Davis Web Site

Joyce's Genealogy Home Page

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Cathey Davis (Moore)