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Powerpuff Limericks


By ‘Xevious’ Pat Banks






Having fun while at lunch was a must
Because the rest of her day was a bust.
When she reached in the sack
She was taken aback.
For her sandwich still had all its crust.

With her siblings hot on her trail
In a cloud she would finally prevail.
Playing hide-and-go-seek
from the top she would peek
hoping to see if her sisters would fail.

Stuffed animals were piled in a stack.
The sheets so carefully pulled back.
She hopped in the bed
Then slapped her forehead.
The hall door was not opened a crack.


She didn’t like kissing at all.
For a boy she never would fall.
If he gave her a cootie
She’d whoop on his booty.
Then on hands and knees he would crawl.

There once was a big hunk of meat.
Facing a foe it never could beat.
A girl dressed in green,
who could act rather mean,
swore she’d never go down to defeat.

In her room she started to pace.
She tried but couldn’t save face.
As her friends all played
In the house she stayed.
It was the price for breaking the vase.


The librarian let out a huge sigh.
The books were stacked a mile high.
All this for one girl
so her mind could unfurl
the answers to all questions of ‘why?’.

On the board she had written with care.
The word given to spell had been ‘share’.
The mistake of her life.
She thought Sonny’s wife.
Then her face turned as red as her hair.

Another nickel just slid in the ranks.
She closed her eyes and gave thanks.
All three were full,
That was no bull.
Oh how she loved to laud over her Banks. ;)