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A New Economic Model
People Centered Economics – Links and Resources

Womanshare is part of a worldwide movement that is creating new ways of living together based on people's real needs - a movement of cooperation and mutual aid, where caring for others and self-interest come together. These are some organizations and models that practice people centered economics and have inspired us.


Maine Time Dollar Network
The state of Maine’s Time Dollar Exchange. Portland’s Time Dollar program has worked closely with Womanshare and has many similarities.

Time Dollar Institute
A comprehensive site about Time Dollars, including names, addresses, and links to Time Dollar organizations.

Ithaca Hours
An organization in Ithaca, New York using printed community currency.  The site contains a  comprehensive list and links to community currencies.  Sells a Starter Kit.

LETSystem – The Home Page
Information for LETS (Local Economic Trading System), a computer run community currency using “Green Dollars” for trading, invented by Michael Linton. Popular in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and throughout Europe.

Project LETS
Project LETS List aims to identify every local currency system in the world and provide their contact information.

Bernard Lietaer’s Beyond Greed and Scarcity

E. F. Schumacher Society

Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures
Contents from past issues of Yes! Each has sample articles from the journal.

Coop America

Grassroots Economic Organizing Newsletter


Local Currencies and Time Dollars and Money
Cahn and Rowe, Time Dollars, Rodale Press, 1992

Douthwaite, Richard, Short Circuit, Dublin, Ireland, 1996

Greco, Jr., Thomas H., New Money for Healthy Communities, Thomas H. Greco Publisher, 1994, P.O. Box 42663, Tucson, AZ 85733
The first book about benefits and types of local currency

Swann, R (many papers but especially - ) Local Currencies: Catalysts for Sustainable Regional Economies,  E. F. Schumacher Society, Great Barrington, Mass, 1995

Kennedy, Margrit, Interest and Inflation Free Money, New Society Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa, 1995

Soloman, Lewis D., Rethinking Our Centralized Monetary System: The Case for a System of Local Currencies, Praeger, Westport, Conn., 1996

Savdie and Cohen-Mitchell, Local Currencies in Community Development or too much mngwotngwotiki is bad for you, Center for International Education, School of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1997

People Centered Economics

Brandt, Barbara,  Whole Life Economics, New Society Publishers, 1995

Morrison, Roy, Ecological Democracy, South End Press, Boston, Ma, 1995

Henderson, Hazel, The Politics of the Solar Age: Alternatives to Economics, Knowledge Systems, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana, 1988

Henderson, Hazel, Paradigms in Progress: Life Beyond Economics, Knowledge systems, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, 1991

Henderson, Hazel,  Creating Alternative Futures: The End of Economics

Rifkin, Jeremy, The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, NY, 1995

Meeker-Lowery, Susan, Invested in the Common Good, New Society Publishers, 1995

Meeker-Lowery, Susan, Economics as if the Earth Really Mattered, New Society Publishers, Philadelphia, 1988

Korten, David, The Post-Corporate World: Live After Capitalism, co-published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc, and Kumarian Press, Inc., 1999

Waring, Marilyn, If Women Counted, Harper, San Francisco, 1988

Fiffer, Steve and Sharon Sloan, Fifty Ways to Help Your Community: A Handbook for Change, Doubleday, 1994