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Mane Event


By ‘Xevious’ Pat Banks


There once was a head full of hair
That was brushed every day with care.
Then one sunny morn
It was badly torn
And looked as if mauled by a bear.

The Girls went out on a call
To face a creature shaped like a ball.
With more than one eye
All ways it could spy.
It could not be surprised at all.

Blossom tried calmly to sway
For the monster to go away.
That's when she saw
Her hair looked like straw
Thanks to her sisters early that day.

Blossom flew quickly for home.
Her sisters were left all alone.
They tried to fight
With all their might
Until they were worn to the bone.

In the dark the red-head did pout.
With her hair she dare not go out.
Prof sat by her side
And revived her lost pride.
Then she went to rejoin in the bout.

Her sisters were now on the run.
One more blast and they would be done.
When she arrived
a plan was contrived.
She'd defeat it with use of the pun.

She told jokes at a rapid pace.
It laughed at the sight of her face.
Her siblings new
and took the cue.
They blasted it right into space.

Blossom heard sorries soon after the fight,
But she wanted revenge that night.
With a wicked gleam
They were fried with a beam.
After all, that would only be right.