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William Hodge, 1 APR 1762-19 DEC 1836
Ann Saye, 1769-25 MAY 1840

William HODGE, son of William and Elizabeth COOK HODGE, was born 1 APR 1762 in York, Pennsylvania and died 19 DEC 1836 in Madison County, Georgia. He married Anne SAYE MAR 1790 in South Carolina. Anne, daughter of Richard and Mary HODGE SAYE, was born 1769 and died 25 MAY 1840 in Madison County, Georgia.

William and Anne had the following children:

1. John HODGE, 16 AUG 1790-
2. James HODGE, 18 DEC 1792-
3. Mary HODGE, 28 JAN 1795-
4. Katherine HODGE, 7 JAN 1799-
5. William HODGE, 20 APR 1802-
6. Richard S. HODGE, 20 OCT 1804-BEF 1870
7. Allen HODGE, 18 FEB 1807-
8. Madison Montgomery HODGE, 24 JUL 1809-
9. Anna HODGE, 3 MAY 1815-

Notes for William HODGE:

William and Anne are first cousins.

Citing Revolutionary War Pension No. W-4233, "The Genie," April 1982, p. 157 (published by Ark-La-Tex Genealogical Society, says "William Hodge was b. in York Co., Pa., Apr. 1762. While living in Ninety-six District, South Carolina, he enlisted 1778, serving with the South Carolina troops in Capt. John Hayles' company; in 1780 in Capt. John Thompson's company, Col. Farr's regiment; in 1781, joined Gen. Morgan and was in battle of Cowpens, where he was wounded in the shoulder. Later in 1781, in Capt. Jacob Barnett's company, Col. Hampton's regiment and was in battle of Thompson's Fort on the Congoree and battle of Orangeburg; in spring of 1782 was appointed one of Gen. Huger's Life Guard, was again wounded and discharged October 29, 1782. Was allowed pension on application executed Nov. 20, 1832 while living in Madison County, Georgia. He died December 19, 1836. he married march 1790 in South Carolina to Ann Lay/Say. She was allowed pension on her application executed July 24, 1839 while she was living in Madison County, Georgia at age 72. She died May 25, 1840."

In "Historical Sketches of Presbyterian Churches and Early Settlers of Northeast Georgia" (date unknown), the Reverend Groves Harrison Cartledge, a Presbyterian circuit rider, wrote, "Beside William Hodge, who has already been named as one of the elders of New Hope and who afterwards emigrated to Tennessee, there was another William Hodge from North Carolina who later came into the congregation. This latter William Hodge, Esq. married a Saye and was brother-in-law to James Thompson Sr.; and being situated nearer Danielsville than New Hope when Pisgah Church was organized, near where the present town of Danielsville now stands, in 1809 united in the new organization and was one of the first elders.

"Alexander Thompson Jr. was another elder in the new church. In a few years after James Thmpson Sr. and William Hodge, Esq. came into the New Hope colony, their mother-in-law, the widow Saye, with her sons James, William and Richard followed them to Georgia from the Fair Forest congregation in Union County, South Carolina. She was the widow of Richard Saye, who had been killed in battle in September 1779, in the unfortunate assault upon the British works at Savannah, Georgia. Nearly all persons bearing the name Saye, however, left New Hope in a few years, and now Major William H. Saye, grandson of Richard [Richard Saye Sr.] and his second family of children are the only Sayes remaining."

Descendants of William Saye by Ken Parker

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