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Eternal thanks to Nic and Ori for wonderful beta. Any remaining screw-ups are all my own.

Not On My Watch II
That's What Trust'll Get'cha


Disclaimer: Mulder, Krycek, Scully, Skinner and Cancer Man belong to CC. Anyone else who appears in this story is mine.


"Guess who?"

Alex lowered himself slowly to his bed and propped himself against the pillows. "Hi. Got your coat off?"

"Nope. Told you I'd call you as soon as I got in the door. I'm taking it off now."

"Have a good flight?"

"I've had better."

"Scully grill you?"

"Like an Omaha steak." Mulder discarded his jacket and dropped it onto the closest chair. "She doesn't usually hound me like that for information. I think she knows something's up."

"Is something up?"

He could hear the leer in Alex's tone. "Shit, yeah. Has been for a while. I started thinking about you on the plane, and I've been hard as stone ever since."

"Wish I was there to take care of that for you."


"How'd you manage to sneak that bad boy past Scully? I don't imagine it's the easiest thing in the world to conceal."

Mulder chuckled softly into the phone. "I don't think she was looking at my crotch."

"I find that hard to believe."


"Come on, Fox. Do you really think she's never checked you out?"

"I have no idea."

An amused laugh crackled over the line. "Let me clue you in, okay? Dana Scully, queen of freeze, is not so cold when it comes to you. I used to watch her watching you when we were partners. There was a whole lotta ass watchin' going on there, let me tell you."

"Alex, Scully's never shown the slightest bit of interest in me."

Alex snorted. "Are you kidding? I suppose you don't know about the thing that old Walt has got for you, either."

"Skinner? You've lost it..."

"I just call em as I see em."

"I think it may be time for some glasses."

"He wants you bad."

"Gimme a break, Alex."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to take my word for to Scully. What'd you tell her?"

"I told her that I was hungry, and I was tired and asked her to please just back off until I'd gotten home and had a little rest. She kept trying, though."

"I thought you were considering telling her the truth?"

"I am. That's why I didn't answer any of her questions. I just needed to hold off long enough to have some quiet time to myself to think about how it is I'm going to do this."

"Well, talking to me isn't helping you think."

Mulder dropped onto his sofa. "Yeah, I know," he sighed, "but neither is this hard-on."

"So, jerk off."

"I'm going to have to, I guess."

"Go ahead."


"You know of a better time? Go on, I'll talk to you while you do."


"Come on, baby. Undo your pants."

Silence greeted his instruction.

"Are you doing it?"


"Good. Touch yourself, Fox..."

Mulder's fingers slipped inside his underwear and brushed the length of his rigid erection. He remained silent for a number of seconds, then whispered into the phone, "Alex?"


"What are you doing?"

"Same thing you're doing."

"You're gonna jerk off with me?"

"Yeah, baby, I am. And I'm going to imagine that it's your hand on me. God, Fox, what I wouldn't give to be with you."

Mulder's hand wrapped around his cock and began to stroke it gently. "I know. I miss you already."

"We'll be together again soon. Keep telling yourself that. And when we are, I'm going to fuck you until you can't scream anymore." He smiled at the soft gasp on the other end. "Would you like that, baby?"

"Shit, know I would."

Alex firmed his grip on his own throbbing erection and began to pump it a little harder. "I sent you a present, Fox."

"A present?"

"Mmm're you doing?"

"A little while longer...what kind of present?"

"It should reach you tomorrow."

"What is it?"

"Just a little something to tide you over."

"You got me curious."

"I'll check with you tomorrow. See if you got it."

"Tell me what it is."

"Nope. Come on, your attention is drifting, and you're screwing me up."

"God, I wish I was screwing you."

"Okay, that's better." Alex closed his eyes and refocused his attention. "I still feel you, you know."

"I know," Mulder breathed into the phone. "I can feel you too. That first time I felt your cock push into my ass, it was like my wildest fantasy come true. Now, fucking you or being fucked by you is pretty much all I can think about."

"It's not a bad thing..."

"I want to be doing it, not thinking about it," Mulder moaned, squeezing his cock with more enthusiasm. "I want you so much, baby, I can taste it."

Alex's respiration deepened, and he increased the speed of his strokes. "Mmmm....I'd like for you to be tasting me. Those fucking gorgeous lips sliding up and down on my cock..."

Mulder's head fell back against the cushions, and he released a harsh breath. "Jesus Christ, Alex."

"You're close now...aren't you?"


"Me too. Come on, baby. Let's bring it home. Come with me..."

Mulder gritted his teeth and jerked himself harder. "God....oh,'s coming..."

"Let...let it come. I'm right there...I'm with you..."

Alex's muffled cry was just the push Mulder needed to put him over the edge. Warm, slick fluid spouted over his fist as loud, sobbing grunts poured from his throat. When he quieted, Alex spoke softly to him.



"Why don't you go get some sleep, now?"

"Yeah...God, I'm going to hate this."


"Sleeping without you. Didn't take me long to get used to having you in bed with me."

"Yeah, I hear you. I haven't been looking forward to tonight either."

"Well," Mulder sighed, tightening his grip on the phone, "better get this over with...goodnight, Alex."

"Goodnight, babe. Call me tomorrow."

"I will."

Reluctantly, Mulder pulled the receiver away from his ear and put it back into the cradle. He sat quietly for a while, staring at nothing in particular, then rose from the sofa, cleaned up a little, and drifted into the kitchen. He walked over to the fridge, knowing damn well that there was nothing in it, but he opened the door anyway and peered inside.

Refrigerator fairy passed you by again.

He closed the door, preferring to pass on the carton of three-week-old milk and two peaches that were just a bit more fuzzy than they should have been. Deciding that sleep was more important to him right now than food, he headed into the bathroom and stripped off his clothes. He let the shower run to warm, then stepped into the tub and drew the curtain closed.

The warm water flowed over his body, soothing and relaxing, and did more than an adequate job of adding to his growing fatigue. He finished washing, dried himself, and slipped into a pair of charcoal gray boxer briefs, and by the time he fell onto the sofa, minutes later, he couldn't even keep his eyes open long enough to watch the news. And despite the fact that Alex Krycek occupied his last conscious thoughts, he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The phone rang three times before the husky monotone answered.

"Mulder?" Scully paced the length of her kitchen, phone in one hand and coffee cup in the other.


"You were asleep?"

"Yeah." There was the brief sound of someone struggling to sit up, then the voice sounded again. "Yeah, I was."

"I'm sorry, Mulder, I never would have dreamed you'd be asleep at this hour."

"What time is it?"



"Are you all right?"

"Uh huh. I guess I was just more tired than I thought."

"Well, you just relax. I'll come by and see you later, okay?"

Mulder closed his eyes and rubbed at one with the tips of two fingers. He knew she wasn't coming by simply to say hello. She was going to try again to press him for answers about his disappearance, and he wasn't ready yet to give any. He had to keep her at bay for another day at least...



"W-would you mind not coming over today?"

"Um...well, I guess not. Mulder, I have to ask you again. Are you sure you're all right?"

"I'm fine, Scully, I promise you. I'd just like to have a whole day to myself, that's all."

"You're not exactly acting like yourself."

"I'm just tired," he protested. "Tomorrow, okay? You can grill me all you want tomorrow."

"Mulder, I don't want you to think that answers are all I'm interested in. I'm worried about you. You were held hostage at that lodge. On top of already being sick, you were beaten and according to the women who were also held there, you were damn close to being raped, for God's sake. Someone came in there, shot up the place and dragged you out. You went missing for days and days...Mulder...that's a hell of a lot for one person to go through. And on top of it all, you won't talk to me about it. How the hell can I not worry?"

"I'm sorry, Scully. I didn't mean to make it sound like answers were all you were after. But please. We'll talk tomorrow...okay?"

A deep sigh sounded in his ear. "All right, Mulder, all right. I won't call you again today. In fact, I won't call you tomorrow, either. I'll wait for you to call me."

Mulder gave his partner a smile she couldn't see. "Thanks, Scully."

"Sure. Okay, well, I gotta go get ready for work. I'll....see you later, I guess."

Mulder listened to the click before setting the phone down. He ran his hands through his hair and looked around.

No stone. No wood. No beautiful view. No crackling fireplace...

No Alex.

"God, this fucking sucks," he mumbled to himself. He rubbed his hands over his face and pushed himself up off of the sofa. He took a quick shower and a trip to the grocery store, and he was back again, choking down a bowl of Trix in front of the television. Halfway through, he set the bowl down on the coffee table, watching the brightly colored puffs soften and release their color into the milk, turning it a sickly shade of gray.

"What the hell ever possessed you to buy this?"

Temporary insanity?

If buying a children's cereal was temporary insanity, then how the hell would Scully term his week with Alex?

Are you sure you want to tell her?

Have to. You owe her the truth.

And Alex was more to him than a dirty little secret he'd keep swept under his rug. He realized that keeping their relationship from people like Skinner was a necessity. But Scully was his best friend, and he wanted her acceptance...or at the very least, her understanding.

"Well, great," he whispered to himself, picking up the half eaten cereal and carrying it to the kitchen. "You know you want to tell you just have to figure out how to tell her."

Sable eyelashes fluttered slowly then lifted. Alex blinked, stretching his long limbs, then froze. His body slumped as he remembered that he was now alone in the bed that he had shared for many nights with the only man he would ever want. He groaned softly and pulled a pillow to his chest.

"Shit. Shit, damn, damn, damn, shit."

Fortunately, there was one bright spot in this otherwise gloomy day. If he couldn't see Mulder or touch him, at least he could talk to him. And as soon as Fox received his little gift, he'd call.

An evil grin lit his face.

And then they'd have a little long distance party.

The words on the screen blurred and turned to an unreadable jumble of letters. Mulder leaned back as far as his chair would tilt and slipped his fingers under his glasses, pressing them into the inside corners of his eyes. He took his hands away and again focused on the screen, reviewing the report he would submit to Skinner about the events leading up to his disappearance. So far as he could recall, it was complete and accurate.

"Now here's where it gets sticky..."

He adjusted his glasses and began to type the intentionally vague part of the report that described his actual disappearance.

As he typed, images of Alex dashed through his mind. So beautiful, standing outside of the cabin with an armload of firewood and the snow falling around him. Sleepy-eyed and tousled first thing in the morning...naked in front of the fireplace with the soft glow of the flames playing over his magnificent body...

Mulder's lips parted and a long, low sigh slipped past them.


Did he say that he'd see Alex in a few weeks? Hell, he wasn't sure he'd be able to last a few days.

He took his glasses off and tossed them onto the desk. The object in the corner of his eye beckoned to him, and he turned to face the phone. One hand slid over the desk and came to rest on the receiver. Just as he was about to pick it up, the doorbell rang.


He pushed away from the desk and went to the door.


"Fed Ex."

An instant smile lit his face. "Ah," he whispered, "the mysterious present." He opened the door and took the package from the delivery man. Scrawling his name on the man's clipboard, he nodded a quick thanks and closed the door.

"Smaller than a breadbox."

He carried the small package over to the sofa and lowered himself to the cushions. Turning the approximately ten inch-long box over in his hands, he tried to guess at its contents.

For Christ's sake, just open it.

He took a deep breath and tore the packaging away, finally making it down to the bare box. He pulled the flap open and let out a loud bark of laughter. "You sick fuck," he mumbled to his absent lover. He withdrew the slim, though very lifelike vibrator from the box, along with a tube of lubricant, and a note. He unfolded the sheet of paper and read aloud.

"A little something to keep you warm until I can fuck you myself. Give me a call, and we can test drive it. Alex."

He drew his fingers over the object, lightly tracing the various ridges, then circled the head, marveling at how real it felt. He closed his eyes and wondered if it would feel so real once it was inside of him.

Christ. Are you really going to do this?

He thought of Alex, hundreds of miles away, encouraging him in that soft, gruff voice while he fucked himself with this thing, and suddenly his cock came to painful attention.

Yeah, I guess you are.


He picked up the phone and dialed.

The solitary figure stood at the window, staring out at the light snowfall. Alex glanced down at his watch, then back out at the sky.

One-fifty. That meant it was almost five there.

It must have come by now. Shit, what if he doesn't like it? What if he's pissed?

Are you kidding? As horny as he is? He'll love it.

Minutes later, his cell phone rang.


"You sick, perverted bastard."

A wide grin curved his lips. "So, you like it?"

The low, lascivious chuckle answered his question and sent a twinge through the length of his cock.

"I'd like it a lot better if there was a gorgeous, six-foot, Green Eyed man at the other end of it, but it'll do in a pinch."

Alex moaned softly. " know how at Christmas you always got battery operated gifts and the gift giver never remembered to include the batteries?"


"I remembered."

Mulder unscrewed the cap and looked inside. "What a guy."

"You're all set."

"You're too good to me, Alex."

"I'll always take care of you, baby. So...did you miss me?"

"Yes, I did. I do. I was thinking earlier, I don't know how the hell I'm going to make it through the next few weeks."

"I know. Listen, babe, let me get this out of the way, then we can talk about more pleasant things. I'm going to be away for about a week starting tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to call you, but you know I'll try."

Mulder pressed his lips together and took a deep breath in through his nose. He held it to the count of three then released it. "A week?"

"Yeah. Don't get worried if I don't call, okay?"

"I'll try not to."

Alex appreciated Mulder's not quite successful attempt to be cool about his news. "Hey."


"Give me something to carry with me for the next week."

"What do you mean?"

Alex's voice sounded softly but clearly. "Let's play with your new toy."



"Just removing a few uh...roadblocks."

"Oh." Alex unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down to his knees then fell down across the sofa.

Mulder lifted the vibrator from its box and stroked it down his cheek and chest. "You should have got one for yourself, too." A soft chuckle, then a faint buzzing sounded in his ear, and he broke into laughter. "I should have known."

"You don't think I was just going to sit here and let you have all the fun."

"I don't know what I was thinking."

Alex unbuttoned his shirt then passed his own vibrator over his chest, pausing at his nipples. The gentle hum drew the flesh into hard peaks. "Where are you?"

"Couch. Licking the head of this thing...wishing it was you..."

Alex's cock jumped in involuntary response. "I was thinking about that last night." He moved the object downward, teasing the tightening muscles of his abdomen.

"What were you thinking about?" The silky voice on the other end sent a warm flush of excitement dancing across Mulder's skin.

"Your mouth...that first night...I watched you." His respiration deepened as his thoughts and the feel of the vibrator moving across his skin worked in unison to take his arousal a couple of notches higher. "You've ruined me, you know."

Mulder knew what Alex was getting at, but he wanted to hear him say the words. "Ruined you?"

"That night you sucked my cock into your mouth, I was all done. I couldn't let anyone else touch me now, even if I wanted to."

Mulder gently rubbed the vibrator over the underside of his cock. He arched slightly at the sensation it created. "But you don't want to."

"No, I don't want to. You're all I want. God, baby, and I want you so much right now. I want to see that beautiful mouth open for me..."

Mulder's head fell back against the arm of the sofa, and he emitted a harsh gasp into the phone.

Alex squirmed on his own couch as he ran his vibrator over the insides of his thighs. "I want to fuck that mouth long and slow..." He grunted softly as he moved the quivering shaft over the fragile skin of his balls. "...and just before I come, pull out and bury myself in your ass." He grinned at the soft whimper on the other end. His lips grazed the mouthpiece of the phone, and he whispered into it. "Baby..."

An equally breathy whisper answered. "What?"

"Let me fuck you."

Mulder reached for the lube, squeezing a generous amount into his shaking palm. As he stroked it on the latex shaft, he sighed into the phone.

"I want this to be you I'm touching."

"Close your eyes, baby. It is me." Alex distributed some lube into his own hand and began to apply it to his cock. "I'm right there with you." He stroked and squeezed himself, moaning his pleasure. "God, it feels so good. You know just the right way to touch me."

Mulder moaned softly, now completely under his lover's spell. "Please, Alex..."

The voice grew softer and even more seductive. "Please what, baby?"

"Fuck me."

"You want me right now?"


"Do you need me?"


"Then let me in."

Mulder shifted onto his back and draped one leg over the back of the sofa while bending the other at the knee. He propped the phone between his ear and a throw pillow, then slowly, he worked the slick object into his ass. When the entire length of it was inside of him, he pulled it back leaving only the head, then turned it on the lowest setting. That done, he worked it back inside, clenching his teeth and digging the fingers of his other hand into the leather cushion.

Alex heard the faint buzz overlaid by a medley of moans and whimpers, and he knew what Mulder was doing. He followed his lover's example, lubing his own vibrator, shifting onto his side and slipping it into himself. He again turned onto his back, wedging the end of the shaft against the seat cushion. Mouthing the words 'oh shit', he then grasped his cock with one hand.

"I feel you, baby...squeezing me..." His hand tightened slightly around his cock. "So warm. So...fucking warm. And tight. God, you feel good."

Mulder moved the vibrator at a slow, even pace as his other hand began to pump his cock. "Fuck me harder, Alex. Please."

"You want it rough, baby?"

Long sigh. "Yeah."

"You want to scream?"


"Tell me."

Mulder shifted back and forth between his hands, almost unable to handle the dual stimulation. He shuddered uncontrollably with the effort it took for him to speak the words. "I want...want you t-to make....God....please, make me scream."

"Like the other morning in the motel room? When I fucked you against the wall?" Not waiting for an answer, he continued, a slight tremor in his voice. "You liked that, didn't you? Having no control. You trusted me enough to let it all go and it felt so...good." He heard a barely-audible 'yes' and smiled, increasing the speed of the strokes on his own cock. "I'm fucking you hard now, baby. Just the way you wanted it good? Talk to me, Fox. Tell me."

Mulder increased the strength of the vibrations and pumped the shaft faster into himself. "Yes, Alex," he choked. "It's so good. So...make me come, baby. Please...please..."

Alex's hand moved quickly over his cock and his breathing grew harsh and uneven. "I'm slamming into you. Oh, God...feel it, baby. I'm so deep...Jesus, come on, Fox. I want to...want to hear it..."

His control completely shattered, Mulder fell into an erratic rhythm, bringing himself closer and closer to the inevitable eruption. The moans and whimpers turned to all-out sobs as his body became an extension of the thing inside him, pulsing and shuddering. He was coming. It wrung all rational thought from his mind as well as all control of his body, and all he could do was ride it out. Warm, opaque fluid gushed over his fist and ran down his quivering ass, forming a slick pool on the black leather cushion. As the roar in his head dulled, he could hear his lover's voice, soft and urgent, begging for his attention.

", please..." Alex squirmed, causing the vibrator to shift inside him, setting off a series of tiny ripples along his nerves. "...oh, God..." He worked his cock vigorously as he approached completion. "Tell...tell me you're mine..."

Mulder lay sprawled over the sofa, gently pulling the vibrator out of himself. He shut it off and returned his full attention to the desperate voice on the other end. "Alex..." he whispered in a small, exhausted voice, then fell silent.

"Tell me," Alex begged, holding his orgasm off with a whip and a chair and clearly suffering for it.

Mulder pressed his lips to the phone and breathed into it, "I'm yours, baby. All yours."

Alex's eyes squeezed shut as did almost every muscle in his body, and he let go, sobbing unintelligible things into the mouthpiece. He continued to pump his cock until he'd milked it of every last drop, then he went suddenly limp. Intermittent shudders coursed through him, and finally, after long seconds, he took a long, stuttering breath.

By now, Mulder had recuperated enough to speak in intelligent sentences.

"I feel like my legs don't belong to me."




Mulder displayed a soft smile. "Need a few more minutes, huh?"

"Mmm hmm."

"Okay, just relax. I'll be here." He barely heard the murmured request.

"Talk to me."

"About what?"

Humor now mingled with the weariness. "Tell me a story."

"Jeez....okay, how's this? Once upon a time, there was a tall, handsome FBI agent who fell...into an unbelievably hot sexual relationship with his worst enemy. They fucked all day and fucked all night and only ever came up for food or a little sleep. The day came when they had to go back to their own worlds, and it was a very sad day, indeed. But one of the pair, wonderful, enterprising son of a bitch that he was, came up with a way that they could still have fun together, even though they were hundreds of miles apart..."

"This story sounds familiar."

"Oh, you're alive?"

"You didn't describe the handsome FBI agent's enemy, though."

"Sorry. He was also tall and handsome. No. Wait. That's wrong."

"He wasn't tall and handsome?"

"Tall, yes. But handsome is too ordinary. And this man was anything but ordinary. Sexy. Hypnotic and wild, and yet, when he slept, or in those few minutes right after he'd finished fucking the FBI agent blind, and he lay drained and motionless, he looked like a child. Innocent. Angelic...

"You watch me?"

The soft question stopped Mulder in the middle of his story. "Does that bother you?"

"No, I just..." Alex gathered the strength to remove his vibrator, groaning softly as he did, then sat up. "I'm just surprised."


"I...I don't know. I guess because I just thought about the times when I went to sleep before you did. I never thought about you lying there, watching me."

"What do you do when I fall asleep before you?"

Alex laughed softly. "Watch you."

"Uh huh."

"Okay, okay. really like my present?"

"Like? I think I'm in love..."


"Seriously, Alex, I'm lying here sticky and exhausted. Yeah, I like it, but it's gonna be damn hard to cuddle with it in bed."

"I know." Before the conversation took too much of a depressing turn, he changed the subject. "Scully bug you today?"

"Nope. She promised me yesterday that she wouldn't, and she hasn't."

"So you've had all day to yourself."


"Have you decided how to tell her?"

"I think I'm as prepared as I'm going to be. Dragged out the Kevlar vest, the whips, the chairs...think I should run out and get a couple of Rottweilers?"

"Couldn't hurt."

"I'd be nuts to think that she isn't going to wig out on me, but when all is said and done, she's a rational, reasonable person..."

"Not when she hears what you've got to tell her."

Mulder sighed, fearing that Alex might be right but hoping for the best anyway. He changed the subject, and they talked for another hour before finally, reluctantly saying goodnight. Once disconnected, he lay quietly for a while, eyes closed, then got up. He cleaned up the sofa and, lifting the vibrator from the coffee table, looked at it and smiled.

"So...honey...what would you like for dinner?"

"Goodnight, sir," Scully called to A.D. Skinner as she passed his open door.

"Agent Scully."

She backed up two steps and came back into her boss's line of sight.

"Yes, sir?"

"Have you spoken to Agent Mulder today?"

"No, but I'm on my way to his place now."

Skinner tucked the file he held under his arm and moved closer. "You'll let me know how he's doing?"

"Of course, sir."


The A.D. nodded curtly. "Thank you. Give him my best."

"I will. Goodnight, sir."

"Goodnight, Scully."

She left him standing in the doorway and moved down the hall and to the elevators. The doors opened, and she stepped into the empty car. Absently pressing the button that would take her to the parking garage, she stood back against the wall and let her thoughts wander to her partner.

For long, agonizing days he'd been gone, and although she had tried to remain optimistic, thoughts of Mulder's demise had crept into her thoughts. Then he'd called, and she had begun to breathe again. But something hadn't been right. As convincing as he'd tried to be, she'd known that he wasn't telling her everything. But he was alive and he was safe, and for the time being, that was all that had really mattered to her.

Now he was home. He'd had time to rest and gather his thoughts, and it was time. She wanted answers. And not the 'I don't remember, I was unconscious, I don't know where I was' bullshit. She wanted real answers. And if it killed her...or him...she was going to get them. Today.

The doors opened, and she stepped off the elevator and strode to her car. Minutes later, she pulled out of the garage and was on her way to what would prove to be the most disturbing conversation of her life.

Mulder looked at his watch for the third time.

Six forty-four.

Scully called him about twenty minutes ago from the road to say that she was on her way. Now he paced the length of his living room, awaiting her arrival. Over and over in his head, he ran through a list of openings, but not a one of them seemed appropriate now. He couldn't beat around the bush anymore; there was no way in hell she was going to stand for it. But coming right out and saying, "Hey, Scully, you know that week I was missing? Well, I was with Alex Krycek, and we fucked each other fifteen ways to Sunday," wasn't going to get it either. There had to be a way...some middle ground. He just needed to find it, and he needed to do it...

He whirled and focused on the knock at the door.

...right now.

Deep breath, Mulder...that's it..

He made his way to the door and paused briefly, hand on the knob. Finally, he swung the door open and looked down into the anxious blue eyes of his partner.

"You look better," she commented by way of a hello. "Not so tired."

Well, you know, when you're not fucking or being fucked four times a day, every day, you're bound to get a little more rest...even if you aren't happy about it.

Mulder stepped aside and allowed Scully to enter. "How was work?" He followed her into the living room where he watched her remove her coat.

"Okay. I've mostly been playing secretary for you. I hope you're real rested, because you've got a stack of call-backs waiting for you when you get in."

Mulder nodded and leaned back against his desk as Scully took a seat on the sofa. "You could have brought them with you."

"None of them said that they're urgent, so..." Scully bowed her head momentarily then looked up directly into Mulder's wary gaze. "Mulder, we've got to talk about what happened out there."

Another nod.

"Well...why don't we start at the beginning? You were sick...Beals did a number on you from what a couple of the hostages said."

"Yeah. It wasn't too bad, though. A few contusions...hurt my ribs. I'm much better now."

"I wish you would have gone to the hospital."

"There's no need. I'm fine."

Scully pitched forward slightly. "Mulder...what else happened up there? The women also said that one of the kidnappers was about to...rape you..."

Mulder's gaze lowered to the floor. "I don't know, I don't...I...there was one who kept alluding to that."

"But he never touched you that you can recall?"


Scully nodded. "Anyway, that's when all the confusion began. The shooting and the appearance of this man. The one who killed all the kidnappers and took you out of the lodge. Under dozens of noses, Mulder. Are you sure you can remember nothing about this man?"

Here it is. Take it away, Mulder, it's all yours.

"Scully..." He raised both hands to waist-level, holding them parallel to each other as though he was measuring something. "...I I told you I remember about my disappearance isn' isn't all true."

Scully wished she could say that she was surprised by her partner's admission, but it came as no shock to her. "I'm sure you realize that I never really thought it was."

"I know."

"And now you're going to tell me what really happened?"

"Yes." Mulder took a seat in the chair across from her and looked her directly in the eyes. "I was unconscious when I was taken from the lodge. I had no idea who had taken me, and when I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I knew I wasn't at the lodge anymore, but...I called for you, but you weren't there..."

"Who was, Mulder?"

Just say it. Tell her and get on with it.

"Alex Krycek."

Scully's eyes widened, and a small gasp escaped her lips. "Krycek?"

"Yeah. He was the one. He..."

"He killed all those men, and then he snuck you out of there?"



"He had a cabin in Oregon. He drove me there. I was pretty sick, Scully. Beals made me lie out in the snow, and it didn't do me a whole lot of good. I was running a fever, and I couldn't keep anything down. He took care of me. He bandaged my ribs...kept me hydrated..." A tiny smile played at his lips. "He made me soup."

Scully stared at Mulder, seeing his mouth move, hearing the words, but she still could not believe her ears. " almost sound...pleased."

"I wasn't...not at first."

A confused frown clouded cerulean eyes. Mulder took a deep breath and continued.

"I was scared, and I was pissed, and confused...and God, I was so sick and in such pain. He fed me, Scully, and he was there holding the bucket while I puked my guts out, I can't tell you how many times. I threatened him. I insulted him. I called him every name in the book, and he stayed cool and focused..."

Scully sat quietly, listening to her partner praise their nemesis.

"I took off on him one day when I was able to move around better. It was snowing like hell, and I snuck out while he was in the kitchen. I didn't take the time to grab a jacket or anything. I just...I bolted out the front door." He displayed a wry smile. "I had no idea where I was at that point or where the hell I was going. I just needed to get away, I needed..."

"Why?" Scully interrupted. "Why then? I mean aside from the fact that this man...your mortal enemy, kidnapped you, why did you feel the overpowering urge to run? What did he do to you?"

The sixty-four thousand dollar question.

"He didn't hurt me," Mulder offered immediately. "He just...he made me face up to some things. Things I've known for some time but was never willing to admit to."

"What things?"

"He made me face some emotions, some...feelings."

She didn't like the turn this conversation seemed to be taking. "What feelings?"

"My feelings for him."

"Your feelings for him," Scully repeated. "You hate him. So what's to face?"

Mulder lowered his head and shook it slowly from side to side.

"Mulder, for God's sake, finish this story."

The golden-brown head lifted, and he again met her gaze. "He went out looking for me. Found me almost unconscious in the shelter of some rocks, and he brought me back. I was frostbitten. Not badly, but...he carried me into the cabin and put me into a bath. He put me back into bed, and...I watched his face. He was so..." Mulder stopped and took a long, slow breath. "I did a lot of thinking. And I came to the conclusion that I didn't want to play the stupid game I'd been playing with him anymore. He took such good care of me, and a couple of days later, when I was feeling better, he handed me his cell phone and directions to the cabin. He left me to make the call to you."

"That's when I heard from you."



Mulder shook his head. "I followed him into the bedroom where he'd disappeared and dropped the phone and the directions on the bed in front of him. I told him I didn't want to go."

"You what?"

He held up a hand. "Scully, please. Just hear me out, okay? I need you to hear it."

Slim fingers dug into the leather cushions of the sofa as Scully waited.

"I...I couldn't leave him, Scully. I didn't want to..."

"Mulder," she whispered, "what did you do?"

"We made love."

The room turned a hazy shade of reddish-black and began to spin. Scully gulped and sputtered, trying to drag much needed air into her lungs.

Mulder leapt from his chair and came to kneel in front of her. "Scully? Scully, are you all right?"

His only answer was a choked wheeze.

He cupped her cheek in his palm. "Come on, Scully, take a deep breath. Breathe..."

"You," she coughed, "you made..."

"Forget about that right now. Just concentrate on breathing."

Scully slapped his hand away and fixed a wild stare on him. "Mulder, me isn't...true."

"I can't. It is true. Alex and I are lovers."

Her breath came back in a rush. She jumped up from the sofa and began to pace. "Are you...are you...insane? This is Alex Krycek we're talking about! How can you sit there and tell me that, the man killed your father! He was with Louis Cardinale when he shot Melissa!"

Mulder lowered his eyes. "I wish I could....I need for you to understand, Scully..."

"Understand? Are you crazy? What is there to understand? The man is a backstabbing, conscienceless killer! And you want me to understand that you fucked him?"

Mulder flinched at his partner's use of the term and the disgust in her voice as she said it.

"This is unbelievably crazy. This is insane even for you." She stopped pacing. "God..." Scully covered her face with her hands and mumbled into them. "Oh, God. Why didn't I..." She uncovered her face and spun to make eye contact. "Mulder...he did something to you. He probably drugged you."


"God, of course. He brainwashed you...a type of chemical brainwashing."

"No, he didn't..."

"He must have! It's the only way to explain this. He broke you down with some type of drug, then he brainwashed you."

Mulder shook his head. "And you're going to tell me that I'm still under chemical influence."

"Not necessarily. He would only need the drug for a short while if it was potent enough. But the thoughts implanted in your head would remain. You're still under his influence. That goddamn son of a bitch."

"'re wrong..."

Scully continued, convinced that she'd found the answer to her partner's behavior. "He's up to something, Mulder. They are."

"So if he'd done something like what you're suggesting, why let me go?"

"Mulder...God knows what else he may have programmed into your brain. There must be a reason that he returned you."

"Scully, listen to me." Mulder raked a hand through his hair. "I have not been brainwashed. I have become Alex's lover by my own choice. Please understand that."

"No, Mulder, no. I can't believe that. Your father is dead. My sister is dead. It could have been was supposed to have been me. He's double-crossed us more times than I can count. He's more than capable of doing this, Mulder, and you know it. Think about it. Think. It's all just a little too convenient, don't you think? He just happened to be in the neighborhood, heard you were having a little trouble with some kidnappers and decided to pop in and see if he could help?"

"N-no, he said he heard the old men talking. They could have intervened, but they'd decided that I was becoming more trouble than I was worth, and they were going to allow me to be killed."

"So he rode in on his white charger and rescued you..."

"It's was a Range Rover, actually."

"Whatever. Mulder, just please think about it. Please come with me. Let me check your blood. Let me run some tests."

"And if you find nothing?"

"It's possible that I won't. There are some drugs that don't stay in the system. Alex Krycek is a rotten bastard, but he's smart. Chances are I won't find anything. But it's a place to start."

"You didn't answer me. What if you don't find anything?"

"Then I'll have to keep at you until I make you see Alex Krycek for who he is. You used to know what a conniving, murdering bastard he is. He's done something to change that, but he won't win." Scully stepped forward and placed a hand on her partner's shoulder. "I won't let him."

"Scully, you're all wrong about this."

"No, Mulder, you are. But it's okay," she said in her most soothing, condescending voice. "We'll fix this. We'll make it right. And we'll get that sadistic slime. Finally, we've got him."

Fear crept into Mulder's tone. "What are you talking about?"

"Mulder," Scully said softly, curving a hand around the back of his neck, "he did more than brainwash you. He raped you."


Scully would not listen. "You were mentally incapacitated and therefore unable to give knowing consent. That's rape."

Mulder's heart began to pound. "Scully...listen to me. Alex did not rape me. I initiated it. I wanted it. I still want it. I miss him. He walked out of my motel room the morning you came to get me, and a big piece of me went with him..."

"Oh, God." Scully shook her head in horror. "Oh, my God. When I find that perverted son of a bitch, I'm going to kill him..."


Scully bit off her next word and gaped at her partner. He spun around and stalked to the other end of the room, then came back to face her.

"When the hell will you ever listen to me, Scully? When will you ever believe anything I have to say? This is exactly what I've told you it is. Nothing more. I haven't been drugged, and I haven't been brainwashed. I was fully aware of every hot, sweaty, screaming second that Alex and I spent together, and I can't wait till I see him again."

Scully raised a shaking hand to her mouth and took a deep breath.

Okay, Dana, hang on. This is getting you nowhere. All you're doing is agitating him. Take a second and regroup.

A few seconds passed, and she raised her eyes to his, then she spoke calmly and softly.

"All right, Mulder. All right. Would you please do me a favor?"

Mulder's eyes dropped shut as he considered her request.


Golden-brown lashes lifted, revealing dark, turbulent eyes. "What do you want from me?"

"Let me run the tests I mentioned."


"Thank you. Now, please. Sit down while I make the arrangements, and then I'd like for us to talk calmly and rationally. Can we do that?"

"I don't know what else we can say, Scully. You'll never see..."

"Mulder, please. Just sit and I'll be with you in a minute."

Scully made her calls and minutes later, joined her partner on the sofa. She took one of his hands in hers and began to speak.

"Mulder, how long have we been partners?"

Mulder rolled his eyes. "Six years."

"Right. And I know that we don't always see eye to eye, but how many times have you told me that I'm the only one you trust?"

"I know that, Scully. But I never said to you that you were the only one I'd ever trust."

"True enough. But the man you apparently trust now does not deserve it. Over the years he hasn't done one decent thing. He's a killer. He's a liar. He's a double-crossing, low-life who would sell his own mother down the river if there was something in it for him. He's loyal to no one but himself. He's using you, Mulder. For what purpose, I don't know. But I'll bet my life that what I'm telling you is right. Can you do the same?"

Mulder stared silently at his partner. He took an unsteady breath then let his gaze drift to a spot on the sofa just to the left of Scully's head. "You weren't there, Scully," he said softly. "You didn' didn't see how he was..."

"He's a hell of an actor," she countered gently. "Remember?"

Mulder's eyes shifted from the sofa to his lap.

"Think about this, Mulder. Think long, and think hard."

No response.

Scully sat quietly for a while, then squeezed the hand that still rested in hers. "We've got an appointment at the lab tonight, after hours. That way we can more than likely avoid seeing Skinner and anybody else who would want to ask questions. Okay?"

Mulder nodded absently.

"All right. I've got to leave for a little while, but I'll be back to get you a little later. You okay?"


"You're sure?"

"I'm all right," he answered hoarsely.

Scully rose from the sofa and picked up her coat. "I'll be back."

Mulder sat staring at his hands until he heard the door open and close. Once Scully was gone, he closed his eyes and folded his hands, squeezing them together to try and stop them from shaking. "She's wrong," he told himself softly. "He couldn't...he couldn't do all the things he did these last few days and not feel anything for me. He couldn't."

Mulder blinked, trying to focus in the near-darkness. Something had roused him from his dream, and he lay there on the sofa, listening.

It came again. The knock on his door.

He hauled himself to his feet and trudged over to the entrance. "Yeah?"

"Mulder, it's me."

He opened the door and trained a sleepy gaze on his partner. Scully stood before him holding a thin folder and wearing a determined expression on her face. "You were asleep?"

"Yeah, I...what time is it?"

"Seven o'clock."

"I didn't sleep very well last night. I guess I just passed out."

Scully entered and turned to face him once she reached the middle of the living room.

"Those the results?"



"I could find nothing out of the ordinary. But as I said, Mulder, I didn't really expect that I would."

Mulder nodded and moved past her.

"Why didn't you sleep last night?"

He stopped at the windows behind his desk, and, looking down at the street instead of his partner, shrugged. "Just...thinking."

Hope surged. "About what I said?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"

He turned to face her. "You know, I'd really rather not. Not right now, okay?"

"Okay." She placed the folder on the coffee table and backed up, thinking the best thing to do now would be to just leave and let him work it out. Yesterday, he'd been adamant about his trust in Alex Krycek, and now she could see hesitation. He was beginning to question himself. This was good. Apparently, whatever Krycek had done to him could be undone. She'd give him tonight and then talk to him again tomorrow. "I'll leave you alone now."

"Thank you."

Scully moved to the door then stopped. "Mulder."


"It's going to be okay."

He watched the petite woman disappear into the hall, closing the door softly behind her, then he turned back to the window and stared out into the darkness.

Alex paced the length of his motel room, waiting until the appropriate time to make his call. He couldn't be exactly sure if Mulder had gone back to work, but knowing his stubborn lover, he'd probably gone back the day after they last spoke. And, if that was the case, he wouldn't be home yet.

His thoughts drifted to the conversation that Mulder was supposed to have with Scully.

Must have been damn tough on you, baby. Rigid little bitch that she is...

He could see her now. In her stiff little suit, crossing her arms over her chest, glaring at Mulder and reminding him of every rotten thing he had ever done to them and expecting him to be a good little doobie and obey her command to knock it the fuck off.

Boy, are you in for a surprise, little girl.

Two more hours passed, and he decided that he'd waited long enough. He snatched up the phone and punched in Mulder's number. The phone rang three times before it was picked up, and he heard the soft hello. His heart swelled at the sound of his lover's voice, and he smiled into the phone.

"Hey baby. Guess who?"

The low, smoky voice rattled Mulder's nerves, and he practically fell back onto the sofa. "Alex."

"Good guess." He inhaled deeply then released it slowly. "I've missed you." When he received no response, a deep frown creased his brow. "Fox? You there?"


"Baby, what's up? You don't sound right. Are you feeling all right?"

"I'm okay."

"You don't sound okay." Suddenly, light dawned. "Fox...did you talk to Scully about us?"


"That's what's bothering you, isn't it? It didn't go very well, I gather."

"Y-you could say that."

"What happened?"

There was a long silence, and when Alex had had just about all he could take, Mulder's voice sounded again. "Alex, what do you want with me?"


"What do you want with me?"

Shit. That motherfuckin' bitch...

"You know what I want, Fox. I've told you. I've shown you."

More silence.

"Has she said something to make you doubt me?"

"She just...she reminded me of who it was I was talking about."

"Had you ever forgotten?"

"N-no. But I think it got pushed aside."

"Why would you do that?"

"Did I?"

"You're losing me..."

"Did I push it aside, Alex, or did you do it for me?"

"Fox, what the hell are talking about?"

"I don't know, I don't...I'm so damn confused."

Alex gripped the phone so tightly his knuckles began to whiten. "About what?"

"Everything. The time we spent together, it felt so right. So real."

"It was real."

"All the things you've done in the past...those things are real, too."

"Fox, the way I've gone about things may not always have been the best way...I make no excuses for myself. But my end goal is the same is yours. It may not always have been, but I was naive and impressionable, and the people I worked for had me convinced that what I did, I did for some noble purpose. I know what bullshit that is now, and I'm working to fix it. You know that. I've told you that."

"Yeah. I know what you've told me. But how do I know that what you say is true? What reason do I really have to believe you?"

Alex picked up the phone and paced as far as the cord would allow him to. "Do you think that the time we spent together was a lie? Can you recall one minute of the time we spent in that cabin where I gave you an instant of doubt?" He barely heard Mulder's whispered 'no'. "Then, why?"


"Fox, you said you trusted me."

"I know." Mulder squeezed his eyes shut. "I did."

"You did."

"I want to," Mulder interjected quickly. "God, Alex, I want to. It's just that..."

"It's just that what?" The agitation was beginning to show in his tone. "That you went back home and Saint Scully made you see the error of your ways?"

"She doesn't want to see me hurt. She cares about me."

"And I don't?" He was yelling, now, the irritation turning to flat out anger.

"I didn't say that..."

"Not in those exact words, no. But it's what you meant. I can't believe this." He paced faster, his respiration now coming in short, uneven bursts. "I can't fucking believe this. I didn't think she could get to you," he ranted. "I was so sure. You hear that, Fox? I was sure. I trusted you." He emitted a short, harsh laugh. "And look what it got me."

"Alex, don't," Mulder pleaded softly. "I''s not easy..."

"Sure it is," Alex snapped. "You either trust me or you don't. You don't. I'm just a moment's insanity to you. The dirty, scum-sucking piece of shit you've always known me to be. Somehow I managed to finesse you into bed, and you hate yourself for it. And you can't understand it. Well, keep talking to Scully, Mulder. Together, I'm sure you'll concoct a plausible explanation for why it is we spent days fucking each other senseless and why we woke up every morning wrapped around each we were actually happy."

Mulder flinched at Alex's words, and a dull throbbing pain began to radiate throughout his entire body. "Alex..."

The voice on the other end cut him off. "Krycek."

"Alex...please. My head is spinning. Can I just...I just need a little time."

"What for? What's time going to change? If the week we spent together didn't do it for you, no amount of time in the world is going to help. You'll always be suspicious of me. You'll always doubt my actions, and that's not what I need. I don't need it. And consequently, I don't need you."

"Alex," Mulder begged softly, "please. Don't do this."

"I didn't do it," he said flatly. "You did."

"Alex? Alex." He whispered to the one who was no longer there. "Alex, please talk to me." Finally admitting to himself that the connection had been broken, he pressed 'end' and dropped the phone onto the table. He stared at the phone for long moments, then leaned back against the cushions and stared despondently into the darkness.

The man shut off the recorder and removed his headphones. Quietly, he packed up his equipment and slipped out into the night.


Three weeks later

Mulder drove in silence, moving with the stop and go traffic. Dull eyes focused on the road and avoided the blue stare to his right.

"Mulder...Mulder. You haven't said a word in two hours. What are you thinking about?"


Scully sighed and looked out the window. "You said it was done. You said you were glad."

"It is...I am."

"Yet, you look like that. It's been three weeks, and I haven't seen the slightest bit of improvement in you. If anything, you're more withdrawn than I've ever seen you. Why are you lying to me?"

Mulder slammed his hand against the steering wheel, startling his partner into silence.

"Because I'm sick of talking about it! I don't want to hear it anymore! It's over, Scully. Aren't you happy with that? Why do need to know the grisly details? Why do you need to hear about..."

"Hear about what?" she asked cautiously.

"Nothing. It's finished. Leave it alone."

Alex squinted through the haze of blue-gray smoke at the man who sat behind the immense maple desk. "I heard you wanted to see me."

"Yes, Alex. You're a hard man to track down. Where have you been?"

"Here and there."

"What have you been up to?"

"This and that."

"Not in a very jovial mood this morning. Have you not had your coffee yet?"

"What the fuck do you want?" He watched the tip of the cigarette flare red then fade to nothing as its owner pushed it into the ashtray. The man withdrew another and lit up before he answered.

"I'm sure you must have heard some buzz about what happened a little over a month ago in the Olympic Mountains."

Green eyes remained as hard and cold as ice. "No."

"No? A man with your remarkable sense of hearing? I find that difficult to believe."

The leather-covered shoulders shrugged in indifference.

"Well. Allow me to recap for you. Our friend Agent Mulder was caught in a very dangerous hostage situation at an abandoned ski lodge. He would have surely died along with a handful of civilians had it not been for the amazing efforts of a single, unidentified man."


"This man single-handedly killed every one of the kidnappers and took the unconscious and wounded Agent Mulder away to safety."

"Again, I say, and?"

"Quite resourceful, this man. Slippery, too. He disappeared without a trace." The fleshy red lips curled into what passed for a smile. "Better watch your back, Alex. This man sounds like he could actually give you a run for your money."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It simply means that I wonder if even you could pull off such a stunt."

Alex ignored the obvious dig. "You still haven't told me what it is you want."

"No, I haven't, have I? All right, Alex. I'll tell you this. We aren't especially happy to have Mulder in our hair. He's becoming more of a nuisance than we anticipated."

Alex tossed him a soft, bitter laugh. "Whatsa matter? Getting a little too old to keep two steps ahead of him?"

"If that's the way you'd like to look at it. We had hoped that it would end there, up in that lodge, but this man, this...unknown factor ruined that. We have come to the conclusion that we must take action ourselves."

Alex's heart began to thrash within his chest. Outwardly, he remained cool and detached. "So?"

"So, you're our man."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the best. We don't need any foul-ups, and we know what a perfectionist you are."

"Cut it out, I'm getting misty."

The second cigarette was snuffed out. "It's been arranged. Our unsuspecting agents will be lured to the old saw mill in Dumfries. You will be there to see that they never return. We will give you one man as backup."

"You think I'm so damn good, yet you give me backup."

" can never take too many precautions."


"Tomorrow night. Be there no later than ten."

"Fine. That it?"

"Yes, Alex. Thank you for your help."

Without another word, Alex turned and sauntered out of the room.

The smoker watched on the closed-circuit television as the man who had just left his office left the building and drove from sight. He lit up another cigarette and pressed one of the many buttons hidden under his desk. Minutes later, a single man entered.

"Is he going to do it?"

"He agreed, yes."

"But you're not sure."

"Mr. Wallace, there is no such thing as a sure thing."

"You heard the tape. He trashed the room afterward, I heard him. He was royally pissed, and Alex Krycek does not strike me as the type of man who much appreciates being betrayed. You know, one of those can dish-it-out-but-can't-take-it kind of guys. I think he'll do it."

"I hope you're right. But Alex has always been a wild card. He can't be completely trusted."

"Then why do you continue to employ him?"

"Because we need him. He's got the most devious mind I have ever had the privilege to know. We do our best to keep an eye on him."

"But your best isn't always good enough, is it?"

"No. I know it's a dangerous game we play, but frankly, it would be more dangerous not to have him in the group."

The other man shrugged. "You know best."

"Yes. I do." He took a long drag then slowly blew it out. "Make sure he does it."

"And if he doesn't?"

"That's why you're the backup."

"Do you want me to kill him too?"

"Only if absolutely necessary. You may go now."

The man nodded and left the same way he came.

Alone again, the smoker pressed yet another button.

"And now, to back up the backup."

Alex burst through the door of his apartment and slammed it behind him.

They knew.


He paced like a mad man, wracking his brains to try and come up with a plan.

The smoking son of a bitch was sending another man with him not to back him up, but to insure that he did what he'd been sent to do.

"Fuck. What am I going to do, what the hell am I going to do..."

He dropped down onto the sofa and covered his eyes. "Fox," he whispered softly into his hands.

In the three weeks since he'd hung up on Mulder, he'd spent every day tormenting himself with thoughts of the two of them together, wrapped in each other's arms in front of the fire...walking hand in hand in the snow...rattling the windows with their intense lovemaking...

He thought of those moments now, and his heart ached. How could he? How could Mulder not trust him after the time they'd spent together? He'd proven himself...or so Mulder had led him to believe, and he had been so confident that Scully wouldn't be able to sway him.


Wrong, wrong, fucking wrong.

He pushed the magazines off of the coffee table with a violent kick of his foot.

Now, her, he'd like to shoot. But not Mulder. Not Fox. No matter how hurt he was, the truth was inescapable. They might never spend another night together. They might never say another word, but it would not change the facts. Alex loved him.

Loved him?

What the fuck are you thinking?

He leapt to his feet and began to pace again. "Knock it off. Just knock it off. You don't need to be thinking thoughts like that. You got a problem here, and that kind of shit is only going to fuck up your head.

"Okay, deep breaths, Alex.. Forget all this mushy bullshit and concentrate."

He threw himself back down onto the sofa and focused on the problem at hand.

"Morning, Mulder."


Scully entered the office and closed the door behind her. "You could at least look at me when you say that."

Mulder looked up into the slightly irritated face.

"Gee, that's better." She removed her coat and threw it over a hook. "What are you reading?"

"It was on my desk when I came in. You know the old saw mill in Dumfries?"

"The one where that bad fire happened about two years ago?"

"Yeah. This says for me to be there at eleven tonight if I want to see something that might be of tremendous importance to my work."

Scully approached and took the message from Mulder. "No idea where it came from?"


"And you're thinking of going?"

"I wouldn't ordinarily, but there's something about this note. Not so much the note, can't explain it. It's just a feeling I have."

"So we're going to either go on a wild goose chase or walk into a potentially dangerous situation because of a feeling you have..."

Mulder snatched the note back. "You don't have to come, Scully. I know how little you trust my judgment. I'll let you know what I find."

"Mulder...I'm not going to let you walk into this place alone."

"I'll be fine, Scully. I don't need you to hold my hand."

"That's not what I meant. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm coming with you, okay?"


Scully turned away and rolled her eyes into her head.

This was driving her nuts. He said he was through with Krycek, yet all he did was mope. Whatever Krycek had done to him, he did a damn good job. God, she wanted to kill that bastard...

Nine fifty-two.

Alex walked through the building, surveying the dark room. The voice behind him grated on his already jagged nerves.

"They'll be here in about an hour."

"I know that."

"So what d'you think?"

"About what?"

"About killing him."

Alex maintained his cool exterior. "Just another job."



"I'm surprised to hear you say that, Krycek."


"You two have locked horns for years. And you've always been under direct order not to kill him. Now, you've got your chance."

No answer.

The other man gave him a sly look. "Kinda too bad, actually."

Alex turned and fixed a glacial stare on him. "Yeah? Why's that?"

He'd heard about it. He'd been warned against pushing Alex Krycek's buttons, but he'd always been a risk taker...

"It's no secret that you go both ways." He shrugged. "Me too."

"Good for you."

"He's handsome."



Alex turned slowly and took a couple of steps in the other direction.

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed."


"His little partner is pretty hot, too. know what we should do? We should have us a little party before we off them."


"Come on, Krycek. Wouldn't you love to pay him back? Humiliate him a little before you kill him? Think about it. The great Fox Mulder. On his knees in a filthy, burned out building, sucking you off." He couldn't see well enough in the dark to notice the way Alex's jaw repeatedly tightened and relaxed. "I could fuck the chick while you did him, then we could switch. Goddamn, I'd love to feel that mouth around me. Then..." He made a soft popping sound with his mouth.

It took every ounce of strength Alex had not to turn around and fill this asshole full of lead. Instead, he spoke calmly and softly. "I'm not here to have fun. I'm here to do a job."

"Jeez, they were right about you. You've got no sense of humor whatsoever."

Alex ignored the comment and sat back against some crates in a dark corner of the room.

"Do you ever smile or laugh, Krycek?"

"Do me a favor, okay, and just shut the fuck up. You're starting to give me a headache."

"Hey, fine, okay." The other man checked his watch and walked away, mumbling under his breath, "Fucking prick."

Apparently, he'd heard about Alex's lack of humor but not about his remarkable hearing.

The Ford Contour pulled up to the dark building and idled to a stop. Both agents pulled their flashlights and weapons out as they got out of the car and headed for the door. Checking out their immediate surroundings first, Mulder pushed at the door, and it swung open on squeaky hinges. Cautiously they entered the building. Four steps in, a soft, anxious voice sounded.

"Agent Mulder? Thank God. I didn't think you'd come."

Mulder turned his flashlight in the direction of the voice. A man squinted in the glare and held his hand up in an attempt to shield his eyes.

"Are you the one who sent the note?"


"Who are you?" Scully asked, also training her flashlight and weapon on the man.

"Darryl Clark. I'm a geologist at the university. I've come across something very disturbing, and I need your help."

"What is it?"

"It's in a crate at the back of the room. I hid it in with the rest of the crates." He turned and started toward the pile. "I didn't know what to make of it, then someone I know told me about you and your work in this field. I don't mind telling you both that I'm just a little terrified. I had a visit yesterday by a couple of men. They wanted to know where the item was, and I had to do some creative storytelling to get them off my back. Only I don't think that I have."

"Mr. Clark, can you describe these men?"

"Well," the man began as he pulled a crate forward and started to open it. "One of them was old...wrinkled. Chain smoker from what I could tell..."

The agents exchanged knowing glances.

"The other was young." He motioned toward the now open box and continued talking as the two approached. "Good looking." He stepped away from the crate, and immediately after, the distinct click of a hammer being cocked echoed in the stillness. The agents spun in the direction of the sound, and Scully felt the butt of a gun being pressed to her neck. "Drop your weapons," the man said, "or I'll put her away."

The guns and flashlights clattered to the floor, then the gunman pointed his own flashlight at the chest of the man who they were now facing.

"Krycek." The word left Scully's lips in a sharp hiss.

Mulder stared in shocked silence.

"Hey, Scully," Alex said in a syrupy-sweet tone. His eyes flicked to the man beside her, and a riot of emotions churned in his dark eyes. He looked away quickly for fear that the other man would notice.

"What the hell is this all about, Krycek?"

He fixed a cold stare on the woman who stood beside Mulder. He shrugged nonchalantly. "It's about you, me, and a couple of bullets with your names on them."

Scully turned nervous eyes to her partner, but he did not return the look. He continued to stand silently, staring intently at the man before him. The coarse voice drew Scully's attention back.

"You've become more than a minor nuisance to the people I work for. So they've asked me to remove you."

Scully glared at the man she hated more than any twenty people she'd ever known in her life, then turned her gaze to Mulder, whispering harshly, "I told you he was filth."

Alex's body tightened.

So she had been at the bottom of this shit. God, how he itched to shoot her...

"Hey, Krycek."


The other man skimmed Scully's cheek with the barrel of his gun. "If you won't let me fuck 'em, at least let me kill one of them."

Again, Alex's eyes flicked to Mulder's, then fell away. "Okay," he said, motioning for the other man to stand beside him. "You can have Red." His eyes rose again to meet Mulder's, and he forced them to stay there. He slowly raised the gun and aimed it point blank at Mulder's head. "He's mine." He blinked and swallowed down the huge lump that had formed in his throat as he watched a bright gleam coat one hazel eye. "Close your eyes," he instructed softly. "Both of you."

Neither agent flinched.

"Do it!" he barked, startling Scully into compliance. He watched as her body visibly trembled and she pressed her lips together in an effort to keep silent. He looked to Mulder, who was still staring at him. "Fine," he said more to himself than to the man in front of him. He glanced at the man to his left. "On three. Ready? One...two...

A muffled shout sounded, and the man fell to the floor in a puddle of quickly accumulating blood. Scully screamed at the sound, and her eyes flew open, expecting to see her partner at her feet, but she was shocked to find the man who had held his gun to her neck. Before either she or Mulder could react, there was a simultaneous flash and gunshot from above, and Alex fell beside the man he had shot.

An anguished roar tumbled from Mulder's lips, and he dove for Alex's weapon. He fired blindly in the direction from which the shot had come and, by some miracle, dropped the shooter. As soon as the body had fallen from the catwalk, Scully snatched up her gun and flashlight and ran over to investigate.

"He's dead," she called from the other end of the room, then dashed back over to her partner, who had since cradled Alex in his arms and had pressed his hand over the unconscious man's wound.

"He's been hit just below his shoulder," he said with a calm he did not feel. "We gotta get him out of here."

Scully investigated the wound, then turned wide eyes to Mulder. "He shot that man?"



"Scully, can we please talk about this later? He needs help and he needs it right now."

As quickly as they could, they loaded Alex into the back seat of the car and left the area. At Mulder's direction, Scully drove to a house that was relatively nearby. As it turned out, the house belonged to a veterinarian friend of his who also happened to be a MUFON member. The man welcomed them in without question, and fifteen minutes later, when Alex was sedated, Scully removed the bullet. They patched him up, the vet gave them the appropriate medications, and three hours later, they were back on the road.

Next stop, the home of a pilot friend.

Scully moved along quietly, following her partner's lead. Before she knew it, they were on a plane, and finally she'd gathered her thoughts enough to start asking questions.

"Mulder...where the hell are we going?"

Mulder sat stroking the damp forehead of the man who lay across the seats. "Oregon. His cabin. It's safe there."

"I don't...I don't understand, Mulder. Why did he shoot that man and not us?"

"He never intended to kill us, Scully. They've wanted me dead ever since Washington. They probably decided that they had to do it themselves, and the only way he could stop it was to become part of it." He lay his head down next to Alex's and pressed their foreheads together. "He was so upset with me that day. He hung up on me, and I didn't think he'd ever have anything to do with me again." He petted the sable head. "And still, he was looking out for me." Mulder lifted his head and focused a glazed, amber-flecked gaze on her. "You were all wrong, Scully. There's nothing you can say to me that will ever make me doubt him again." He scattered a handful of kisses across the unconscious man's face, then again lay his head on the seat.

Scully watched in silence for a few minutes, then turned weary eyes toward the window and the lightening sky.

A soft, pained sigh wafted up from the bed, drawing the attention of the one who dozed in the chair not more than three feet away.


The occupant of the chair watched as impossibly thick, sable lashes fluttered then lifted.


Alex felt the gentle depression of the mattress on which he rested and fought to focus on the face that now hovered above him.

"Krycek, can you hear me?"

"Where am I?"

"Your cabin."

"Why are you here?"

Scully took his vitals then shone a tiny light into his eyes, much to his irritation. "That's what I'm asking myself," she muttered, then rose from the bed. "You're going to be fine."

"I was shot."

"Yeah. Apparently, your employers added someone else to the party without telling you. Guess they didn't trust you."

Alex closed his eyes. "Hey, nobody does." He paused for a moment, then his eyes flew open again.


"Scully..." His eyes searched for the woman but found another face. Tired, gold-flecked eyes met his, and he looked away.


The distressed monotone jangled his nerves and tore at his heart, and all at once, all he wanted to do was wrap himself around this man and never let go.


He turned in the direction of the small red-head by the door who was giving her partner a warning look, and some of the anger returned.

"...why don't we let him get some rest, okay?"

If he hadn't looked away, he wouldn't have missed the returned glare.

Mulder stepped forward and touched a spot on the blanket very near Alex's hand. "Is there anything you want?"

Shit, yeah, there's plenty that I want. I want you to lie down here with me. I want you to wrap your arms around me and tell me that you're mine. I want to beat the shit out of you for letting her come between us...I want to fucking slit her throat...I want to go back a month to the time when we were here alone. I want to tell you to get the fuck out of my house and mean it. I want you to love me the way I love you...


"Nothing at all?"

Alex turned onto his side, facing away from Mulder and closing his eyes. "I don't want anything," he rasped.

"Mulder, come on," Scully beckoned.

Obviously unwelcome here in the bedroom, Mulder saw no choice but to leave. He followed Scully out the door, leaving Alex alone. Once in the living room, he turned to her, struggling to keep his anger in check.

"Does he require care that only you can give him?"

"N-no, I don't think so. No major damage was done. All he needs is rest and meds..."

"Then you should go home."

"What about you?"

"I'm staying."


"Mulder, what? Do you still think that he did what you accused him of?"

"I don't know."

"He got shot protecting us, Scully. I won't doubt him again."

"Mulder, it's dangerous to trust him."

"That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. If you feel you can't live with my decision, then please, by all means do what you feel you have to. Go to Skinner, request a transfer...whatever. But I will not turn away from him."

"Well." Scully's fingers tapped erratically on the cushion of a chair. "I see your brainwashed mind is made up."

"Knock it off, Scully."

"Fine. I'm done being your safety net. Get me out of here."

Mulder snatched his phone out of his pocket and dialed information, then the airport. Minutes later, he threw the phone down and cursed.

"Son of a bitch."


"There's a big storm moving in, and they've closed the airport." He glared at his partner. "I guess you're stuck."

Scully spun away and stalked toward the window. "That's wonderful. That's just great." She turned back, hearing the rustle of material. "Where are you going?"

Mulder finished pulling on his jacket before he spoke. "If we're going to be snowed in for a few days, we're going to need some supplies."

Without another word, he walked toward the bedroom. Cautiously, he approached the doorway and looked in on the man on the bed. He was asleep, or so it seemed until Mulder sat carefully beside him and began to gently stroke his hair. Green eyes opened halfway, then Alex shifted slightly, moving away from the other man's touch. Mulder dropped his hand and spoke softly.

"A storm is coming in. I'm going to go out for some food and stuff. Scully will be here if you need anything." He gave Alex a weak smile. "She hates you, but she's a doctor before anything else."

The eyes closed again, and Alex said nothing. Mulder lowered his head then rose to his feet.

"I'll be back in a while."

When Mulder's presence could no longer be felt, Alex opened his eyes and looked toward the door.

Be careful, baby.

A light snow started to fall, covering the ground at a leisurely pace.

Scully stood at the window, watching the tiny crystals flutter to earth and found herself beginning to worry. Mulder had been gone approximately forty-five minutes, and she hoped he would make it back before the snow turned heavy.

She thought back to the last month. It hadn't been fun, that was for sure. She and Mulder had had disagreements before...arguments even, but nothing like this. He was so fixated on Krycek that nothing she did or said could get through to him...unless it was to anger him.

She heaved a long sigh.

Regardless of what they were going through right matter how pissed she was with the situation, one thing wouldn't change. Her feelings for that stubborn bastard. Hell, she wouldn't be so furious with him if she didn't care. But he couldn't see that right now. All he could see was that dirty, back-stabbing...

She turned around quickly, sensing that she was no longer alone. Alex stood at the other end of the room, studying her intently.

"What are you doing up?"

"Tired of being in bed." He moved into the room and took a seat in one of the chairs by the fireplace. "'re stuck here, huh?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, though, the second I'm able to leave, I'm out of here."

"I'm not kicking you much as I'd like to..."

An icy blue stare greeted his words. "We both know why I hate you, Krycek, but what have you got against me, exactly?"

"Are you kidding?" Alex cocked his head curiously. "You fucked everything up."

"What? Your plan to take Mulder down?"

Alex shook his head. "Think you rescued him, don't you?"

"I'm trying."

"Has it ever occurred to you, Scully, that he doesn't need rescuing?"

"That's his feeling on the matter. But you did something to him to make him think that. I know you did."

He gave her lopsided grin. "Yeah, I did plenty to him. Just not anything you think." Scully turned away, but now that he was speaking his mind, he wouldn't quit. "It drives you crazy, doesn't it? Doesn't it, Scully? You think about the time we spent here alone together, and you can't stand it. You hate that he wants me and not you."

"I don't think of him that way," she snapped.

"What am I, stupid? You want him bad. You'd jump him in a second if he gave you the slightest bit of encouragement. But he won't. He's wanted me for years. And I've wanted him..."

"Yeah? Then what's the deal with not talking to him? Is this some kind of game you're playing? Are you just messing with his head...trying to make him crawl to you..."

"He hurt me," Alex spat. "He told me he trusted me, then as soon as you started in on him, he began to have doubts."

"Tells you something, doesn't it?"

"Tells me you're a relentless little bitch who's taking advantage of her friend's love and trust."

"I should have let you bleed to death."

"Oh, yeah, that would have gone over real big with him. Face it, Scully, you're in a lose/lose situation. Make the best of it. Accept his feelings. Treat him like a thinking human being for once."

"And watch you tear him apart?"

"I'm not going to do that. Yeah, I'm pissed with him right now...what happened aggravates the shit out of me. But I saw his face in the mill and in the bedroom. He's sorry he doubted me. He wants to work it out. So do I. I'm still mad, but I'll get over it. How could I look into those eyes and not get over it?"

Scully spun back to face him. "Gosh, Krycek, that's sweet. And Mulder may believe that bullshit, but I don't."

"You don't have to. I really couldn't give a shit less. Just back off. Don't get between us again."

"Is that a threat?"

One corner of his mouth twitched upward. "I don't make threats."

"Oh, you'll just up and kill me?"

"As tempting as that sounds, it wouldn't make Fox happy."

Scully cringed at Alex's mention of Mulder's first name. "Very thoughtful of you."

Alex rose from the chair and walked away slowly. "Just leave us alone, Scully," he called softly. "Let Fox be happy."

"Happiness is more than a good fuck," she tossed back as he disappeared back into the bedroom.

He poked his head back out into the room and grinned at her. "Aww, Scully. But I'm so good." He blew her a kiss and again vanished from her sight.

A wall of white now passed before the window and still, no sign of Mulder. Scully paced, feeling more and more uneasy. He'd been gone for two hours now, and though she had no idea how far he had to go, she thought he'd really been gone long enough. As much as she hated to, she walked into the bedroom and stood over the sleeping man.


Alex awoke with a start and sat up quickly, blinking. "What?"

"How far did he have to go?"


"Mulder. How far did he have to go?"

"About twenty-five miles round trip."

"Well, don't you think he should have been back by now?"

"How long has he been gone?"

"Two hours. And it's snowing harder."

"That's not so unreasonable. That store is the closest one around here; there are probably tons of people in there. And if it's snowing harder, he's got to drive slower."

"Are you sure?"

He studied the doubtful expression on her face. "Yeah, I'm sure. What d'you think, Scully? You think I planned all this? Getting shot...coming here...the think I've got a pact with mother nature to trap him out there in a raging storm...hey...maybe I drained the gas tank so that he'd run out halfway there..."

"God, I really hate you."

"Don't hold back, Scully, tell me how you really feel."

"Fuck you."

"Does your mother know you swear like that?"

Scully stormed out of the room, leaving Alex smiling and immensely pleased with himself. He chuckled softly, deciding that tormenting her was much more fun than killing her.

Sliding off the bed, he walked over to the window and pulled the curtains aside. It was snowing harder. Very hard, in fact, and he began to feel a little of the anxiety that Scully had displayed.

"Come on, Fox," he whispered. "At least call Scully so we know you're all right."

Coming up on three hours, both occupants of the house sat in the living room, an unspoken, uneasy truce called between them. The sound of the door opening had them up and out of their chairs instantly.

"Mulder, where the hell have you been?"

The snow-covered man shot his partner an impatient look. "Disney World. Didn't you get my postcard?" He looked past her to the man who stood a few feet away. Their eyes locked for a moment, then he set the box he'd been carrying on the coffee table. "I got a few more boxes to get from the truck."

When all the supplies were now transferred into the cabin, Alex and Scully began unpacking the boxes while Mulder went into the bathroom to change. Minutes later, he was back, watching from the doorway as Alex worked silently, pulling items from the boxes with one hand while he cradled the other against his chest. Mulder walked quietly over to him and pulled a box of candles from his hand.

"I can do this," he said softly. "Why don't you go sit down?" Not waiting for a response, he took over, stacking and storing the items.

Scully watched from a corner of the kitchen, her irritation growing as Alex moved in behind Mulder and slid his hand up the long back. Mulder paused then turned and faced the younger man, searching repentant eyes. Scully's hands tightened around the can of string beans she held as right before her eyes, her partner fell under the serpent's spell.

"I'm sorry," Alex whispered as he curled his fingers in the front of Mulder's shirt.

Mulder shook his head and dropped the loaf of bread onto the counter, then wrapped Alex gently in his arms. "This was all my fault," he argued. "I should have trusted you, I should have..."

His remaining words died in his throat as Alex's mouth covered his. The moan he emitted was just barely audible, yet it echoed in the ears of the woman who stood frozen with anger.

"I missed you, baby," Mulder breathed between kisses. Alex nodded and opened his mouth, inviting his lover inside.

Scully watched Mulder's tongue disappear into the other man's mouth and decided she'd had all she could take. She stomped from the room, completely unnoticed by the two who were currently trying to swallow each other whole.

After long minutes, Mulder broke the kiss and pulled Alex into a tender embrace. Scattering soft kisses in the sable hair, he murmured, "I was never so scared in all my life as when I saw that bullet drop you." He pulled away and gently passed a hand over the area. "How does it feel?"

Alex shrugged, rubbing their noses together. "Sore, but not bad."

"Well, come on. You've done enough for now. I want you to rest."

"I've done nothing but rest," Alex complained.

"Yeah. I know. But getting shot is a hell of a trauma to the body."

Alex cocked his head and smiled. "You know, I've never been shot."

"Really?" Mulder grinned at him. " I figured you'd probably know more about it than I did."

"Nope. Been stabbed. Almost blown up..." He emphasized his next word while smirking at Mulder. "Beaten...but never shot. Can't say that I enjoyed it."

Mulder nodded and drew the younger man toward the door. "Come on, now. I want you back in bed."

Alex stepped forward and rubbed himself seductively against his lover. "Come with me?"

"Don't tempt me."

Alex licked a path along the stubbled jaw. "It's been way too long, baby."

"I know, I....God, Alex, don't do're making this damn hard."

The other man licked and nibbled at the sensitive skin just beneath Mulder's ear. "That's not all I'm making hard, I hope."

Mulder grasped his hand and placed it over the rigid protrusion in his jeans. "What do you think?" he growled into Alex's ear.

A soft chuckle was his only response as the other man continued to massage and pet his restrained cock.

"Come lie down with me," Alex coaxed again.


"I'll behave, I promise. I just miss feeling you beside me."

"God." Mulder blew out a long breath. "Okay. I'll lie down with you until you fall asleep. Then I'm going to see about getting us some dinner."

"Oh," Alex snickered. "Yeah. I suppose it's way too much to expect that Scully would want to do any cooking, huh? She seems to be pretty pissed off with both of us."

"Yeah. I really didn't think she'd react this badly...well...let's go." He pulled Alex into the living room and on their way to the bedroom, he stopped to speak to the woman brooding by the window. "Scully, I'm going to put Alex to bed, then I'll make us some dinner, okay?"

A cold blue gaze turned in their direction. "Gonna get him some milk and cookies and tell him a story, too?"

Mulder sighed heavily and said nothing more. He and Alex moved into the bedroom, and after he made sure his lover was comfortable, he lay beside him, gently stroking his hair. "I thought we'd never be here together again," he murmured. "I was so damn stupid."

Alex traced his lower lip with two knuckles. "I shouldn't have got so upset. I mean, think about it. On one end you had your partner of six years, and on the other end you had a double-crossing, back-stabbing assassin, and both were asking you to trust them. Not too hard to figure out."

"You forgot to mention that the double-crossing, back-stabbing assassin was my lover. I told you I trusted you, then I turned around and let Scully screw with my head. I'm so sorry. I promise I won't doubt you again."

"She might never get over this, you know."

Mulder shook his head. "I can't worry about that. I mean, I hope...I really hope that she can, but I won't put you aside for her. Not for anybody."

Alex kissed his hand and nestled deeper into the pillows.

"Why don't you try to go to sleep?"

The younger man licked the patch of skin he'd just kissed. "Not tired."

"You said you were going to behave."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm still not to me."


"I don't know. Anything."

"....How did we end up in the situation we were all in?"

Alex snorted softly. "That chain-smoking asshole asked to see me and handed me the assignment."


"Yeah. To kill you. They're pissed that you didn't die up at that lodge. He doesn't know for sure, but he's got a pretty good idea it was me who pulled you out of there. And he found out that we were lovers, and he knew that I broke it off...I don't know how, but he knew. And he wanted to test me. He wanted to be sure that I was done with you, so he put it on me, and he only gave me a day's notice."

"They've got to know by now what happened. They'll try again."

"No, they won't. Like you said, they know by now."

"They'll just get someone else."

Alex shook his head. "They won't. Because they also know by now that I won't let anyone get near you. They can't afford to start losing people. And they will lose anyone they send after you."

Mulder propped his head up in his hand and grinned down at the other man. "Aren't we confident."

Alex smiled back and nodded.

"You didn't know about the second man on the catwalk."

"Well, I was a bit distracted, but I promise you, I will not get caught like that again." He smiled up at Fox. "You got him, though, huh?"

Mulder's eyes grew distant. "Yeah. was so dark in there. I couldn't see him, but I saw where the shot came from, so I just aimed in that general direction and opened fire."

"Well, we were damn lucky."

Mulder nodded then lowered his head and rested it beside Alex's. "I thought he'd killed you."

"Nah." Alex kissed the tip of his lover's nose. "I've got nine lives."

"Thought that was cats."

"Applies to us bad guys too."

"Ah, okay." Mulder combed his fingers through the other's hair and murmured against his mouth, "Well, you bad guys may be hard to kill, but you still need recuperation time. Go to sleep."

Alex inched closer, pressing their bodies together and tucking his head under Mulder's chin.

"I'm telling you, I'm not tired."

"Yeah. I know. Shut up and close your eyes."

Mulder draped an arm over his waist, and they lay quietly together until Alex's breaths became slow and even. He pulled away and looked down at the younger man. "I'm not tired," he said in a soft, mocking tone and planted a soft kiss on his sleeping lover's head. Carefully, he slid off the bed, and with one last look in that direction, he slipped out of the room.

Scully looked up from the large book she was flipping through as Mulder moved into the living room.

"What's that?" he asked, walking toward her.

She closed the picture album and tossed it down onto the table. "Apparently my suspicions about Krycek's parentage were wrong."

Mulder's brow creased as he picked the album up and studied the pictures within. Photos of a very young but very recognizable Alex were scattered throughout the pages, and with him were a man and woman who had to have been his parents. The man bore a striking resemblance to Alex, and if Mulder had been anyone else, he might even have thought for a minute that this man was Alex. Though he was a handsome man to be sure, the elder Krycek did not appear to possess that seductive magnetism that his son exuded.

"He wasn't born from jackals. Imagine that."

Scully's snide remark drew his attention away from the picture.

"Are you ever going to stop?"


He slammed the album shut and turned in the direction of the kitchen. "I'm going to go make dinner."

Scully watched her irritated partner disappear into the other room, then she dropped onto the sofa and covered her eyes.

Everything she said...every time she opened her mouth, nothing but venom spewed forth, and she knew that it was seriously bugging Mulder, but she couldn't stop. She'd known for a month now how he felt about Krycek, but each reminder, no matter how small, renewed her anger. As much as she hated to do it, she was really beginning to think she was going to have to consider reassignment. And she knew what such a request indicated.


Bested by a murdering, lying, soulless bastard.

Are you really ready to throw it in?

I don't think that's the real question. I think the real question is, can I hang around and work with this man every day, now knowing that I don't stand a snowball's chance with him? I'm not first in his life anymore. I'm second banana behind one of the most loathsome individuals to ever slither the earth. I could manage to live with the fact that he'd chosen someone else...yes, even a man. I want him to be happy even if that means it's with someone else. I mean, I've never given him any idea that I was interested. How could I expect him to never find anyone? But Alex Krycek? How can I stand by and watch him be led to slaughter? How can he be so damn blind?

Maybe it's you who are blind. Krycek did save your asses. And if it wasn't for him, Mulder never would have made it out of that lodge in one piece.

Yeah, and maybe he's just saved Mulder for his own selfish, destructive purposes. Can I really watch him get dragged into hell?

Scully curled her fingers in her hair, pressing her knuckles to her head.

God, why couldn't I have just let him bleed to death?

Mulder sat at the kitchen table, waiting for the spaghetti to cook. In front of him, snapshots of an angel-faced child smiled up from the pages of the old photo album. He flipped slowly from page to page, studying the sweet countenance and wondering how many events had to have taken place in the little boy's life to bring him to the hurtful choices he'd made. So many lives disrupted. Ended...tragically changed forever, including his own.

Yet, the man who had for several years shown himself to be nothing more than a double-crossing killer became for Mulder, this boy. Affectionate, fun-loving...trusting. And the man who had been all at once hated and desired became one more thing. Loved.

A slow grin spread across Mulder's face. "Oh, Christ," he mumbled. "Are you out of your mind?" He looked down at the small boy with chocolate cake all over his face, and the grin grew wider. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Well," Scully murmured, sniffing at the spaghetti sauce, "it smells edible."

"I promise I haven't poisoned it."

"No, I didn't think you would...not if Alex baby is going to eat it."

Mulder ignored the snide remark and finished setting the table.

Scully looked down at the three place settings. "Uh, I'll just take mine into the living room."

"Scully, come on." Mulder heaved a hard sigh. "We might be stuck here for a few days. Can't you please try to be civil? It'll make things so much easier on all of us."

"Fine," she said flatly. "Just don't expect me to make pleasant dinner conversation."

Mulder simply nodded and left the kitchen. He moved to Alex's bedroom and quietly pushed the door open. The light from the living room filtered in and illuminated the still figure on the bed. Mulder walked over and sat himself on the edge of the mattress, looking down at the sweet face from the pictures. He smiled and leaned down, dropping a soft kiss on Alex's forehead. "Alex," he whispered, then waited for a response. The other man's lashes fluttered then lifted halfway.


"Nap time's over. You sleep any longer, and you'll be up all night."

White teeth glittered in the dim light. "I could find something to do."

"Yeah, I'm sure you could. Come on. Dinner's on."

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute."

Mulder nodded and kissed the younger man's mouth, then got up and left the room.

Alex lay in bed a minute longer, wincing at the slight stiffness, and once he was more awake, got out of bed and headed into the bathroom.

Mulder was just setting the rolls on the table as Alex walked into the kitchen. Scully rolled her eyes as a smile lit his face, and he pulled out a chair for the younger man.

"How's your shoulder?" Mulder asked as Alex moved toward the chair.

Alex took his seat, and his lover placed a kiss on the top of his head. "Not bad." He glanced over at the woman who was a satisfying shade of red. He sent her a tiny smirk, then tilted his head up, searching for his lover's mouth. A sound of disgust formed in Scully's throat as Mulder's lips covered his in a long, tender kiss.

"So," Mulder asked when they'd finally separated, "you hungry?"

Alex nodded and stretched up for another quick kiss. "Smells good."

"Can't cook much," Mulder explained, moving away, "but I've got spaghetti down to a science." He began to serve Alex's food, and the younger man protested half-heartedly.

"Fox...I can do that myself."

"I know," Mulder answered softly but continued ladling sauce over the noodles. He placed the plate in front of Alex then reached for a roll and smiled over at him. "Butter?"

Alex laughed softly and nodded.

"You gonna feed it to him too?" Scully muttered, unable to remain silent any longer.

Alex smirked at her. "I think I'm able to feed myself." He looked from the perturbed woman to his lover. "You can feed me dessert later, though."

Mulder glanced over at Scully and choked back a laugh. "Behave," he mouthed at the younger man, and the three finally settled down to a very quiet dinner. While they ate, Alex's eyes wandered to the photo album on the counter.

"Where'd you find that?"

"Scully did, actually. I was looking at it while I was cooking. You mind?"

Alex shrugged. "No. I haven't looked at that thing in ages."

"Your parents look so..." Scully looked into space before completing her sentence. "...normal. Decent."

Alex let the dig pass unanswered. "They were good people."

"You look a lot like your father," Mulder commented.

"Yeah, I guess. If you want, I can introduce you to the whole family after dinner."

When they were through, Scully volunteered to do the dishes, jumping at the opportunity to be alone for a while.

"I can do it, Scully," Mulder protested as they cleared the table.

"No." The single word sliced through the air like a knife. "Go look at pictures or whatever. I'll take care of this."

Without another word of argument, the two men retreated to the living room and made themselves comfortable in front of the fire. Mulder lowered himself to the thick carpet and propped himself against the overstuffed chair by the hearth. He pulled Alex down to sit between his outstretched legs then took the fleece throw from the chair and arranged it over the two of them. Alex snuggled contentedly against him and opened up the photo album. He smiled at the first photo and explained to Mulder who the four people were.

"That's my mother and father," he pointed to the couple to the right, "and these two are my mother's cousin Maria and her date. This picture was taken in nineteen-fifty seven. They were on their way to their senior prom." He indicated the car in the background. "That's my grandfather's Dodge. After the prom, they went parking by the river to do a little drinking, a little smoking, a little...whatever teenagers did in those days, and somehow, the car wound up in the river."

A soft laugh sounded behind him. "Damn."

"They had to walk five miles before they reached a phone to call home."

"You father must have been in some serious shit."

"Yeah. For six months, every cent he made went to my grandfather to pay him back for the repairs." Alex turned a few pages and pointed to another picture. "Four years later. My maternal grandmother insisted on a huge wedding, much to my grandfather's horror. He was pissed enough that my mother would even consider marrying that Krycek character as he liked to call him, but to let the whole town know about it was beyond unacceptable. Needless to say, my grandmother won."

"Why'd your grandfather dislike your father so much?"

Alex shrugged. "He thought my dad was too arrogant for a farm boy with a mediocre job and no prospects. Dad showed him, though. He did very well by my mother, and when they had me a few years later, he was doing well enough to buy us a small house."

"Did your grandfather ever warm up to him?"

"Not really. He proved himself over and over again, but the old guy was way too stubborn to admit that he was wrong. He was civil for my mother's sake, but that was about it." He flipped through more pictures, identifying this one and that, then paused on a photo of the proud man standing over the seated woman holding a tiny bundle in her arms. "They'd just brought me home. I was born a month too soon and had to spend quite a bit of time in the hospital. My mother said I only weighed like four pounds."

"Really?" Mulder asked in genuine surprise.

"Yeah. But she said I was a stubborn little bugger. Not only was I born early, but I walked early, talked early...she said I was a real handful by the time I was ten months old."

"Yeah? And you looked so sweet."

"I was! My mother always said I was a lovable little demon."

Mulder let out a loud bark of laughter. "That's what she called you?"

"Yeah, you believe it?"

"Actually, Alex, yeah. I do."

Alex snorted indignantly and returned his attention to the photos. Twenty minutes later, Scully emerged from the kitchen and wandered into the living room. She moved past the chair, trying her best to ignore the two cuddled together on the floor. Alex watched her through a curtain of lashes as she took a seat on the sofa about ten feet away and picked up a magazine. He and Mulder finished looking at the pictures, then he tossed the album aside and wiggled back against his lover, closing his eyes.

"Tired?" Mulder whispered into his hair.

"No," he answered, rubbing his head against Mulder's jaw. "Just enjoying being close to you. It feels so damn good."

Mulder drew a hand gently up and down Alex's chest and kissed the top edge of his ear. "I know." He glanced quickly over at Scully, who was continuing to ignore them, then murmured softly into his ear, "I hated sleeping alone."

Alex shivered at the low hum. "Me too. I got so used to waking up with you next to me." He shifted so that he was able to look at the man behind him, and he ran a hand through his lover's hair. "I don't want to wake up alone anymore..." His tongue inched out and traced a path along Mulder's chin, then he moved up to the pouting lower lip, teasing and bathing the rosy flesh.

Mulder pulled back a fraction, hoping to keep things from getting embarrassing, but when he did, their eyes met and he was all done. He gently grasped a handful of sable hair and came down on Alex's mouth, drawing a soft moan from them both.

She couldn't ignore the sound.

Scully looked up from the magazine and found her partner and his...his....she couldn't even think the word....practically devouring each other, and though she didn't know exactly what they were doing beneath the blanket, the constant movement of their hands gave her a pretty good idea. Her eyes shifted quickly back to the magazine, but she couldn't block out the soft sounds of arousal drifting up from the floor.

His partner's presence long forgotten, Mulder's hand undid a couple of buttons and wandered inside Alex's shirt to caress the heated flesh. Alex whimpered into his mouth as his fingertips danced across the flat nipples, teasing them both to hardness. His task accomplished, he lightly pinched one brown peak, pulling a soft gasp from the object of his attention.


Mulder could barely make out the whispered request. "What is it baby?"

Alex repeated the single word, and his lover smiled. He squeezed and twisted the nipple, incurring a clipped groan.

Scully's fingers tightened around the magazine as she glanced up just in time to see Alex writhing in Mulder's arms. As disgusting as she found the scene, she was oddly fascinated by it and couldn't tear her gaze away as the emotionless killer she'd come to despise whimpered and begged for Mulder's touch. And she saw a side of Mulder that she hadn't known existed. Gone was the truth-seeking, analytical, too-smart-for-his-own-good man she'd known for the past six years, and in his place, there was this intensely sexual being, completely immersed in his alter ego, and seemingly wielding absolute power over the man he held captive with little more than his touch.

Her teeth clamped down on her lower lip. Oh, he was good, the dirty son of a bitch. All that squirming and wasn't Mulder who was in control, it was him. Manipulative bastard. She seriously doubted that there was ever a time when Alex Krycek had allowed himself to fall under anyone's control. And look at him, she thought, studying Mulder. He's just falling for it hook, line and sinker.

Alex bit back a sob as his lover's hand left his nipples and moved lower, lightly skimming over the throbbing bulge in his jeans. He arched into the caress and began to whine, but Mulder's hand over his mouth muffled the sound. The hand on his crotch stopped moving, and the older man pressed his lips to Alex's ear.

"Shhh," Mulder hissed softly. "You have to be quiet."


"Quiet, or I'll have to stop."

Alex's lower lip quivered, and his head rocked from side to side. "Nooo."

"Yes. Do you promise to be quiet?"

"It's so hard..."

"I know, baby," Mulder cooed in his ear, setting his nerves on edge. "But Scully's only across the room. You have to be quiet. If you're not, I'll have to stop...okay?"

Alex nodded hesitantly, and the hand on his crotch squeezed gently. Mulder then shifted him so that they were sitting front to back. One hand wandered slowly over his chest while the other carefully undid his pants. Mulder's hand slipped inside, and, encountering no underwear, immediately found what it sought. Alex's fingers bit into his lover's thigh as Mulder caressed his rigid cock.

"I love the way you feel," Fox purred in his lover's ear. "So warm. So velvety smooth..."

Alex's lips parted, and a long, almost inaudible sigh escaped them.

"Every night," Mulder whispered as he continued to pet the younger man's cock, "I'd lie there with your vibrator in my ass...jerking myself off, and I'd be thinking of the nights we spent together. I'd think of the feel and the taste of you in my mouth, and my whole body would ache. I wanted you so fucking much, and it killed me that I couldn't have you...that I might never have you again..."

Alex reached behind him, threading the fingers of one hand through Mulder's hair, and writhed seductively against him.

"...But you're here..." Mulder's fingers wrapped around the thick shaft and began to slowly pump it. "...and you're mine...and I'll never let you go again..."

Scully watched hypnotized as her partner whispered things she could not hear to his lover and did things to him under the blanket that she could not see. But the look on Alex's face told her plenty, and for one heart-pounding, sickening moment, she saw something in him that spoke to her of things other than arrogance and deceit.

Even lying murderers enjoy sex, Dana. And who wouldn't enjoy having Mulder touch them like that?

She should leave. Get up and stomp out of the room. Or say something to screw up their concentration and maybe piss Alex off as an added bonus. But she couldn't speak, and she couldn't move, or perhaps she just didn't want to. She wasn't sure. The sight of these two men enjoying each other for whatever their individual reasons, was just too fascinating...not to mention an unbelievable turn-on.

Jesus, she hated herself.

How can you be such a damn hypocrite? How can you even think of enjoying this? It's sick, and it's depraved, and dangerous. He's sucked Mulder in. You can't let him do the same to you. You've got to stay on guard. Do not give him the upper-hand, or you and Mulder both are fucked.

Her eyes again focused on the scene across the room.

Well...Mulder's fucked any way you look at it.

Her eyes closed as she fought against images of her partner naked and flushed...ass high in the air, shoulders to the floor, with beads of sweat rolling off his body as Alex Krycek slammed into him from behind. The eroticism of that mental picture warmed her body to the point of extreme discomfort.

God. Oh, my God. Stop it right now. Stop it and get the hell out of here. He wants you to watch. He's enjoying every second tormenting you. Don't let him. Just go to bed.

Her eyes flicked over to the two men on the floor. As Mulder kissed and nipped at Krycek's neck, his hands continued to move under the blanket, and the rhythmic undulations of the younger man's body held her entranced...

Alex's hips rose and fell, and his cock throbbed against the warm hand closed around it. He bit into his lip until it hurt, trying to obey his lover's command to remain silent, but it had been so long, and this felt so good. A tiny whimper escaped his throat, and panic overtook him as the hand stopped and tightened around the head of his cock.

"You promised," Mulder whispered against the side of his throat.

Alex turned, searching for his lover's mouth. "I'm sorry. Please, Fox," he begged softly.

Mulder took what Alex offered, lazily feeding on his mouth, and his hand began to move again. He felt the man in his arms shudder, but heard not a sound from him as he gently pulled and squeezed his cock. He smiled against Alex's mouth, imaging the torment he was suffering. The younger man was hardly quiet during sex, and he knew that in all probability he was going to pay dearly for making him suppress his natural tendencies. The thought swelled his already rock-hard cock to unimagined proportions. "That's my good baby," he purred, momentarily releasing Alex's mouth and growling softly as his lover squirmed against him. He covered the perfectly bowed lips once more and increased the speed of his strokes.

It took all of Alex's will and then some to keep from voicing his intense pleasure, but he managed to hold himself in check. He opened his mouth, allowing Mulder's tongue to sweep inside, and Mulder took full advantage, sweeping over every inch of the warm interior, then sucking on his tongue. Alex's hips bucked in response to the added stimulation, but still he would allow no sound to slip from his throat.

Mulder pulled back, dragging his lips over Alex's trapped tongue, then released it. "You're right there, aren't you?" he asked, quickening the movement of his hand.

Alex nodded, not daring to speak.

"You're going to stay nice and quiet, right?"

The younger man compressed his quivering lips and nodded again.

"Okay, baby, come on...come on, Alex..."

Alex's body stiffened then began a series of quick spasms as he released a gush of warm fluid over Mulder's hand. All this he did in complete silence, and when it was over, he collapsed back against the older man's, chest heaving.

Mulder released his lover's softening cock, cleaning his hand on a corner of the now soiled blanket, then wrapped his arms around the semi-conscious man. "See?" he whispered in an amused tone. "You did it."

"You killed me," came the weak reply.

"Nooo." Mulder kissed the sable head, and as Alex snuggled against him, he began to sway from side to side, gently rocking his spent lover. "But Scully may kill us both."

Too weak to enjoy the woman's ire, Alex closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep.

"Interesting." The irate feminine voice wafted Mulder's way minutes later. He turned his head in Scully's direction and rested his cheek on the top of Alex's head, waiting for clarification.

"Watching the two of you together, one would almost think that you were actually in charge of that little performance."

Mulder gave her a wry smile. "You mean I wasn't?"

"Mulder, he was in control from beginning to end."

"He was?"


"How do you know?"

"Because he'll always be in control. You're his puppet, Mulder."

"Wow. You know him really well, Scully. That must mean one of two things. You're either his mother, or you've fucked him."

A red tide of fury washed over Scully's face. She leapt from the sofa and stormed into the guest room, slamming the door behind her.

Alex's eyes flew open, and he pitched forward, wincing at the sudden discomfort the action brought. Mulder reached for him and eased him back against his chest.

"It's okay, baby."

"What was that?"



Wide eyes stared around the room. "Sounded like a gunshot."

Mulder tightened his hold on the man in his arms. "No. It was just Scully saying goodnight."



"She pretty pissed?"

"You might say that." Mulder released Alex and got to his feet, helping the younger man up. "Forget it. Come on, let's go to bed."

Alex took his lover's outstretched hand and let himself be led into the bedroom where, as soon as the door was closed behind them, Mulder began to gently undress him. He stood quietly, allowing the older man to complete his task. When he was completely stripped, Mulder pulled back the blankets and urged him to lie down. Comfortably settled, he watched his lover remove his own clothing. As Mulder's jeans came off, Alex's eyes rose to meet his.

"Looks like you could use a little attention."

Mulder shrugged. "I'm okay."

Green eyes again flicked down to the long column of flesh that stood proudly from the other man's body. "You are, huh?" As Mulder nodded, Alex rose to his knees at the edge of the bed and wound his arms around the other man. Placing a teasing kiss on those exquisitely full lips, he moved across Mulder's cheek to his ear as his hands wandered the length of his back. "Are you sure?"

Mulder's respiration deepened, and he felt his bones turn to liquid as his lover gently teased him. "Well," he breathed, "I guess I'm not so sure." His fingers speared through Alex's hair, grasping a handful of dark strands and holding his head still as he assaulted the younger man's mouth.

Now free to express his pleasure, Alex moaned aloud, rubbing himself against Mulder and luring the older man once again into the dominant role.

Without missing a beat, Mulder took the lead, leaving Alex's mouth and tilting his head back, giving himself clear access to the younger man's throat. His mouth traveled the long arch, biting and sucking at the tender flesh. As he reached the base of Alex's throat, he clamped his lips onto the skin, sucking hungrily as if he'd never let go.

Alex's cock throbbed to life as he was held immobile, his head pulled back into a position bordering on uncomfortable. He cried out, deeply immersed in the painful pleasure his lover was inflicting on him, and Mulder's only reaction was to sink his teeth into his neck, pulling a louder wail from him.

Mulder paused, fighting to ignore the voice that growled in his head, demanding that he give in to his baser instincts. And Alex, damn him, squirming and moaning, and showing absolutely no desire to put up a struggle, wasn't helping a bit. If he was going to stop himself, he'd have to do it all on his own.

Alex felt the pressure on his throat decrease, and he whimpered in protest. "No," he panted, "Fox, please..." He emitted a strangled sob as once more, the teeth sank quickly into his flesh, then released.

Mulder pulled back and studied the trembling man.

Parted lips revealing gleaming, white teeth, eyes dilated and half-hidden by heavy lids, and an expression that begged for his lover to take what he wanted.

Mulder took him up on his silent offer. Ever mindful of his lover's wound, he gently pushed Alex away and climbed up on the bed, lying against the pillows. He motioned to the younger man who immediately slid up next to him, nuzzling his chest and throat. He lay quietly for a while, petting the silky hair as Alex worked his way south and was now delicately licking one of his nipples.

"Mmmm...that's good, baby. So that to my cock."

Alex obeyed, slowly licking a path down Mulder's chest and belly, working his way to the base of his cock. Gold-flecked eyes fluttered and closed as the tip of his tongue danced up the shaft, tracing the large vein, then running over the prominent ridge of the head. Slowly, he teased the smooth, flared surface, just barely touching the skin.

Mulder gripped the blankets with one hand and anchored the other in Alex's hair. He gritted his teeth as his lover teased and tormented him, and when he'd had all he could take, held Alex's head still and arched upward, pushing his cock into the younger man's mouth. "Take it, " he rasped, and again, Alex obeyed without question. His eyes rolled up into his head as the younger man's mouth closed around him and sucked him into its wet warmth. "Give me all you've got, baby," he instructed, and Alex did, taking his entire length and sucking voraciously until minutes later, Mulder pulled him up by his hair, incurring a soft, whimpering protest. "No," he grated, motioning for Alex to sit up.

"But I wanted you to," the younger man complained. "It's been so long since I tasted you."

"I know, baby. Maybe tomorrow. But tonight, I need to come in your sweet ass."

Despite his recent objections, Alex licked his lips at the thought of feeling his Fox thrusting deep inside his body. A pair of hands at his hips jarred him out of his thoughts. He looked down into eyes that at the moment were as dark as his own.

"Ride me," Mulder snarled, leaving no room for debate.

Alex straddled the man beneath him and reached over into the nightstand drawer for the lube. He unscrewed the cap and quickly squeezed some out into his hand. Grasping his lover's cock, he efficiently applied the lube, then, holding the shaft at the base, gently lowered himself until the head was teasing at his entrance. His eyes met Fox's, and he sank down, moaning with every inch that filled him. Mulder gripped his waist and forced him down the last remaining centimeters, then began to buck beneath him.

"Now, Alex. Don't make me wait."

As if he wanted to.

As his hips began to move, so did his hands, stroking and kneading his lover's chest and shoulders. A long sigh tumbled from his lips as Mulder's hand wrapped around his cock and started to pump it in perfect, matching rhythm.

"You gonna....gonna come again...for me, baby?"

Alex nodded frantically.

"Answer me. You don't....have to be quiet any...any more."

A whimpered 'yes' sounded in Mulder's ears.

"Good," he whispered. "Love to watch you...come. So...beautiful." He stroked Alex's cock a little faster. "Let's do it, baby."

His lover's passionate words drove Alex into a frenzy, and he began to rock wildly, riding Mulder hard and fast. "Oh, God," he finally sobbed, and once he began, he couldn't stop. The cries grew louder and more feral, and a litany of curses filled the air as their thrashing built to a fever pitch.

"Let it go, baby," Fox commanded through clenched teeth, making himself heard above his lover's wails of pleasure. "Come on, do it...for me...let me know..."

Alex's body tensed, his muscles being coiled tighter and tighter until the springs broke and he flew apart at the seams. His screams bounced off the walls as his cock released a stream of thick fluid over his lover's chest and abdomen, and the action triggered Fox's own orgasm. The older man's hips jerked upward, fucking his weakening lover as hard as he could in this position, and he cried out, sobbing Alex's name as he shot long and hard into his ass. His body shuddered as he spent himself, and he fell back to the mattress, pulling Alex down on top of him. They lay together, exhausted and struggling for breath, and finally, it was Mulder who spoke first.

"Never again," he whispered into Alex's perspiration-dampened hair.

Weary green eyes opened, and Alex managed to lift his head high enough to stare curiously at the other man.

Mulder reached up to caress the stubbled jaw. "I'll never let you go again. There's no reason in the world good enough for us to be apart."

A slow smile graced the bowed lips, and Alex again lowered his head to his lover's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll never look for another reason," he promised, "I'm only stupid once."

Mulder laughed softly and stroked the head tucked into the side of his neck. "You comfortable?"


"Sorry to hear that, cause I gotta get up."

"What the hell for?"

"Way past time for your meds."

"I don't think I'll die if I miss one."

"You can't miss your antibiotics. I'll be right back."

Alex groaned his protest but let Fox up. He stretched lazily and grinned at his lover, who, before he left, pulled on a pair of boxers and took a long, appreciative glance at his naked body bathed in the bright moonlight. Fox growled softly, then disappeared from his sight, leaving him to bask in the warmth of renewed happiness.

Mulder prowled into the dark kitchen and felt around for the light switch. As brightness flooded the kitchen, a pair of blue eyes blinked up at him from the table.

"Scully, what are you doing in here in the dark?"

The red-head lifted the mug in front of her. "Having some tea...since I couldn't sleep..."

Mulder nodded but made no apologies. "Well, you can go back to bed, now." He poured a glass of water and pulled Alex's medications down off of the shelf.

She glared up at him with bloodshot eyes. "Is he that good?"

Mulder closed his eyes and sighed softly. He was too tired to do this. "What?"

"Is sex with him so good that he's managed to completely blind you to who he is?"

"It's you who doesn't know who he is, Scully, and yeah, the sex is fantastic," he answered flatly.

Scully turned her head and gave no reply.

"There's nothing you can say to me, Scully. Nothing at all that'll change how I feel about him."

"How you feel about him? Oh, God, Mulder. Please don't tell me."

He looked down into the glass of water. He didn't have to say a word, she already knew. No matter what barriers had come up between them lately, it didn't change the fact that she could read the emotion in his words with stunning accuracy.

"Goodnight, Scully," he said softly and left her sitting at the table, head in her hands.

Mulder slipped back into the bedroom to find Alex curled up in the blankets, snoring softly.

"Damn." He sat at the edge of the bed, hating to have to wake the other man, but he really needed to take his meds. "Alex." He gently shook his sleeping lover. "Baby, wake up."


"I'm sorry I took so long," Mulder apologized, kissing the younger man's head. "Come on, sit up and take this, then you can go right back to sleep."

Alex groaned, pulling himself up, and the sight of him, tousled and sleepy, wrapped around Mulder's heart and squeezed tightly. He handed the pills to Alex, waited for him to wash them down with the water, then he crawled back into bed and pulled the younger man into his arms. "Warm enough?" he asked, adjusting the blankets around them.

"Mmm hmm."

Mulder smiled as he listened to the faint affirmation.

Already gone.

He bent his head and brushed his lips into the sable hair. "Night, baby."

I love you.

Alex drifted into the kitchen, lured there by the smells of breakfast.

As he came through the door, his eyes confirmed what his mind knew. Since Fox was still asleep, it could only have been Scully in here cooking.

Cool, blue eyes turned in his direction for a brief moment, then refocused on the ham the woman was frying.

"Morning," he offered.

"Mulder still asleep?"

"Yeah. But I'm sure as soon these smells reach the bedroom, he'll be up."

No answer.

He moved to the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of orange juice. "I was coming in to fix breakfast myself. I guess you beat me by a few minutes." He pulled a glass out of the cupboard and gave her a largely ignored smile. "Thanks."

"No thanks necessary," she drawled. "I'm cooking for myself. And for Mulder. You just happen to be here."

With a twitch of his lips, the smile turned from friendly to sarcastic. "Yeah. Imagine that. Me just happening to be my cabin..."

Scully slammed down the knife she'd just picked up. "Look, Krycek, believe me when I tell you that being here in your cabin is not my choice. You needed medical attention, and there was no one else around who could take care of you. And if it wasn't for this damned snow storm, I'd have been long gone already."

"What? And leave Fox in my clutches?"

"He's a big boy, Krycek..."

A secretive smile curled his lips. "Yes, he is..."

Scully shot him a dirty look and continued. "He knows my feelings as far as you're concerned, and as much as I'd like to bash him over the head and drag him out of here, I won't do it. I have to let him dig his grave. It's the only way that I can see to cure him of you."

"So, now I'm a disease?" He leered suggestively at her. "In that case you'd better watch it or you might find yourself coming down with a bad case of Alexitis."

"God, you're an arrogant bastard."

Alex folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter, grinning at her. "Yeah. Irresistible, aren't I?"

"I think so."

Both occupants of the kitchen turned their attention to the one who had just come through the door. Alex's eyes lit up while Scully grimaced as Mulder stalked toward the other man and drew him into his arms.

"Morning," he mumbled just before he took Alex's mouth in a tender kiss. When they parted, Alex tucked his head under Mulder's chin, hugging him tightly with his good arm. Knowing that Scully had to have been watching, his eyelashes lifted, and he gave her a sweet smile.

If she could have hurled the knife at him without hitting her partner, she would have done it in a heartbeat.

"Have you been teasing Scully?" Mulder's voice rumbled softly above Alex's head.


"Yeah, you."

Alex lifted his head and looked at Mulder, a devilish glint in his eyes. "Maybe a little."

Mulder gave him a good-natured swat on his ass. "Behave, would you?"

Alex growled at the pleasurable sting and rubbed himself against his lover. "If I don't, will you give me a real good spanking?"

"God...come on, Alex," he murmured. "I'm serious."

"So am I."

"Okay, look," Scully spat. "One of you can finish this...that is if you can tear yourselves away from each other that long."

"Where are you going?" Mulder asked as she blew past them.

"For a walk. I need some air."

"It's snowing like a bitch out there," Alex informed her. "And those drifts look pretty deep..."


He shrugged. "Well, it's just're kind of..." he smirked down at her. "...petite."

"So kind of you to be concerned," she sneered and continued toward the door.

"Hey, Scully," Mulder called before she disappeared. "I'll call you when breakfast is done."

"Don't bother. I've lost my appetite."

"C'mon, Scully..."

Ignoring her partner's entreaty, she stormed into the living room, pulled on her boots, yanked on her jacket, and disappeared out the door. The two men went to the window and watched as she attempted to wade through the two-foot and higher drifts. Alex shook his head, grinning broadly.

"She's more stubborn than you are."

"When she thinks she's right, yeah." Mulder slipped his arms around Alex's waist and pulled him back against his chest. "I know you've been having fun giving her a bad time, and I've been so aggravated with the way she's been acting that I've been going along with it, but the fact is, she's just worried about me. I know and you know she's got no cause to be, but she's sure that she does. She wants to protect me."

"I can't blame her for that," Alex replied, rubbing his head against his lover's cheek, "but I got shot protecting you, and still she refuses to believe that I'm anything more than a self-serving son-of-a-bitch."

"She'll come around, Alex," Mulder promised. "She can't keep up this level of hatred for long. It'll wear her out."

"So, she'll learn to tolerate me just because she'll be too tired to hate me?" Alex shrugged, laughing softly. "Okay, good deal...oh...oh, shit."

"What?" Mulder followed his lover's gaze back to the window, and the two of them broke into laughter.

Scully, trying to walk too fast through the snow, had lost her balance and half-fallen into a small drift. She managed to catch herself before she fell on her ass, got up too fast, and fell forward, flat on her face into a larger drift. The two men laughed harder as she tried to get up and again fell on her face.

"Shit, Alex," Mulder tried to choke back a fresh round of hysterics. "Stop laughing! I gotta go out there and help her, and I can't do it if I'm crying."

Alex reared back against the back of the sofa, cackling gleefully.

"Would you shut up?" Mulder slapped his thigh. "Okay," he cleared his throat and attempted to put on a serious, concerned face, but another look at his lover, giggling maniacally, and he began to snicker. Before he knew it, he was again taken over by fits of laughter. "Ah, fuck! She's really gonna be pissed now." He left Alex in tears on the back of the sofa and dashed outside to help.

Scully's curses echoed in the cold morning air as she pulled herself to her knees. Before she could again attempt to get to her feet, a hand came out of nowhere and pulled her up.

"You okay?"

She brushed the snow away from her face and hair and looked up into twinkling eyes. "How did you see me?"

"I...I followed you out into the living room and watched from the window."

"Have a good laugh?"

The corner of Mulder's mouth twitched, but he fought back the urge to smile. "No! No, I..."

He stopped in mid-sentence, following Scully's glare to the window where Alex was doubled over. Even from this distance he could see that the younger man was laughing his ass off. He looked back down into infuriated blue eyes.

"Okay, well..."

"I'm glad you two are having such a good time."

"Come on, Scully, if the situation we were in was different, you'd be able to see the humor..."

"But it isn't, and I don't."

"I'm sorry, Scully, I really am. Let's go back into the house. It's freezing out here and as you can see, I'm not wearing a jacket."

Unwillingly, Scully followed him back into the cabin. Mulder entered first, pointing a warning finger at Alex, who stood by the back of the sofa, struggling to keep a straight face. Scully walked in, not giving the other man a second glance until he spoke to her.

"You okay, Scully?" he asked, voice cracking on the last syllable of her name.

"Go to hell, Krycek."

Mulder raised a hand to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Umm, S-Scully, why don't you go get out of those wet clothes? I'll go finish breakfast."

"I told you, I'm not..."

"I know what you said. But you have to eat something. Please?"

Scully sent a hard look from one man to the other. Choosing not to answer, she flounced into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. The minute she was gone, Mulder turned to the younger man.


"Please, what?" Alex approached, slipping his arms around his lover's waist. "I like it when you beg."

"God, you're killin' me." His eyes dropped shut as Alex kissed a path from his jaw to his ear. ", please be nice to Scully."

"I have been. I can't help it if she doesn't think so."


Alex teased the interior of Mulder's ear with the tip of his tongue. "I'll try harder, okay?"

"Thank you. Now." He gently pushed the other man away. "Let's go finish breakfast. Maybe she'll be in better humor after she gets some food in her."

Alex linked fingers with his lover and followed him into the kitchen. "Yeah, and maybe it'll be eighty degrees tomorrow."

The two men sat at the table, preparing to eat, when the door swung open and Scully appeared, looking around the kitchen.

Mulder smiled brightly up at her. "I'm glad you decided to join us."

"I'm not, I'm just going to get some eggs and go eat in the other room."

"Aww, come on, Scully. Please stay." He looked pointedly at the younger man. "Alex will behave himself."

Alex stared at Mulder for a moment, then shifted his gaze quickly to Scully. "Uh. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be good. No comments, really."

Mulder gave her a hopeful smile. "Okay? Come on, it really is more comfortable to eat here at the table."

Scully let out a long sigh and dragged herself into the room. "I don't know why I'm letting you talk me into this."

For the next ten minutes the three sat together in virtual silence, eating their breakfast. Mulder looked around the table, his gaze going from his partner to his lover, noting how both ate with their heads down, eyes to their plates. Thinking he should say something then deciding against it, he turned his attention to his own plate and dug into his eggs. Minutes later, he looked up again to find Scully in the exact same position he'd last seen her in; eyes down, chewing her food as if it had glass in it, but when he glanced at Alex, he noticed the younger man's shoulders trembling. Upon closer inspection, he observed drops of moisture running down his cheeks.

God, I'm going to kill you.

Alex covered his mouth in an attempt to hold any sound in that might escape, and the effort merely resulted in the increased quaking of his body and a steadier flow of tears.

Mulder shifted in his seat and gently kicked Alex under the table, but that turned out to be the worst thing he could do. The jolt knocked a tiny choking sound past the fingers clamped over his mouth. That sound was followed by another, and still another, just a bit louder, and finally, he couldn't hold it back any longer.

Scully looked up, her attention finally drawn by the increasingly hysterical giggles coming from across the table. Seconds later, Alex was lying over the oak surface, laughing uncontrollably. The two others sat staring at him in silence. Scully, angry and quickly adding up all the reasons for sinking her fork into his neck, and Mulder, torn between wanting to slap his lover silly and letting himself fall victim to his infectious laughter.

Alex lifted his head from the table, tears flowing down his face, and held his hand up. "Scully...wait...wait..." More giggling. "I'm sorry. I really don't mean to laugh, but you didn' didn't see yourself out there." He looked into the crimson face and swallowed another round of chuckles. "You just like..." He flattened his hand, dropping it onto the table and started to laugh again. "...and we couldn't even see you..." He leaned back in his chair in a boneless sprawl and let out an all-out roar.

Scully looked from Alex to Mulder, who was sitting quietly, face hidden in one hand. "Well?"

Mulder lifted his head and gazed apologetically at her. "What?"

"Do something."

"Like what?"

She looked to the man who had yet to stop laughing. "You were so positive you were the one in control last night...prove it. Control him now. Before I murder him where he sits."

Mulder groaned and moved closer to the other man. "Alex. Alex, come on, she's really upset."

The roars faded to soft chuckles, and he looked from Mulder to Scully, then back again. "Oh, Christ, Fox, when isn't she really upset? Come on, Scully, lighten the hell up. We could be having fun together."

"Oh, we could, could we?"

The chuckles stopped, and he gave her a salacious grin as his hand moved unseen up Mulder's thigh. "I don't mean it like that. I'm not sharing my man with you or anybody. I simply meant that we're snowed in, we're stuck with each other, and if we wanted to, instead of squaring off every minute we're together, we could be making the best of things...popping popcorn...watching bad movies." He looked toward the door then back at her. "I think I got some board games in the closet in the hall..."

Scully shook her head, giving the man an incredulous stare. "You're crazy." She looked to Mulder. "He's crazy," she repeated to her partner, pushing herself away from the table. "And so are you if you think that I'll see this lunatic as anything more than what he really is."

Mulder flinched as she stomped out, slamming the door behind her. His eyes then shifted to Alex, who sat, elbow resting on the table, chin in his palm. The younger man stared blankly at him.

"Does a lot of that, doesn't she?"

Mulder sat back, inhaling deeply, then letting the breath out in a slow hiss. He stared wordlessly at Alex, prompting the younger man to speak in his defense.

"Hey, I tried."

"What you're trying to do is make sure she never speaks to me again."

"That's not true."

"Alex, you mock her every chance you get. I know her attitude toward you makes it hard to resist, but you two are just going in circles. She irritates you; you irritate her back. She pisses you off because you irritated her, and you just gotta pay her back. It goes on and on."

Alex turned a pout on his lover. "You can't dispute that she's ticked you off too..."

"No, I don't dispute that. And I don't dispute that I've given in to temptation a couple of times and done or said things that I knew would get to her. But Alex, Scully and I are partners. There's an underlying respect between us, whereas with you..."

"Respect? You think she respects you? Fox, you're more delusional than she thinks you are. If she respected you, she would have sat you down, given you her feelings on our relationship, heard yours, then accepted your decisions even if she never understood them. But that's not what she's doing..."

"Baby, she took care of you when you got shot. She did."

"She had to. She's a doctor."

"She could have let the vet do it."

Alex began his comeback, then stopped short. ""

"Veterinarian friend of mine. She removed the bullet in his operating room."

"I'm sure she thought it was an appropriate place for me."

"Please, Alex. Can't you give her an ounce of credit?"

"For what? You want me to tell you how many times since we got here she's told me in one way or another that she never should have helped me? Trust me on this, Fox, right now she's sorry as hell that she became a doctor. She's just itching for me to do something that she could construe as threatening so she can be justified in blowing my head off."

Mulder shook his head. "Alex, she may despise you, and she may want to kill you, I'll give you that, but she'd never do anything she knew would hurt me."

Alex's heart swelled at the round-about declaration of affection. "But Fox," he said softly. "She thinks I'm out to hurt you. And getting me away from you, in her mind, is the only way to save you from hurt."

"Well, maybe if you were a little nicer to her? Please? Just stop baiting her and let her get used to you."


"It'll never happen. Scully doesn't want to get used to me. She wants to go back to it being just the two of you. She can't stand the thought of you being emotionally dependent on anyone other than her. And the fact that it's me makes it worse a hundred times over. She wants you all to herself, Fox." Alex stood and bent at the waist, leaning over the table. "But she's got to realize," he rumbled, threading his fingers through Mulder's hair, "that you are not her private property." He pulled his lover in for a long, possessive kiss, then drew back. "You're mine."

Mulder searched dark, unblinking eyes, then asked, "So the war continues?"

Alex untangled his fingers from the other man's hair and sat down. "Her call."

Mulder repeated his words, but this time as a soft statement. "So the war continues." Not waiting for a reply, he rose from his seat and moved to the door. Alex's voice followed him.

"Where are you going?"

Without looking back, he answered, "I noticed earlier that the firewood is getting low. Going outside to get some." And without another word, he pushed the door open and passed into the living room.

Scully watched as her partner moved past her. He pulled his jacket from the hook by the door, and, not waiting to put it on before opening the door, he disappeared into the heavily falling snow.

A second presence in the room drew her attention, and she turned to find Alex standing only a couple of feet from her chair. "Where's he going?" she demanded.

"Away from us," he said by way of an answer.


"Yeah. I'm talking about myself as well."

"You're the only person you should be talking about."

"Cut the 'I'm right and the world is wrong' bullshit, okay, Scully? He's upset. Or can you really not see that? We're pulling him in opposite directions, and it's got to stop."

"So, stop."

Alex's voice rattled with irritation. "We both have to stop, you sanctimonious..." He choked back the words that he ached to say. After a deep breath, he began again. "He doesn't want to lose either of us."

"Losing you would be the best thing that's ever happened to him."

"Why, Scully? Because you say so? What about what he says? You treat him like he's six years old instead of an intelligent adult who's perfectly capable of making his own decisions."

"This wouldn't be the first time I've had to rescue Mulder from making a bad move, Krycek. He is intelligent. Brilliant, in fact, but in certain matters he leads with his heart, and that almost always lands him in trouble. In this case, disaster."

"And back we go to your opinion."

"Because it's the only one around here that's sane."

"What makes you so goddamn sure of that?"

"I think Mulder's obsession with you answers that question more than adequately."

"Look." Alex moved around to the front of where Scully was seated and pulled up another chair. He lowered himself into it and stared straight at her. "We've established the fact that you hate me. I think it's fair to say that we've also established the fact that I don't give a rat's ass what you think of me. Okay." He clapped his hands together. "So we'll never be friends. I'll try not to stay awake nights crying over it. But our feelings for each other and our inability to hide them is putting Fox in a tough spot. As much as I'd like to twist your scrawny little neck, I'm not stupid. I know that for years you've been Fox's only friend and ally. He needs you to keep him balanced. But he needs more, Scully. That's where I come in."

Scully rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Whether you like it or not, he needs me too. As much as I need him, and that's a hell of a lot. Whether or not you ever choose to believe it, Scully, we've got something here, and it isn't going away simply because you wish it to."

"I'm not the type who sits around making idle wishes," Scully said softly, casting icy blue daggers at him.

"Why are you so bent on hurting him? Is it because he's hurt you?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Alex's voice was flat and emotionless. "You know what I'm talking about. You've got a thing for him."


"You're crazy."

"Possibly. But you know I'm right. You've wanted him forever, and it's eating you alive that he's chosen you."

"Mulder and I are friends..."

"And that's all you ever will be. Deal with it. Or you'll lose him completely."

Scully swallowed down the bitterness that had risen in her throat. As much as it killed her to admit to herself, she knew he was right. If she kept on the track she was on, she would drive him away, possibly for good. And then when Krycek was gone, he'd have no one at the time when he needed someone most...

When Krycek was gone.

When would he be gone?

If he wasn't using Mulder for some dire purpose, then he was just toying with him, and when he got bored, he'd likely just disappear, leaving Mulder hurt and alone.

"What do you want him for?"

Alex cocked his head to one side. "What?"

"It's just you and me here. Tell me the truth. You know that if I run and tell him what you said, he wouldn't believe me anyway, so fess up. What do you want him for?"

Alex lowered his eyes, thought a minute, then looked up at her. "You're right. He won't believe anything you tell him about me, so I guess I can tell you the truth....I love him."

"Oh, God, I said the truth, Krycek."

"That is the truth. I haven't told him, because I don't know if he's ready to hear it. And frankly, I'm a little nervous about saying it. I've never told anyone that before."

"Oh, now, why do I find that hard to believe?"

"I've done and said lots of dishonest things in my life, Scully, but I have never lied about that." He shook his head. "I've never been in love, and I could never bring myself to say the words, knowing I didn't mean them."

"Till now."

"No. I mean it. I've wanted Fox for a long time, but I've come to realize over the past few weeks that I do love him."

Scully gave him a shocked stare. "How do you sleep at night?"

"I never used to. But I sleep just great when Fox is in my bed."

A grunt of disgust rose up in Scully's throat, and she did nothing to choke it back.

Alex leaned forward, balancing his elbows on his thighs and folding his hands under his chin. "He's all I thought about from the morning I left him in that motel room until the day he walked into the mill." His expression grew distant, and his voice softened. "You don't know what it took that day for me to hold that gun on him. You don't know how sick it made me to see the hurt in his eyes when he thought I was who you'd been telling him I was. But I pulled it off. I did what I had to do, and I got him out of there alive." He sat quietly for a moment, then his eyes cleared, and he again looked at her. "As long as I'm walking and breathing, no one will ever hurt him."

Scully studied him curiously but said nothing.

"I'm asking you, Scully, not for me. For Fox. Cut him a break."

Still nothing.

"At least give him one day without having to worry that one of us isn't going to make it out of here alive."

Her eyes fell away from his, and she looked down at the book that was resting in her lap.


When she refused again to answer, Alex hauled himself out of his chair and stalked over to the window. His anger subsided a bit when he caught sight of Fox, almost invisible through the mass of falling white, moving toward the house from the direction of the woods. He watched as the solitary figure gathered up an armload of wood then started to the door.

Fox looked up in mild surprise as the door swung open and Alex stepped aside to allow him to enter. The younger man gave him a wary smile but said nothing as he walked into the cabin and deposited the wood on the floor by the fireplace. He straightened his back and looked over to the woman seated a few feet away. She gave him less of a smile than Alex did and also said nothing.

"Gonna go get out of these wet things," he mumbled and disappeared inside the bedroom. Once there, he closed the door softly behind him, half expecting Alex to open it up again immediately afterward. When the younger man did not appear, he gathered up a change of clothing and moved into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Mulder emerged from the bedroom and looked around to find his lover and his partner sitting silently in the same room. Scully was reading quietly, and Alex was half stretched across the sofa, sorting through a stack of CDs. He moved cautiously past Scully and took a seat at the other end of the sofa. After a brief silence, he spoke up, directing a question to Alex.

"What are you doing?"

Alex smiled up at him and shrugged. "Just looking at my CDs. A lot of this stuff I didn't remember I had."

"Like what?"

The other man stuck out his lower lip. "Mmm, like...The Commodores...Earth Wind and Fire..." He smirked up at Mulder. "The Bee Gees..."

Mulder gasped and threw his head back against the cushion. "You weren't like...gonna play any of that, were you?"

"What's the matter with the Bee Gees?"

Both men looked in Scully's direction.

"You like them?" Mulder asked, appalled.


Alex gave him a full grin. "You're outvoted." He leapt from the sofa and loaded the compact disc player.

Mulder sat quietly, trying to determine exactly when it was that his lover and his partner formed an alliance against him.

Then ensuing silence and Scully's barely-concealed glare as Alex walked past told him, of course, that it was nothing more than an incidental thing.

Damn. Well, you should have known better...

The sound of music jarred him out of his thoughts.

".....Smile an everlasting smile. A smile can bring you near to me. Don't ever let me find you gone, cause that would bring a tear to me..."

Alex dropped back onto the sofa, looking through the rest of his CDs, singing softly. Mulder glanced from him to Scully, who peered curiously over her glasses at the oblivious man. He smiled, happy for the reprieve, and closed his eyes.

".....Talk in everlasting words and dedicate them all to me. And I will give you all my life. I'm here if you should call to me. And you think that I don't even mean a single word I say. It's only words. And words are all I have to take your heart away..."

Mulder opened his eyes and shifted his gaze to his lover.

Feeling the warmth of Fox's stare, Alex stopped singing and looked up. The younger man chewed on one corner of his lip, then spoke. "I'll change it if it really bothers you."

Mulder gave him a tiny smile and shook his head. "No," he said softly. "It's okay."

"You sure?"

The older man nodded, not moving his gaze from Alex's. Only the loud whoosh of a page being turned broke the spell.

"Is the music okay, Scully? Is it too loud or something?"

Scully looked up at Alex briefly, then turned her gaze back down to her book. "It's fine."

"You sure?"

She slammed the book shut, a stream of sarcasm ready to fall from her lips. But one look into her partner's somber, hazel eyes, and she swallowed down the words she was dying to say.

"Yes....Alex....I'm sure. It's fine."

Alex nodded. "Okay, just checking. Sometimes I guess I tend to listen to it a little loud..."

When he received no response, Alex went back to sorting his disks. Without missing a beat, he fell in, singing in perfect harmony with the song that was now playing.

Out of the corner of his eye, Mulder watched as Scully observed his lover for a moment, then returned to her book. He turned his attention to Alex, and when the younger man did not again return his gaze, he sighed softly and settled down to investigate the stack of previously viewed disks.

They passed the day in virtual silence, the only conversations being those between either Mulder and Scully or Mulder and Alex. Hardly a word was said between his lover and his partner, but he rationalized that silence was better than the sniping and slamming of doors that he'd been subjected to over the last couple of days.

The one thing that did bother him was Alex's seeming reluctance to have any physical contact with him. He was sure it stemmed from the conversation they'd had this morning, and while he appreciated Alex's attempt to keep from antagonizing Scully, he couldn't say that he appreciated the price they were both paying to keep her placated.

After dinner, Mulder insisted on doing the dishes, relegating the other two to the living room. He knew he was taking chances leaving them alone together for any length of time, but he wanted to see if their grudging truce really would last. Aside from music, there wasn't a sound from the other room, and frankly, he wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

Half an hour later, he walked into the living room to find Scully reading by the fire and Alex stretched out on the sofa with his eyes closed. Scully's eyes followed him as he moved over to the sofa and perched at the edge, just parallel to Alex's hip. Green eyes opened, blinking up at him, and his lover gave him a soft smile.

Scully's hands tightened on her book as she watched Mulder lift a hand and tenderly stroke the prone man's hair. She would have ripped the book in two if she could have, as Mulder got up, pulled Alex's legs apart, then crawled between them and settled his body on top of his lover's.

Alex emitted a long, audible sigh and wrapped his arms around the older man. He virtually purred with happiness, kissing and petting the head that now rested on his shoulder. He'd gone the entire day without touching Fox, and though he did his best to hide it, he was about ready to climb the walls. Apparently Fox was too, and he couldn't have been more grateful. The feel of his lover's body resting on top of his was sheer heaven.

And hell sat only a few feet away.

Scully watched in dismay as her partner draped himself over the body of the black-hearted s.o.b. who had brought nothing but pain and betrayal to their lives. And the love and trust that he radiated was a palpable solid she could almost reach out and touch it.

Her eyes snapped up to the face of the man who had so completely enchanted Mulder that he could neither see nor think straight. If she hadn't known any better, she'd have sworn that Krycek had actually been telling her the truth earlier today. He looked so captivated, so...

She couldn't say the words, even if they were only to herself. God, she couldn't even think them.

She refocused on his face.

Eyes closed, dark, ridiculously thick eyelashes sweeping his expression on his face that could only be described as rapturous. He held Mulder to him, one hand at the back of his head and the other sweeping slowly up and down his back.

The motion of that hand mesmerized her. Again and again she watched it travel over the cornflower-blue flannel of Mulder's shirt, making a steady path from the base of his neck to the small of his back and up again.

She had no idea how long she sat there, but she watched until the hand began to hesitate then stoppped completely, and it was then that she realized that Krycek was asleep. She looked to Mulder, observing the steady rise and fall of his back and relaxed set of his mouth, and she determined that he, too, was out.

Before she could stop herself or at least give herself a few damn good reasons why she shouldn't, morbid curiosity had her up and out of her chair, cautiously picking her way across the room to get a closer look. When she reached a spot about three feet away, she slowly lowered herself to the coffee table and looked down at the sleeping men.

Even in this unconscious state, they clung to each other, Mulder's hands clutching the material of Krycek's shirt, and the other man's fingers curled in the strands of his hair. It was as though they were afraid that someone would come and try to tear them away from each other.

Scully tented her hands over her mouth and continued her observation.

God, it couldn't be.

Though he hadn't said the words, she knew that Mulder believed that he loved Krycek, and that little delusion explained his behavior, but what to make of Krycek? Was all of this for her benefit? Could he really hold Mulder...kiss him, touch him...and not mean any of it?

Jesus, of course he could. He was Alex-fucking-Krycek. He could make the sun believe it was nighttime if it suited his purpose.

She cocked her head and looked at them.

But still...there was something in his expression. Something in his eyes when he looked at Mulder. They glowed, and while she had told herself that it was just his natural, demonic gleam, watching them now, she admitted that she had to question her judgment.

She hated this man. Always would, but what if he really did love Mulder? Was it really so hard to believe? And could she really continue to make Mulder's life miserable when he had a chance to be happy?

Happy? With Alex Krycek?

She pressed her fingers to her temples and rubbed firmly. Feeling the beginnings of a massive headache coming on, she decided to abandon her mental truth-seeking expedition and go to bed. She rose from the table and moved away as quietly as she had approached and disappeared into the bedroom.


The soft vibration against Alex's shoulder brought him up from the deep sleep he'd been in and left him hovering in semi-consciousness. The comforting weight of his lover's body on his and the warmth of it enveloped him in kept him from coming to full wakefulness until Mulder shifted and moaned softly. The inadvertent brush of the older man's crotch against his opened his eyes and cleared his head.

He blinked and looked around the room.

No signs of the red-headed horror. Good. She must have gone to bed.

Alex dropped a kiss on Fox's head and smiled when the action brought another soft moan. His hand began to move in light circles over his lover's back, and soon, Fox picked his head up and gave him a sleepy smile.


Alex fixed a frown on him. "What?"

"Didn't mean to fall asleep." He looked around. "Where do you supposed Scully is?"

"Bedroom door is closed." He checked his watch. "It's late. She's probably asleep."

"Maybe. Or maybe she just got sick of being out here watching us sleep, and now she's in there brooding."

Alex laughed. "I'm surprised I didn't wake up with a hatchet in my head."

"If she's gonna be pissed at anybody, it should be me. You haven't come near me all day. I'm the one who couldn't take it anymore."

Alex smiled up at him. "Yeah, I couldn't believe it when you lay down on top of me with her only a few feet away. You don't call that antagonizing?"

"All we did was fall asleep."

"Baby, you and me breathing the same air is enough to irritate the shit out of her."

Mulder shook his head. "I'm sorry it upsets her, but I won't stay away from you. I couldn't stand being so close to you all day and not touching you. She's just got to find a way to accept this."

"She might not," Alex warned softly.

"Then she'll do what she feels she has to do. You're mine and I won't give you up for her or anybody."

"Even if it means your job?"

"Alex, I could lose Scully, the X-files, my job at the Bureau...and as much as they all mean to me, it wouldn't hurt a third as much as losing you."

Alex tried to swallow past the lump that had begun to form in his throat. "Fox, you don't mean that."

Fox stared down at him, unblinking and deadly serious. "Don't tell me what I don't mean."

"It's an awful lot to lose..."

"You're an awful lot to lose."

Unable to respond verbally, Alex reached up, tangling his fingers in his lover's hair and pulled him down into an achingly tender kiss. When they broke, he found his voice.

"Fox, I..."

Fox waited for Alex to finish, but the younger man closed his mouth and let his gaze fall away. "You what?" he prodded gently.

"N-nothing, I just..." He looked up at the older man. "It's kind of chilly in here, don't you think?"

Fox glanced over to the fireplace. "Fire is dwindling." He lifted himself from the sofa and as he added more wood and stoked the dying flames, Alex came up behind him. As he turned to stand, a hand on his shoulder held him down. He looked up at the man who stood above him, a silent question in his eyes.

"I want to make love to you here by the fire," Alex whispered. "Like the last time we were here." He kneeled in front of his lover. "Remember?"

"Of course I remember," Fox whispered back. "I'll never forget a second of it."

Alex slipped an arm around his lover's waist and drew him in close. "I remember you lying here...looking up at me...the glow of the fire was reflecting in your eyes. It was incredible. I wish I could explain to you the way it made me feel."

Mulder rubbed his cheek against the other man's, enjoying the soft, scratchy feel. He brushed his lips along the outside curve of Alex's ear and whispered into it, "Tell me."

"I...I can't, I' defies description."

Mulder pulled back and smiled at him. "Try."

Alex drew in a deep breath and released it. He was quiet and still for moment, then he began to slowly undo his lover's shirt. "Your eyes," he murmured, "It was like I could feel you looking at me. Like you were actually touching me...everywhere. You were so focused, was like I was all you could see. I felt like the center of your world. No one's ever made me feel that there was nothing or no one else. I don't know if that makes any sense, but..." He stopped, studying the older man. "You're looking at me like that right now."

Mulder said nothing, only continued to stare intently.

"That look makes me feel like I belong. Like I've got a place...I want to be the man who deserves that look."

Mulder traced the outline of Alex's lips with his thumb. "For a guy who couldn't explain it..."

Alex closed his eyes and turned his face into his lover's hand, kissing the palm.

"And just for the record," Mulder said softly, "you are that man. And yes, you made perfect sense."

Alex rested his cheek in his lover's hand, tiny frown lines etching his closed eyes.


Green eyes opened halfway and slowly traveled the distance to Mulder's face.

"You're not wrong to have those feelings. In fact, I'd say that they were pretty damn accurate."

Now it was Alex's turn to stare in silence.

Mulder gave the younger man a seductive smile. "Now I have a question for you. Why have you stopped undressing me?"

The laugh came out on a shaky breath as Alex resumed his task of removing Fox's shirt. Ever-so- slowly, he finished undoing the buttons, and when he was through, his hands glided up and over the warm chest and across the broad shoulders, pushing the material away as they did.

Gilded eyes fluttered and closed as lips, softer than silk, whispered reverently over the heated flesh. Automatically, Fox's hands rose to Alex's shirt and began to fumble with the buttons. Each fastening was a struggle for his trembling fingers, and he silently congratulated himself on every tiny battle won. The last button gave, and his hands moved around to Alex's back, stroking over the tense muscles as the mouth at his chest continued to taste and tease.

So good.

Alex licked gently, letting his tongue travel over Fox's chest and neck. He adored the taste of this man. The salty-sweetness of Fox's skin had stayed on his tongue for days after the last time they'd been together in the motel, and even after the taste had faded, the memory of it remained imprinted on his brain. He could have had hundreds of other lovers after Fox and tasted them all, and still, he would only ever remember this one.

He reached the curve of his lover's shoulder and pushed the shirt down farther, easing the sleeves down Fox's arms and pulling them free of his hands. The rest of the shirt fell away from the older man's body, and Alex released a long, satisfied sigh, having finally progressed in his efforts to fully undress him. Reluctantly, he backed off, his eyes caressing every inch of Fox's upper body while his hands followed.

Fox's chest rose and fell slowly, each breath timed to Alex's. Their eyes met and held as he pushed his lover's shirt from his body and his hands began to stroke Alex in much the same way he was being touched. Fingertips sliding over muscle and bone, measuring, identifying...recording texture and reaction...

Alex slipped one hand between Fox's arm and side, letting it travel over the contours of his back, feeling a tingle of satisfaction at the tiny shiver his touch generated. Slowly, he leaned forward, using his hand to gently push the other man toward him, and their lips met in the barest hint of a kiss. Alex tilted his head and opened his mouth but would not move in to claim what was his. He felt his lover's faint whimper vibrate against his lips, and he moved away just far enough to see what was in Fox's eyes.

Exquisitely tormented pools of amber stared back, waiting.

Alex moved in again, tilting his head in the opposite direction, once more just barely touching his mouth to the other man's. This time, his tongue slithered out, coaxing and teasing Fox's into play.

For long moments they went on that way, tongues writhing together as their hands moved over each other's bodies in the same languid rhythm. But soon enough, Fox grew restless, and his soft grunts and whimpers conveyed his need for more. In answer, Alex's hand moved to the area south of his waist, roving over the nicely-rounded, denim-clad muscles. Fox squirmed under his lover's touch, encouraging Alex to slip his hand beneath the waistband of his jeans.

Unable to work his hand down far enough between Fox's skin and the snug material, Alex withdrew and found the button at the front of the other man's jeans. While his other hand tenderly massaged his lover's back, he efficiently worked the button from the hole, then grasped the zipper.

Mulder kneeled before the younger man, attempting to control the tiny shudders that passed through his body as he listened to the soft grinding of the zipper. The fire-warmed air caressed his skin and his cock, unconstricted by underwear, sprang forth, straining toward his lover.

Eyes dilated to near-blackness focused on the long column of muscle, and Alex's respiration deepened noticeably. But he held himself in check, refusing to allow his desire free rein. Careful to avoid contact with his lover's cock, he worked the jeans down to Fox's knees, then gently pushed him onto his back.

Fox, having kicked his shoes off long before he'd joined the younger man on the sofa, gave Alex an unimpeded path to travel as he pulled the jeans down and off. Now he lay before Alex like some erotic sacrifice, unwittingly testing his lover's resolve.

Alex closed his eyes and drew in several shaky breaths. His lids rose halfway, and he looked down at his lover who was watching him with rapt attention. His hand moved of its own accord, touching Fox's chest, fingertips brushing gently through the scattering of golden-brown hair, then fluttering across one nipple. Gold-splashed eyes slipped shut and succulent lips parted on a silent gasp at the teasing caress.

Alex's mouth trembled into a smile, and his fingers continued on, only briefly settling to torment the other nipple before moving up the sensitive skin of his lover's throat. Up and down his fingers danced slowly, leaving the fine, light hairs standing on end, then they traveled up and over Fox's chin and approached his mouth. The older man's lips twitched as they were gently teased, and they parted slightly, enticing Alex to explore the dark warmth within.

Fox moaned softly as he felt a finger slip into his mouth, and he immediately closed his lips around it, suckling gently as his tongue caressed the ticklish underside of the first knuckle. His eyes opened to watch his lover's face as he did to his finger what they both longed for him to do his cock.

The green was just barely visible under the heavy fringe of lashes as Alex stared down at Fox. Slowly, he pulled his finger out to the tip, then pushed it back in, repeating the process several times. His tongue inched out to moisten dry lips as he added a second finger, and his lover hungrily sucked the addition into his mouth. He thrust both fingers in and out several times before withdrawing them altogether and incurring soft whimpers of protest.

Fox writhed shamelessly before his lover, impatient for his touch, as Alex removed his shirt then rose to his feet to step out of his shoes and pull his jeans off. He watched as Alex stripped and then finally stood naked above him. Catching his lower lip between his teeth, he reached out, caressing his lover's calf. When Alex made no move to come to him, he sat up and moved his hand up to the other man's thigh. Looking up through a curtain of lashes, Fox moved closer and flattened his tongue on Alex's leg, slowly bathing whatever skin was within his reach. He heard his lover's harsh intake of breath, then he nipped gently at the back of his knee. Alex's hips jerked in reaction, and the tip of his engorged cock caught the glow of the firelight. Fox licked his lips in anticipation of tasting that bitter-sweet pearl of fluid, and he rose to his knees before his lover.

Making a conscious effort to control his breathing, Alex stared down at the man in front of him. He reached out, petting Fox's head with one, then both hands and gently drew him in, guiding his head until his cock just scarcely brushed his lover's flushed lips. He fought to keep his eyes open as Fox tenderly kissed the head, then licked away the moisture. One hand rested on his hip, and the other wrapped itself around the base of his cock as the lush lips parted to slide over the head, then down the shaft. He trembled violently as he felt Fox's tongue flutter over the underside, and a sharp hiss escaped his throat.

Mulder drew back and lifted his gaze to meet Alex's as he teased the head, his tongue lashing gently at the tip and his hand slid back and forth along the shaft. The man standing over him lovingly stroked his hair and gave him a tremulous smile. He returned the smile, removed his hand, and slid forward, taking Alex's entire length down his throat.

"Oh, my God," Alex whispered hoarsely, finally unable to remain silent any longer. He willed his legs to hold him up, and he looked down at the top of his lover's head which was slowly moving from side to side.

Jesus Christ.

Watching Fox suck him off had to be one of the most arousing things he'd ever seen. That mouth wrapped around his cock was a thing of beauty. And whether his eyes were closed or open and glazed over, his expression still managed to convey the deepest passion and concentration. It was a magnificent thing to witness.

Fox gripped his lover's hips with both hands as he worshipped his cock with his mouth and tongue. He sucked delicately as Alex began to slowly thrust into the moist warmth, and his soft moans vibrated against the swollen shaft...

Scully shifted position for the billionth time, unable to get the picture of her partner fast asleep on top of his assassin lover out of her head. No matter what she thought of the man, there was no way on earth she could deny that they were beautiful together. Mulder's eyes glowed, and he radiated such warmth and love when he was near the other man. It was an amazing transformation from the dry-witted, single-minded man who was her partner. Krycek had to see it. He had to know. How could he not know? And how could he lead Mulder on the way he was, knowing the way he felt?

She lay there considering the hell Mulder would go through if...when...Krycek betrayed his love.

When. When, when, when...

She sat up, covering her eyes with her hands.

You sound like you're anxious for him to break Mulder's heart. How can you want your best friend to be hurt like that?

So you can be the one to comfort him...and tell him 'I told you so'.

God, is it so important to be right? Especially if it means the man you care so much about is hurting...

She tossed the blankets off and padded to the door, intent on soothing herself with a mug of cocoa, but as she began to push the door open, sound caught her attention. She pulled the door back, leaving it open just far enough to be able to see into the living room. She choked back a gasp as she viewed her partner, naked and on his knees before Krycek, who was very slowly fucking his mouth. The expression on the faces of both men was that of pure ecstasy.

Scully covered her mouth with one hand, and she sank to her knees, shocked and more than a little shaken. She hated herself, but she was unable to turn away. They looked so sincere, so lost in each other...

Alex's breath caught in his throat as he felt his muscles begin to contract. He shook his head, mouthing the word no, and gently pushed Fox away. He bent slightly, supporting himself with his hands on his lover's shoulders to catch his breath, then slowly lowered himself to his knees. "Lie down," he whispered, waiting for his lover to obey, then stretched out next to him.

Fox turned onto his side to face Alex, and the two men regarded each other silently. He lay as still as his trembling body would allow as Alex reached out, drawing his fingertips over the curves and hollows of his face. As the questing fingers approached his lips, they paused, and Alex closed his eyes. He then continued on in a painstakingly slow, tactile investigation of the pouty flesh. The breath left Fox's lungs in a stuttering gasp as he endured his lover's languid touch. He knew that Alex was not deliberately trying to torture him. He was honestly, absolutely immersed in the experience, and that knowledge was somehow more arousing than if Alex had merely intended to torment him.

Fox ached to touch his return his sweet caresses, but he knew with inexplicable certainty that this moment belonged to Alex, and he allowed him to have it.

Alex continued to explore Fox's mouth, skimming the flesh again and again until he was positive that he would be able to identify his lover blindfolded. He finally opened his eyes and let his hand glide over the stubbled chin and down the long column of Fox's throat. He leaned forward then, eyes never leaving his lover's face, and rewarded his patience.

Mulder cried out softly as Alex's mouth covered his at last, tenderly feeding on its lushness. His fingers slid through the sable silk of his lover's hair, anchoring themselves in the strands at the back of his head, and he returned the kiss with equal gentleness.

He felt the need in Alex...felt his body quiver with it, yet the younger man refused to let it run wild. For the time being at least, he'd successfully tamed it...controlled it and used it as he wished, to show Fox the soft, loving side of the man whom most people saw as an unemotional killer.

Alex wrapped an arm around Fox and pulled him in close, their bodies now writhing together as their mouths were. His lover clung to him, joyfully accepting the wordless whisperings of his heart, and for right now at least, he was the man he longed to be. He was the lover that his beautiful Fox so deserved.

He continued to make love to that exquisite mouth, exulting in the passion it aroused in his lover. Fox deepened the kiss, groaning harshly into his mouth, and he allowed it for a moment before rolling the older man beneath him and again assuming control. He leaned in, barely brushing Fox's open mouth with his own, whispering against it, "Please let me."

Mulder whimpered, his lashes dropping over his eyes as they rolled up into his head, and he nodded his consent. An instant later, Alex's mouth was again on his, drinking in every faint moan and sigh he emitted. At length, he released Fox's swollen lips and proceeded downward, licking and nipping at his chin, then teasing the delicate skin of his throat. Mulder arched his neck, offering himself up to his lover like a sacrifice, one Alex had great difficulty declining.

Fox swallowed convulsively as he felt the not-so-gentle scrape of teeth against his skin, and he waited for Alex to claim him.

Scully waited as well, nails digging painfully into her palms. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Mulder, lying so submissively under that dirty... Waiting for him...hell, practically begging for him to...

Jesus Christ, Mulder, what's the matter with you? He could kill you right now if he wanted to.

In a heartbeat she was up, scrambling for her gun. She had it cocked and ready at the door, knowing that in one blinding instant, Krycek could have her partner's jugular severed before she could get off a shot. At this point there were only two things she could do. Pull the trigger this instant and drop him before he took his opportunity, or wait and see what he was going to do and risk Mulder's life by hesitating.

Her hand shook as she took aim, watching Krycek's mouth close over the curve of Mulder's throat, but before she could squeeze the trigger, he lifted his head slightly and she saw the flash of pink tongue slithering over his skin. She tensed once more as he sealed his lips on the area and Mulder arched against his mouth, sobbing his name.

The tension eased, but the shock remained as Alex pulled away, and her partner whined and moaned his frustration.


The soft, comforting hiss came from Krycek's lips.

Scully relaxed a bit more, and she watched as Krycek licked a slow path over Mulder's shoulder then linked fingers with him and lifted his arm. His tongue left a moist trail as he teased his way from Mulder's bicep to his wrist, pausing to dance over the wildly pounding pulse before working its way back up to his shoulder. Gently, he nibbled the flesh there, then his tongue again took over, skipping down to one of the tight brown nipples.

Her body jerked as Mulder's did, as Krycek's tongue flicked over the tip then treated the other nipple to the same of sort of pleasurable torment. Her eyes snapped up to her partner's face, seeing the rapture in every clench of his jaw, every sweep of his eyelashes.

She secured her weapon and set it down by her side. The hand that had released the gun rose to her mouth and clasped gently over it as she continued to watch Alex Krycek take her partner to a heaven beyond that which she knew existed.

Envy gnawed at her as the realization hit hard.

Mulder belonged to this man, mind, body, and soul, and it made her crazy to think that the owner of his heart might so carelessly just throw it away.

Her attention turned back to Krycek, who was currently delighting in the ripple of his lover's muscles as he avidly bathed his abdomen. She studied his expression. He seemed so into it, so...blissful...

God, Dana, come on. He's either the devil or he's not. Now, which is it?

She refocused on the scene being played out in the next room and admitted to herself that she really didn't know.

Mulder shuddered at the gentle sting of nipping teeth as Alex tugged at the line of fine, golden hairs that led down to his groin. His cock twitched in anticipation as he felt warm breath flow over him...

"Alex," he panted softly, "baby, please..."

Alex passed his open mouth over the length of his lover's cock, making no contact, but leaving Fox with the distinct sensation of his presence. The tip of his tongue skittered across the delicate skin of the sac that hung beneath, tickling the scattering of light hair. As Fox whimpered and twisted above him, he opened his mouth, taking his lover's balls in and rolling them gently on his tongue.

"God....oh, God..." Fox choked on his coarsely uttered words, and his muscles seized. His back arched and the veins in his throat stood out against the pale skin as he fought desperately against the orgasm that screamed for release.

Sensing his lover's precarious condition, Alex pulled away, and, dusting Fox's skin with light kisses, he worked his way back up to the older man's mouth. "I want you so much," he whispered against Fox's lips. "I need you," he whimpered as Fox licked at his mouth. "Are you still mine?"

Fox nodded wordlessly.

"Do you trust me?"

"With my life," Fox breathed into his mouth just before Alex took his lips in a long, passionate kiss.

Scully strained to hear the words they were speaking, but they were much too soft. Too breathless for her to decipher. She didn't need actual words, though, to know that the things they said to each other were drenched in emotion.

She frowned as Krycek broke the kiss and pulled away, leaving Fox twisting and whimpering. She watched in mute shock as the younger man moved toward his clothing, and she mistakenly thought that he was going to leave Mulder alone and in agony. But he reached for his jeans and pulled a small tube out of the pocket, then returned to his lover, and Scully breathed a sigh of relief.

A what?

Dear God, you want him to do this?

Yes...well, no...but Mulder. He's so...Krycek couldn't just leave him that way...

Alex would never leave Fox that way.

He kneeled by his lover's shoulder and handed him the tube, then waited as Fox squeezed some lubricant into his palm. A long sigh escaped his throat as the older man's hand gently encompassed his rock-solid shaft and stroked up and down its length. The moment he was sufficiently prepared, he removed Fox's hand then moved between his parted thighs. He anointed two fingers with the lube and carefully worked them between the clenching cheeks of his lover's ass.

The color drained from Scully's cheeks as she watched her partner sob and rock desperately against the other man's hand.

She'd heard about this stuff...discussed it as most young women did, with her girlfriends whenever they happened across a gay couple. They giggled, they speculated, but they'd never actually seen. She knew of Mulder's past encounters, though they never really discussed them at length, and now, here she was, a first-hand witness.

Scully, the good Catholic girl, was appalled and disgusted, but the woman was fascinated...titillated even, and yes, jealous as hell. She always thought that someday she and Mulder might end up together, and the thought of Alex Krycek snatching him right out from under her just went up one side of her and down the other. But the bastard's words came back to her, and as much as she hated him, what he said rang true. Mulder was an intelligent adult, capable of making his own decisions. And if his decision was to be fucked physically and mentally by Alex Krycek, then what could she do?

A frantic mewling sound drew her attention back to the two men in front of the fire, and she peered out at them just in time to see Krycek removing his fingers from Mulder's ass.


"It's all right, baby. Easy..."

"Can't...I need...need..."

"I know, sweetheart," Alex whispered against Fox's mouth as he lifted his legs. "Me too." The head of his cock pressed against the clenching ring of muscle, and Fox began to tremble violently. Alex stroked his lover's hair, calming and soothing him as he pushed into him a fraction at a time.

"Fox...oh, God, you feel so good." Alex buried himself in his lover to the base, then froze. "Baby...look at me."

Fox's eyelashes fluttered as he struggled to open them.

"Please, love."

Fox fought to focus on his lover's voice and not the hard presence inside him. He opened his eyes and blinked up into glittering pools of forest-green.

Alex stared down into the aroused features of the man beneath him for a moment, drinking in the beauty of him, then, holding Fox's gaze, he began to move.

Mulder's mouth dropped open, and a long wheezing sob escaped. The fingers of one hand tangled in Alex's hair, and the other clenched in the muscles of his back. He threw his head back and pushed up as Alex thrust slowly into him. His frazzled mind screamed for him to move force Alex to move faster, but his heart refused to allow his body to obey.

They were making love. Alex was being so sweet and tender, and Fox had never felt before the way he did tonight. The times that they were together before this were explosive, but the emotion this time was different. It was as though it was amplified ten times over. He thought that it might be because this time he knew that he was in love with Alex, but that didn't explain the difference he sensed in his lover...

Alex continued to move at a snail's pace, holding his own orgasm off and making Fox feel every inch of him. His eyes burned into his lover's, saying more than his words had to this point, and he found himself hoping that Fox could read his expression and somehow know what was in his heart.

Fox writhed beneath him, moving in time to his lazy thrusts, and pulled Alex down for a long, soul-deep kiss.

Alex could feel the restrained hunger in Fox, and he knew that he couldn't keep him waiting any longer. He grasped his lover's cock and began a series of long strokes, matching the thrust of his hips.

"Oh, Jesus...oh, God, Alex..."

The sound of her partner's voice desperately calling the other man's name pierced straight through the center of the woman who still watched unnoticed. Her body vibrated in response, and she fought to keep silent as the movements in the other room began to turn frantic.

"I'm...with you...Fox," Alex panted as he increased the strength of his thrusts and pumped his lover's cock faster. "My baby...come with me...please, come...with me..."

A low rumble began in Fox's chest as the waves of his orgasm built to intolerable levels. He pushed up again and again, meeting Alex halfway, and as his lover began to shake, he did too. The force of his climax blasted through him, and Alex followed immediately, their screams echoing in the silence. Unable to hold himself up any longer, Alex collapsed into Fox's arms, shuddering violently.

As their cries died away and soft purrs of contentment replaced them, Fox summoned the strength to slowly caress his lover's back and press a few tender kisses into his hair.

When he finally recovered, Alex lifted his head and focused a damp gaze on Fox. The expression in the gold-splashed eyes robbed him of his ability to speak and shook him to his soul. He lowered his head and kissed the other man as tenderly as he had while they were making love, and when he finally released his lover's mouth, he rolled onto his back, pulling Fox into his arms.

"You okay?"

The golden-brown head nodded. "Fine. Drained, but fine. God, Alex, that was...I don't think I can explain to you what that was."

"You're not mad at me for dragging it out?"

Mulder nuzzled the base of his lover's throat. "No," he whispered. "I love...loved it."

Alex tightened his hold on the older man. "Want to go to bed now?"

"No, I'd...I'd like to stay here." He picked up his head and looked down at Alex. "If you don't mind."

"Of course not." Alex kissed the top of his head. "Just so you remember that Scully is liable to find us here in the morning, naked and stuck together."

Fox freed himself from Alex's embrace and retrieved the newly washed blanket. He unfolded it and pulled it over them, settling himself back into his lover's arms. "There," he murmured, pulling the fleece up to his chin. "She won't see a thing."

Alex chuckled and folded his arms around Fox. "Okay," he sang softly. "But in the morning, after she's given us a whole lot of attitude, I don't want to hear anything about how we should have gone to bed." He winced then laughed as Fox's teeth sank into the flesh between his neck and shoulder.

"Go to sleep," Mulder growled as he snuggled into Alex's warmth.

"Yes, my lord."

Mulder's head snapped up, and he gave Alex a curious look. The younger man's mouth turned up into a sweet, half-smile, and he closed his eyes.

Still frowning, Mulder lowered his head to Alex's shoulder. Minutes later, they were both soundly asleep.

Scully winced as she unfolded herself from the position she'd been frozen in for God only knew how long. She stood at the door a while longer, watching the men sleep peacefully.

They must have known that even if she had been asleep, those screams would have roused her. Yet they lay there, discussing her reaction to finding them there on the floor in the morning as if there was no way she could hear.

She shook her head wearily. She was too tired and too shaken to concern herself with it now. If they wanted to sleep out there and risk her walking in on them in the morning, then fine. It wasn't her problem.

Slowly, she drifted back to bed, pulling the blankets up around her neck. It was probably sometime around dawn before she finally closed her eyes.

Mulder picked his head up and looked around the room. All was quiet, even though the sun was shining brightly through the windows.


He blinked and focused on the scene outside.

Yep, bright. No falling snow.

Thank God.

Mulder looked down at his sleeping lover and nudged his shoulder gently. "Alex."

Sleepy green eyes snapped open. "Hmm?"

"It stopped."

"What stopped?"

"The snow. The sun is out."

Alex pulled himself up and looked at the window. "Wow," he said flatly. "They'll probably have all the roads plowed by tomorrow." He looked to his lover. "You'll be able to leave."

"Thank God."

Both men looked to the woman standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

Scully marched into the living room, looking like she just got out of bed. She stood before the two on the floor, hands planted on her hips. "Well, Mulder, you'd better start working on what it is you're going to tell Skinner about where we've disappeared to."

Hazel eyes lowered to the blanket pooled between his legs. "I guess the truth would be the best thing."

"The truth?" Alex's and Scully's voices rang out in unison.

"Well, what the hell else can I tell him?" He looked to Alex. "Do you think I shouldn't?"

Scully bristled at the way he automatically turned to Krycek instead of her.

"Of course he doesn't," she snapped. "You think he wants to be beaten to a pulp?"

"Scully, no one has anything on him, and you know it."

"Yeah, I know it. Only because he's a slippery son-of-a-bitch."

Alex closed his eyes and lowered his head.

"Knock it off, Scully," Mulder growled protectively.

"Oh, sorry," she said with mock sincerity. "I know how sensitive he is, poor baby." She was on a roll and she couldn't stop. "Would you like me to get you some tissue, Krycek?"

He looked up at her, and for the first time since they'd arrived, there was no fight in his eyes.

"There are lots of things I've done that I'll regret for the rest of my life. I can't go back, and I can't change them. I can only move on and try to do things differently."

"Oh, please...what, you're going to find new and interesting ways to kill people?"

"That's enough, Scully."

Scully blinked, hearing the soft, warning tone loud and clear.

Mulder drew Alex against him and glared up at her. "I'll deal with Skinner. You'll be absolved of any blame, don't worry."

"Your career could be finished," she responded flatly.

"Let me worry about that." He kissed the side of the younger man's head. "Now, unless you want to see us both walking naked into the bedroom, I suggest you disappear."

Anger bubbled up again in Scully's throat. She turned and walked away, tossing over her shoulder, "And if you don't mind, could you two keep it down to a dull roar tonight? Some of us would like to get to sleep at a decent hour."

The bedroom door slammed, and Mulder smiled down at Alex. "I guess she heard us."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Baby..." Fox pulled Alex into his arms. "Don't let her get to you..."

"She's right, Fox," Alex said softly. "Your whole life is on the line here."

"Alex, we've discussed this. My job is not worth losing you." He pulled away and stared down at his lover. "I want you to come home with me."

Alex's mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say.

"I won't watch you walk away from me again. And I won't let Scully, or Skinner, or my job separate us."

Alex leaned into Mulder's chest and closed his eyes. "Fox..."

"I won't." He slipped a hand under Alex's chin and lifted. "Do you want to be with me?"

Alex nodded mutely.

"Then you're coming home with me." He hugged his lover to him. "Everything will be fine, baby," he whispered, smiling into his hair. "You'll see."

Alex wound his arms around Fox's waist, hugging him tightly. "I know it will be," he breathed.

"Damn right. Now, come on." Mulder rose to his feet and pulled the younger man up with him, nuzzling his throat. "Let's go see about a nice warm shower."


Scully snatched the milk carton up off of the floor, but not before it had spilled a third of its contents. Grabbing for the roll of paper towels, she quickly ripped off a dozen or so sheets and began mopping up the spill. As she threw the wet towels away and groped for the roll, another pair of hands reached down to help. She looked up at her partner, who finished wiping up the residue.


Mulder completed his task, tossed the towels into the garbage, then he leaned back against the counter and stared at her.

"You want to help me locate a mop? I gotta wash this or it'll get sticky."

He pushed himself away from the counter and searched the kitchen. "Scully," he called softly as he opened a closet door, "We gotta talk seriously....found it." He pulled out a bucket and a mop and handed it to his partner.

"I tried, Mulder. I have." Scully located some detergent and poured a bit into the bucket then filled it with hot water. She plunged the mop into the water and looked up at him. "I don't know what to say to you. I understand that you want Krycek and me to get along. But do you really, seriously see that happening?"

"So this is how it's always going to be?"

"I don't see how it can be any other way."

Mulder folded his arms across his chest. "Well, frankly, Scully, then it's going to get pretty old, pretty fast. We've been together just a few days, and already I'm drained. It's starting to wear on Alex, too."

She wrung out the mop and began to vigorously wash the floor. "God, that's irks me."

"What does?"

"Alex. What he thinks. What he says. What he feels...what he wants..."

"Marcia, Marcia, Marcia. That's just a little 'junior high', isn't it Scully? You're like my sister, but Alex is my lover. It's him that I'm sharing my life with. My whole life."

"You mean what's left of it after you tell Skinner?"


"Whatever," she repeated. "Mulder, you're not thinking clearly. This man has clouded your mind."

"No, Scully, he cleared it. I've sleepwalked through twenty-some-odd years of my life. I mean, yeah, it's been a success on many levels. School, the Bureau...but it's hollow, you know? The only thing I had that truly meant anything to me was the X-files...and you...and my search for my sister. And even so, there was something missing. I still felt empty. Until now." Mulder moved closer to his partner, making her look up into his face. He splayed a hand over his heart. "Alex fills that void. I didn't know how much I hurt until he made it better. I know you hate him. I know you don't trust him. But I trust him. And last I knew, you trusted me. Please, Scully. Trust me now."

No response.

"You were right before," Mulder whispered. "I love him."

Scully's eyes closed. "I know you do. That's what scares me, Mulder. I know all about your hurt. While Krycek may seem like the cure for your ills, what's going to happen when he's gone? I'm so afraid of what that hurt will do to you."

"What makes you so sure he's going to hurt me?"

"I don't know, Mulder. History?"

Mulder turned away.

Scully raised a hand to her forehead. "God. Look, Mulder, the truth is, I can't be sure. But neither can you be."

He turned back. "But if I never take a chance, Scully, I'll never know. I want him. I can't tell you how much. I can't walk away from him for fear of what might happen. I could miss out on some of the best years of my life." He reached out and took one of her hands in his. "Please, Scully. Can't you please try to understand how I feel?"

Scully hesitated then squeezed his hand. "Does he understand?"



"I haven't told him."

"Why not?"

Mulder shrugged and cast his gaze to the floor. "I just think it may be too soon. I don't want to spook him." A soft smile curved his lips. "I don't know how much longer I can keep it to myself, though. I came so close to telling him last night."

Scully nodded woodenly. "What about him?"


"Yeah. Has he given you any clue about his feelings?"

"Not exactly."

"What does that mean, 'not exactly'?"

"He's never said anything, but there are lots of things...things he does...the way he looks at me. I could read stuff into it, but I'm trying really hard not to do that. See, Scully, I'm not so far gone that I'll see just what I want to see."

A sad, blue gaze met his. "All right, Mulder. No matter what happens, I'm on your side."

"Thank you." Mulder stepped forward and hugged his partner.

Scully stood quietly, absorbing his warmth until another presence in the room drew him away from her.

"Hey," Mulder called softly, eyes glowing as he released Scully and moved toward his lover.

"Sorry to interrupt," Alex said, eyes glued on the woman standing just a few feet away. Only when Fox wrapped his arms around him did he turn his attention away from her.

"You weren't interrupting anything, babe," Mulder assured him. "Actually, what we were talking about concerns you."


"I was just telling Mulder," Scully broke in," that no matter what, he can count on me to be here for him."

Alex's gaze narrowed just a bit. "I'm sure you will be."


Mulder looked from one to the other. The innuendo was so thick he could cut it with a knife.

Christ. Well...I'd have to be out of my mind to think that this was going to be easy.

He laid a hand against Alex's cheek, coaxing the younger man's attention back to him. Once Alex's eyes were back on his, Mulder gave him a tiny smile.

Alex sighed softly and wound an arm around Fox's waist. Slowly and deliberately, he wove his fingers through his lover's hair, pulling him forward, then laid a long and thoroughly possessive kiss on his mouth. When he broke the kiss, he eased the older man's head down to his shoulder and stood petting the golden-brown hair while staring pointedly at Scully. She stared back for a number of seconds then went back to the business of washing the floor.

Mulder lifted his head and gave Alex a full, beautiful smile. "Hungry?"

"Yeah, actually, I am. Let's help Scully get breakfast cooked, then we can make some calls and see if the roads out of here are passable."

After breakfast was prepared and eaten, Alex volunteered to help Scully with the dishes while Mulder made the necessary calls. The older man warily agreed, and before he left the room, Alex dragged him into his arms for a hard, passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" Mulder asked breathlessly when Alex released his mouth.

"Think of it as a little preview of what you're going to get later," Alex rumbled into his ear.

Mulder whimpered audibly, clinging to the younger man and rubbing against him with blatant lust.

"Go on now," Alex commanded softly, giving Mulder an affectionate swat on the behind.

"Fucking cock tease," Mulder growled, soft enough that Scully wouldn't hear above the running water.

"Me? Naaah. I never promise anything I can't deliver." Deep green eyes sparkled. "Later, your ass is mine."


"Now go make those calls so we can get out of here."

Alex watched his lover disappear from the room, a lascivious little grin tilting one corner of his mouth. When he turned to the sink, the grin vanished. He looked down into a glacial, blue gaze then turned and shut off the tap. "I'll wash, you dry?"

"Your point has been made, Krycek," Scully murmured. "You don't need to rub it in my face."

"My point?"

"Mulder is yours. It couldn't be more clear."

Alex leaned on his hands against the sink, staring down into the soap bubbles. "I'm going to say this again, though I don't know why. I can say it from now until I die, and you'll never believe it." He turned his head and looked down at her. "I love him. I'll never intentionally hurt him." Without another word, he plunged his hands into the water and began washing the dishes.

Scully dried in silence, chewing on this, the second time that Krycek said to her that he loved Mulder.

When everything was put away, they joined Mulder out in the living room.

"So." Alex approached his lover from behind, slipping his arms around him and balancing his chin on the green cotton-covered shoulder. "What'd you find out?"

"By tonight, all the roads will have been plowed. Called the airport and got us a flight out at twelve-fifty tomorrow afternoon."

Alex nodded and kissed the unshaven jaw. He looked over his shoulder at Scully. "You hear that? By this time tomorrow, you'll be on your way back to civilization."

"Thank God," Scully sighed. "Well, I guess I'll go pack up what little I brought."

When she was gone from the room, Alex turned Fox to face him. "What is it?" he asked, sensing that something was not quite right.

Mulder shrugged and gave his lover a weak smile. "I just hate leaving here...I don't know..."

Alex gathered Fox into his arms. "I understand, baby. But you gotta admit that our second time back here together wasn't anything like we planned."

"I know that. I just wish we could send Scully on ahead and stay for a while."

"Me too. But you know we can't do that. You can't leave Scully to deal with Skinner on her own. She got caught up in the middle of this, not by choice. You can't leave her twisting in the wind. You wouldn't."

Mulder nodded and tucked his head under Alex's chin. "At least I'm not leaving you here this time."

Alex pulled Fox against him, hugging him tightly. "No. Now you're stuck with me."


"I'd rather be stuck in you."

Alex let out a loud bark of laughter, then leaned in until they were nose to nose. "You're a very bad boy, pretty Fox."

Mulder began to sway back and forth, compelling Alex to fall into the same rhythm. "So, punish me," he purred.

Alex groaned softly. "I can see that this is going to be a very long day."

"Yeah, well, whose fault is that?"


One golden-brown eyebrow arched. "Mine."

"Yeah. You're so goddamn sexy. Can you really blame me for wanting you every second of the day?"

"Well...since you put it that way, okay. It's all my fault."

Just as their lips touched, a faintly irritated voice sounded from the opposite end of the room.

"Don't you need music for that?"

"Where's my gun?" Alex whispered through clenched teeth as the two stopped rocking.

"Behave," Fox whispered back and licked the corner of his lover's mouth before letting him go and walking to the middle of the room. "All packed?" he asked Scully as cheerfully as he could.

"And ready to go."

"Well, we've still got another day, so..." Mulder looked at the other two. "What do you want to do?" His head snapped around and pointed at Alex just as the other man was opening his mouth to speak. "Don't answer that."

"You just asked..."


"I know. Ignore me."


Mulder rolled his eyes. "Scully? You want to take a walk or something?"

The woman shrugged. "It might be nice to go out and get some sun."

Her partner smiled at her then turned to his lover. "Alex?"

Noting Scully's changed expression, Alex shook his head. "No, I think I'll stay here." He gave Scully a minute trace of a smirk and bowed slightly.

Mulder moved back to him and planted a light kiss on his mouth. "You sure you don't want to come?"

One dark eyebrow arched upward, and Alex rubbed his face alongside Fox's, whispering into his ear. "I'd love to come. Deep inside your beautiful ass."

Mulder grinned broadly then whispered back, "Hold that thought."

Scully watched suspiciously as the two writhed against each other, speaking in tones she could not hear.

Mulder made to turn away, but Alex's hand on his arm drew him back. He looked curiously into mischievously sparkling eyes.

"Keep her away from drifts higher than two feet," Alex mumbled, getting himself a punch in the arm for the comment.

He watched as the two readied themselves for their walk in the snow, and when they were gone, he switched the CD player on, turned up the volume, then moved off into the bedroom to pack his and Fox's clothes.

"It's beautiful out here," Scully breathed, watching her words turn to thick puffs of vapor. "So peaceful."

"Yeah," Mulder agreed, smiling. The smile fell away, and he turned hopeful eyes to his partner. "I hope you can see why he'd like to keep it a secret. He can put all the bullshit and the ugliness aside and just be a regular guy. This place keeps him grounded."

"Don't worry, Mulder. I won't say anything about your little romantic hideaway."

Mulder let out a long, exasperated sigh. "Yeah, Scully, it's a place where we'd like to come to be alone, and that's what it is for me, but for Alex, it's a lot more. It's memories of a happy childhood and the security of his parents' love. I know you don't care about him, but I care. Please. For me. Keep the location of this place to yourself."

"I said I wouldn't say anything, and I won't."

Mulder nodded his thanks, and they continued on with their walk, trudging through the deep snow. An hour and many long silences later, they returned to the cabin where they found Alex in kitchen, preparing hot chocolate. The younger man gave Mulder a bright smile as he walked in.

"Have a nice walk?"

"Yeah." Mulder approached, stopping when they were only inches apart. "You should have gone with us."

Alex inhaled the combination of pine and cold air. He raised a hand to the other man's face and grimaced. "Damn, you're cold. Go on and change, and then I'll warm you up."

After herding the two out of the room, he poured the drinks into three large mugs, dropped a handful of marshmallows into each, and carried them into the living room. He retrieved a couple of blankets from the hall closet and took a seat in the chair closest to the fire. A few minutes later, Scully emerged from her bedroom, arms wrapped around herself.

"God, I'm freezing."

"You shouldn't have stayed out so long," Alex said, picking a blanket up and walking up behind her. He felt her flinch as he draped the blanket over her shoulders and lightly massaged them. "I'm just trying to help you get warm, Scully, I'm not going to kill you," he drawled. "Why don't you go sit by the fire?"

Scully gave Alex a cautious glance and crossed over to the chair he'd just vacated. As she sat bundling the wool around herself, a hand came down in front of her face, bearing a steaming mug of cocoa. She paused for a moment, then took the offering, murmuring a soft thank you.

"Hope you don't mind marshmallows," Alex offered apologetically. "Guess I should've asked."

"No, I like them."

"Good." He took a seat across from her in the second of the two oversized chairs and hooked one leg over the arm. He sat quietly sipping his drink, watching her avoid his gaze for a while, then decided to make an attempt at conversation. "So...beautiful around here, huh?"

"Yeah," Scully answered, speaking into her mug. She took a small sip then looked up. "What was that about, Krycek?"

"What was what about?"

"Staying behind while Mulder and I went out for our walk. Gracious in victory?"

It was Alex's turn to talk into his cup. "I knew you weren't too thrilled about me coming along, so I hung back, that's all."

"Sure. Right."

He set the mug down and looked over at her. "For God's sake, Scully. Is there anything I can do or say that won't antagonize you?"

"Somehow I doubt it. For Mulder's sake I'll put a lid on it, but just between you and me, I despise you. And I really, really don't think that there's anything you can do or say to change that."

An intense green stare focused on the woman in the other chair, and Alex's leg began to bounce up and down. Just as he was about to reply, the bedroom door opened.

Mulder stepped into the living room and walked smack into a thick wall of tension. He eyed the two combatants wondering how long this war would continue and who would be the one to deliver the death blow.

Alex's expression softened immediately upon seeing his lover standing uncertainly at the other end of the room. He pulled the fleece blanket off the back of his chair and motioned to Fox. The older man drifted across the room and sat between his parted thighs, leaning back against his chest. Alex wrapped the blanket around him and handed him his mug. "You still feel so cold," he said, hugging Mulder against him while the other man took a sip of his cocoa.

"It's freezing out there," Mulder explained. "But it was nice....hey, marshmallows! The big ones, not those stupid tiny things that come already in the package."

Alex chuckled at the boyish exclamation. "Nothing but the best for my baby."

"Oh, please."

"Did you say something, Scully?"

"No, Krycek," she sighed. "Not a thing."

Alex nodded and returned his attention to his lover, kissing the side of his head. "Good?"

Mulder nodded. "Been years since anyone's made hot chocolate for me." He arched his neck and looked up at Alex. "Thank you."

Alex smiled and laid a soft kiss on his mouth. And then another. "Mmmm, good."

"Same taste as the one that's in your cup."

"Nuh-uh. I like the mixture of flavors."

Mulder gave him a curious look.

"The chocolate and you."

"Ah." Mulder took another sip, making sure not to lick away the residual from his lips this time, and turned back up to Alex, who immediately swooped down for another kiss. When they parted, Mulder risked a glance at his partner, who sat glowering a few feet away. He shot Alex an uncomfortable look, then cleared his throat. "Alex, did I see a deck of cards over there in the bookcase?"

"Yeah. Play a lot of solitaire when I'm up here."

"How 'bout some poker?"

A lurid grin crossed Alex's lips. "Strip poker? Gotta warn you, I'll kick both your asses."

"Uhhhh, we'll pass on the strip poker this time. And I don't know about you kicking both our asses, Scully's pretty about it, Scully?"

"No thanks."

"Come on, what are we going to do, sit around here all day and do nothing?"

She gave him a passive glance. "I'm sure you two can find something to do without me."

"I for one can think of at least a half dozen things right off the top of my head, but Fox would like for the three of us to do something." Alex tightened his arms around his lover. "You want to play poker, baby, I'm in. Even if I don't get to make you take your clothes off."

Mulder stretched up for another kiss. "Later," he promised, murmuring against his lover's lips. "Come on, Scully, don't just sit there all day," he nagged. "Let's play."

Scully set her nearly empty mug down and slapped her palms against her thighs. "Fine. So we'll play poker."

The afternoon passed into evening as the three played hand after hand, Alex winning most of them. When he beat the other two for the last time, he tossed his cards onto the table and stretched.

"Damn. You both could have been naked by now." Noticing Scully's glare, he smirked at her. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I would've kept my eyes on Fox."

Scully merely grunted and gathered the cards up.

"Well, we've been stuffing our faces all day," Mulder commented, nodding at all the food scraps at the other end of the table. "Anybody really feel like dinner?" The shaking heads decided it. "Good, 'cause it's kind of late to be cooking now, anyway."

Scully rose from her chair, picking up the cups and other utensils. "Well, I didn't sleep worth a damn last night, and I'm really feeling pretty beat. I think I'll just clean this up and get in to bed."

Mulder looked at his watch. "Yeah? It's only seven-forty."

"I know, but I just can't keep my eyes open any longer."

"Okay, well...see you in the morning, then."

She looked from her partner to his lover then back again.

Not too broken up about it.

"Goodnight, Mulder....Krycek."

The other man came up behind Mulder, winding his arms around him and nuzzling the side of his face. "Goodnight, Scully."

The woman lowered her eyes and retreated to her room, leaving the two men alone at last.

In an instant, Alex spun Fox around and yanked him against his chest. Their mouths fused in a hard kiss, and Alex's hands were everywhere at once, pulling and tearing at his clothes, burrowing underneath to get at the warm flesh.

"Alex," Fox mumbled against the mouth that refused to let him go. "" His only response was a muffled growl. He worked his hands between them, flattening his palms against Alex's chest and shoved, putting a few inches distance between them. "Come on," he rasped, chest heaving, then held out his hand. "Let's take this into the bedroom."

Alex grabbed Fox's arm and jerked him back. Before the older man could react, Alex's mouth was again on his, making an admirable attempt at swallowing him whole. One hand left Fox's back and came around to the front of his shirt, pulling it open and losing a few buttons in the process. He groaned into his lover's mouth as the hand came in contact with smooth skin. Again Mulder tried to push him away, but he was ready this time, and he refused to relinquish his hold on his lover.

"We'll go into the bedroom when I'm damn fucking good and ready to go," he rumbled, prompting a soft whine from the other man.


"Think she's watching?"

"I...I don't..."

Alex cast a purely evil grin in the direction of Scully's bedroom. "Well, here's something for her in case she is." And with that, he tangled one hand in Fox's hair, pulled his head back, and attacked his neck, biting and sucking.

A loud cry tumbled from Fox's lips as he absorbed the shock of his lover's assault. He clawed at Alex's back, sobbing his name, not caring that there was no way in hell Scully couldn't at least hear what was going on.

Alex continued to suck at Fox's neck, refusing to stop until he was sure that a very large reminder of his ownership would be left. When he was satisfied, he dragged his mouth away and pulled the older man toward the bedroom...

Scully lay rigidly in bed, listening to the noises on the other side of the door. Pained, distressed sounds of a man being tortured. And it was her partner emitting these sounds. She ached to get up and see what was going on, but fear of what she might discover kept her frozen in her bed.

If he's able to make those sounds, he's able to call your name. He doesn't need you. Stay. Put.

Shortly thereafter, the noises died away, and she heard the door to the bedroom they shared close. She breathed a short-lived sigh of relief then groaned as a loud thump sounded, and the noises, now muffled, resumed...

Mulder closed the bedroom door as they entered the room and was promptly slammed up against it. Before he could recapture the breath that was forced from his lungs, Alex was at his mouth again, ravaging the swelling flesh as he tore at his clothes. The moment he regained some semblance of composure, he retaliated, ripping Alex's clothing away with matching ferocity. Seconds later, they were both naked, kissing with unrestrained hunger.

"Remember the last time I fucked you against a wall?" Alex asked between kisses.

Fox nodded frantically, lapping and sucking at his lover's bottom lip.

"I was hard every fucking night thinking about it." He spun Fox around and shoved him back into the door, wedging his cock between the older man's ass cheeks. His voice, a mixture of gravel and honey, tickled the hairs at the back of Fox's neck. "Did you jerk off every night, Fox? I did. Every touch, every moan, every..." He pressed harder, drawing a clipped whimper from his lover. "...drop of stayed in my mind, and it drove me insane." His hips jerked again, forcing another cry from his lover. "I missed you so much." He licked the back of Fox's neck. "Tell me you missed me," he pleaded roughly against the moistened skin.

"You know I did."

"Tell me."

"I missed you, baby." Fox turned cautiously until they were face to face. "I lay awake every night driving myself crazy thinking I'd never touch you again. I'd fuck myself with the vibrator and wish to God it was you. And after I came, I'd feel so empty and lonely, and..." He rubbed himself against the tense body before him. "...fuck me, Alex. Give it to me. Please, baby, I can't wait."

Alex sounded a deep growl, and before Fox could say another word, he was again spun around and pushed against the door. "Don't you fucking move," Alex hissed into his ear. In the span of mere seconds, he vanished and returned. There was a bit of movement, and then he clenched his fingers in the muscles of Fox's ass, spreading his cheeks and maneuvering his slick cock between them.

Fox thrust backward, anxious to feel Alex driving hard inside him. He felt the younger man grasp his own erection, steadying it as he guided the head forward and pressed into him.

Alex heard the sharp intake of breath and pushed harder. "That good, baby?" he asked on a shaky breath. The only answer Fox could give was a nod of his head. "Remember earlier when I told you that you were a bad boy?"

Another nod.

One more hard thrust, and Alex was fully buried inside the other man. "What did you say to me?"

Soft whimper.

"What did you ask me to do, Fox?" He could barely hear the whispered answer. "Louder."

"Punish me."

"That's right, baby." He stroked Fox from hip to thigh. "You ready?"

Fox nodded again.

"You gonna take it like a man?"



"I can't hear you."


Scully sat bolt upright in her bed, listening. The loud, rhythmic thumps startled her into full consciousness just as she was starting to fall asleep. She leaped from her bed and threw the door open, quickly determining that the sound was coming from the men's bedroom. The door, to be exact. Someone was banging something against the door.

What the hell are they doing?

She crept closer, now catching bits and pieces of other sounds. Human sounds.

All right, she only determined the sounds to be human because she knew they hadn't brought any large animals up with them.

There was a low, harsh growling that almost sounded like actual speech, and a soft, tormented mewling, and there was that thumping. The heavy, wooden door vibrated with each blow, and it took Scully a few seconds to put it all together.

Oh, my God.

Her body began to hum as she imagined the two men, one behind the other, fucking him so hard that the recipient was slammed into the door with each thrust. She closed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair as she attempted to compose herself. But the increasingly passionate sounds only served to excite her further.

What the hell is wrong with you? Stop. Stop it right now and get the hell out of here. There's nothing arousing about this. It's's's Krycek for God's sake!

Shaky legs carried her back to her room where she crawled into bed and drew the blankets up over her head. She lay there, listening to the faint thuds and howls, and before she knew it, her hand was creeping down into the waistband of her pajamas.

Okay, so you're a jealous, unreasonable bitch, but you're not made of stone...

Sweat dripped from the ends of Alex's hair as he slammed again and again into his lover. Fox clawed at the door, his pleas for mercy going unheeded. He'd attempted once to jerk himself off as Alex fucked him, but the younger man pulled his hand away, shackling both wrists up over his head. And now, his cock throbbed, swollen to painful proportions, and to take the torment one step further, Alex was now cursing in Russian. For some reason, it drove Fox up the walls.

He could feel Alex's thrusts becoming shorter and more erratic, and he knew that the explosion would be coming soon. "Alex," he sobbed, "please let me. Please..."

Alex knew Fox was speaking to him, but the words were all a jumble. He couldn't hear anything clearly above the deafening roar in his head. His hands tightened around his lover's wrists, and he drove into him with all his strength. And then the devastating sensations washed over him, pulling spasm after violent spasm from his body.

Alex's loud wails rang in Fox's ears as the younger man shuddered violently against him, shooting hot fluid into him. When it was over, Alex leaned heavily against his lover's perspiration-sprinkled back, and slipped out of him. Seconds later, Fox turned carefully, wrapping his arms around the spent man, and held him up.

"Come on, baby," the older man whispered. "Lie down." He moved Alex to the bed and eased him to the mattress. The younger man lay nearly motionless as Fox left him for a moment, going to retrieve the tube of lubrication from the spot on the floor where Alex had dropped it. When he returned to the bed, he stood quietly over his lover, observing the still-uneven rise and fall of his chest, and the beautifully thick sweep of his eyelashes as they fluttered ever-so-slightly, and his cock jerked in response.

Alex moaned softly as he felt the gentle depression of the mattress, then the sensation of hands caressing his thighs. He attempted to open his eyes, but Fox's soothing voice stopped him.

"No. It's okay, baby, I know you're tired. Relax. "

Fox smiled as the sable lashes dropped, and he squeezed some lube into his palm, efficiently applying it to his twitching cock. Gently, he tucked his hands under Alex's knees and lifted. His exhausted lover winced and gasped softly as he pushed forward, stretching and filling him.

"Is this why you didn't want me to jerk off, baby?" Fox pulled back a fraction then surged ahead, pushing Alex into the mattress.

The younger man arched his back and cried a soft answer, unintelligible to anyone but his lover.

"As hard as you came a few minutes ago, you want more?"

Alex swallowed and nodded. "Please."

Fox urged the other man to wrap his legs around his waist, and he leaned down, brushing his mouth over Alex's. "Insatiable slut."

A brief smile was all Alex had time for before Fox unceremoniously began to pound into him. His head snapped back, and a harsh, broken grunt sounded deep in his throat.

"That what you wanted?" Fox asked as he continued his assault. "You want it the way you gave it to me?"

Alex clutched at Fox's back and let out a loud shriek as the older man altered his position and hit his prostate again and again. Bright bursts of light flickered in the reddish-blackness behind his closed eyes, and his exhausted body began to respond.

As much as it pained him to do it, Fox slowed his thrusts and grasped his lover's half-erect cock, stroking it lightly. "You gonna get hard again for me, baby?"

Alex's whimpered 'yes' brought a taunting grin to his face.

"Well, you'd better hurry the hell up. You've already made me wait too long."

As he continued the soft, teasing strokes, his mouth came down on the other man's, gently kissing and licking at the trembling flesh. As Alex's cries grew louder and more insistent, the strength of Fox's thrusts also increased, and in record time, he was milking his lover's fully erect, rock-hard cock as he drove mercilessly into him.

Alex twisted and moaned beneath Fox, sobbing a variety of broken, incomprehensible declarations, and as his second climax rumbled through him, his body stiffened and whatever little capability for speech he possessed left him. His mouth fell open, emitting nothing more than a soft hiss, and he shook in Fox's arms as his lover reached his own satisfaction.

Fox clung to Alex, thrashing wildly against him as his body tightened and finally relieved itself, emptying a river of hot fluid into the younger man. His screams of satisfaction resonated in the confines of their bedroom and beyond, reaching the ears of the woman who lay spent and ashamed in her own room.

Scully closed her eyes and turned onto her side, praying that they were now actually, finally finished, and that morning would come soon so that they could get the hell out of this accursed cabin and back to more familiar, more comfortable surroundings...

Fox lay shuddering on top of his lover, completely drained, and exquisitely satisfied. The soft, purring rumble in Alex's chest would have lulled him to sleep were he not so concerned with causing him discomfort. Long minutes later, he rolled onto his side and gathered the younger man into his arms, scattering tender kisses in his hair, and before either one could gather enough breath to speak, sleep crept in and closed their eyes.

Scully paced the length of the living room, looking at her watch for the twentieth time.

Ten more minutes, Mulder, then I'm coming in.

Fifteen minutes later, she looked at her watch again.

You've got five more minutes...

Another fifteen minutes found her sitting in a chair, fingernails tapping on the arm.

This is ridiculous. It's almost eight o'clock, and I don't hear a sound coming out of there. Mulder's never asleep this late. That's it. I don't give a shit what you may be doing in there; it's time to get your asses up.

She stormed to the door and threw it open. Her eyes immediately fell to the bed where her partner and his lover were fast asleep, curled around each other like sibling kittens.

God, they look so sweet.

Who said that? No, they do not!

She looked at them for a few seconds more, and a large, reddish blotch near the base of Mulder's neck caught her attention. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks as she stared at the mark, remembering the noises from the night before. "Fucking animal," she whispered at the man in her partner's arms, then lightly touched Mulder's shoulder.

"Mulder. Mulder, wake up. It's getting late."

Sleepy hazel eyes blinked up at her and soon were joined by drowsy green.

"What time is it?"


Alex groaned as his lover shifted, tightening his arm around Fox's waist while turning his face into the older man's neck. "Not that late."

Suddenly Scully had the overwhelming urge to split his skull. Instead, she chose to ignore him and speak again to Mulder. "Come on, Mulder, I don't want to miss our plane."

"All right, all right." He hugged Alex to his chest, groaning softly, then he dropped a couple of kisses in the younger man's hair. "We'll be up in a minute," he said, giving Scully the cue to leave, which she did, spinning on her heel and stalking out the door.

Alex kissed his lover's chest and pulled back so they could see each other's eyes. "So why do you think she would walk in on us, knowing how she'd find us, and knowing that it'd piss her off?"

"I don't know," Fox murmured. "I don't think she does, either."

They lay quietly for a moment, then Fox pulled away and sat up, wincing. Alex smirked at him from the pillows.


"A little sore."


He slapped the younger man's sheet-covered thigh and hoisted himself off the bed. "Like hell you are. Come on. Let's get in the shower before she comes in after us again."

Alex got out of bed, feeling a few aches himself. "What makes you think she won't come after us in the bathroom?"

"She might," Fox said, eyeing his lover's partially-erect cock, "but if she wasn't thrilled about finding us asleep together, she's really gonna hate how she finds us in the shower."

Alex grinned, recognizing the suggestive tone. He took Fox's outstretched hand and followed him into the bathroom. "Okay, but just so you know, if she walks in on us, I'll be pinning the whole thing on you."

The ride to the airport was, for the most part, an uneventful one. The two men sat in the front seat, Mulder's arm stretched across the back, occasionally stroking Alex's hair as they talked. Scully sat quietly in the back, every once in a while catching Alex's eye in the rear view. The first time, he'd given her a friendly smile but received none in return. His expression after that remained unreadable.

Once they reached the airport and prepared to board, Alex slipped a hand under Fox's elbow and steered him a few feet away from Scully.

"Why don't you sit with her on the plane?"

The older man gave him a curious look but said nothing.

Alex shrugged. "She's been feeling alienated for a few days now. Maybe if you gave her your undivided attention for a while, she wouldn't be so grouchy."

Mulder smiled and caressed the underside of his lover's chin with one finger. "She wouldn't appreciate your thoughtfulness, you know."

"I know." Alex gave the other man an impish grin. "It's okay, I'm not being thoughtful for her."

Fox's eyes widened, and he smiled broadly in mock surprise. "For me? Damn, you're so sweet."

"Don't let it get around, huh?" Alex winked at him. "My reputation would be shot to shit."

Half an hour later, they were in the air.

Scully sat quietly for quite some time before she finally turned to her partner. "You didn't have to sit with me, you know. I know you'd rather be next to him." She indicated the man across the aisle with a flick of her eyes.

"You know, Scully, it was actually Alex's idea that I sit next to you," Mulder replied honestly.

Scully looked from Mulder to the man sitting across from them, playing peek-a-boo with the three-year-old in the seat in front of him. The child giggled hysterically as they played, and Alex genuinely seemed to be having a wonderful time...

God, how can I hate you so much one minute, then give even the tiniest bit of thought to tolerating you the next?


Her attention turned back to Mulder. "What?"

"You just seemed a million miles away."

"No...n-no, I'm here."

"You were watching him."

No answer.

"Do you think that's all an act too?" he asked, nodding toward his lover and the child.

"I...I don't know, Mulder."

He leaned in close to her ear and murmured, "I do."

Scully cast one more glance Alex's way, then rested her head against her seat and closed her eyes, refusing to open them or speak to Mulder for the rest of the flight.


Scully practically bounced off the plane while the two men followed, watching in amusement.


"Come on, Scully," Alex taunted as they moved through the airport, "are you really that glad to be back to the old grind?"

"Back in my own apartment and away from you? Yes."

"I think I should be offended."

She turned to face him. "Well, I guess I can see where the truth would offend you..."

Alex gasped and covered his heart with both hands.

"Come on, you two," Mulder pleaded softly. "We're almost home. Let's just grab a taxi and get the hell out of here."

For once all three were in agreement, and they moved toward the exit. Minutes later, they were on their way home, Scully in her cab, the men in theirs.

The two sat a respectable distance from each other in the cab, but the heat between them was felt keenly by both. The moment the cab pulled up in front of Mulder's building, Alex paid the driver, tipping him way too much, but he refused to wait the time it would take for the man to make change.

They exited the taxi, walking briskly toward the building, and once they were inside, Mulder took a quick look around. Seeing an empty hall, he grabbed Alex by the lapels of his jacket and hauled the younger man against his chest. "Alone at last," he growled into his lover's mouth.

"We're not going to be alone for long if we stay in this hall," Alex giggled as Fox squeezed his ass. "You know how loud I am, and if you start that..." He thrust backward against Mulder's hands. "...all your neighbors will be out here with us."

Mulder stopped and stared for a second. "Good point." He grasped Alex's hand and dragged him to the elevator. The doors opened the moment Mulder hit the button, and he stepped inside, pulling the younger man along behind him. The instant the doors closed, he pushed Alex against the wall and attacked his mouth, muffling the other man's surprised grunt.

From that time until the doors opened at the fourth floor, they kissed, creating a hunger so intense, that when they finally made it into the apartment, they barely got the door open and closed before Mulder shed his coat and dropped to his knees.

While Fox got Alex's pants undone, the younger man ripped his own coat off and let it fall to the floor behind him. He stumbled back against the door, moaning hoarsely as Fox's mouth closed over his cock and began to suck hungrily at it.

"Baby....whoa....wait....easy..." He opened his eyes and looked down at his lover whose head was bobbing frantically up and down on him, and all his good intentions went promptly to hell.

"Ah, fuck."

While Alex's eyes had been closed, Fox had undone his own pants and was jerking his cock as he sucked his lover's. He moaned deeply around the rigid shaft, sending little tendrils of added pleasure swirling through Alex's body. The younger man began to move, thrusting his cock in and out of Fox's mouth, now panting words of encouragement.

"That's it, baby...come on," he thrust deeper, hitting the back of his lover's throat. "Take it all...shit...oh, shit...." He turned lust-glazed eyes down to the man at his feet. "God, you're... so...beautiful...come with me, Fox...come...."

The words he spoke after that came out in a long, harsh snarl as he exploded, sending a gush of hot, bitter fluid down his lover's throat.

Fox swallowed as much as he could until the force of his own orgasm knocked him back, and he came over his fist and thigh. He slumped onto his side, chest heaving as Alex slid down the door and landed in a sitting position on the floor.

"Shit," Alex whispered, reaching out to touch his motionless lover. "Can I expect that every time we walk in the door together?"

Fox opened his eyes and gave Alex a weary grin. "Wait till you see what I do to you after a long day at work."

They helped each other up and slowly made their way to the shower where they washed each other gently, then fell naked across the bed and dozed off in each other's arms for about an hour. Upon waking, Fox announced that he was starving, and they called for take-out. They ate in bed, feeding each other, kissing and teasing, then abandoned their meal three-quarters of the way through, preferring to feed on each other instead. When the air vibrated with their cries of completion, they collapsed together, cooing and petting, and drowning in contentment.

"God," Fox moaned, finally finding the strength to pull himself up against the pillows and draw Alex into his arms. "Can it get any better than this?"

Alex nuzzled his lover's chest, rumbling his pleasure. "I never in my life thought I could feel this good." His tongue inched out, swiping at the beads of sweat that covered Fox's skin, prompting a giggle from the older man.


"Sorry," he murmured, but didn't stop. "I love the way you taste."

Fox moaned softly but gave no answer.

Minutes later, Alex kissed his lover's shoulder and settled his head against it. "Fox?"


"Have you really thought about tomorrow?"

No reply.


Fox inhaled and exhaled slowly. "A little."

"Are you really going to tell Skinner the truth? I mean, you don't have to, you know." Alex lifted his head and grinned at the older man. "Don't forget you're shacked up with the best of the best when it comes to lying. I could help you think up something plausible..."

Fox chuckled, and kissed the top of Alex's head. "I appreciate the offer, but I really have the feeling that it'll be okay."

"You had that feeling about Scully, too," Alex pointed out.

" pissed as she is about us being together, the long and the short of it is, she'll support me. She's my friend..."

"And if she absolutely cannot deal with seeing us together, she'll have to do something about it, like transfer out, and she'll never do that. She can't stand the thought of never being close to you."

"Are you back on that?"

"Yep. I'm more sure of it now than ever. Those few days in the cabin confirmed it for me."

Fox merely rolled his eyes.

"I can't be sure that Skinner'll react the same, though. Scully, he ain't."

"Oh, God, Alex..."

"I'm telling you. He'd lay you out on his desk in a heartbeat if he could. That much he's got in common with Scully. But his reaction may very well be completely different. Makes me nervous."

"Alex, the worst he can do is ask for my resignation, but I don't think he will. Skinner has gone to bat for me more times than I can count and in some pretty questionable circumstances."

"Those circumstances weren't personal, Fox. You being tangled up with me involves personal feelings...yours, mine and his."

"Alex, we've worked closely for years. He's never given me the tiniest hint..."

"Skinner is a man of few words, baby. You know the saying, still waters run deep? Walt Skinner is an abyss."

"I never thought that he wasn't a passionate man," Fox droned into his lover's hair, "I just think you're all wrong about where those passions lie."

"I don't want to be proven right at the expense of your job, Fox."

"Alex, if he asks for my resignation, I'll give it to him. I'd rather not, but I'm totally willing to do whatever I have to, to keep you. I told you that."

While the statement made Alex feel incredibly wonderful, it disturbed him just a bit more. The thought of Fox's life being plunged into so much chaos because of him was not a good feeling.

He heaved a long sigh.

But if not tomorrow...if not this, it would happen another time. For another reason.

He had started this by taking Fox up to his cabin last month. He had set the wheels in motion, and now there was no way that he could see to stop them. He believed Fox when he said that he would give up his career for him, and he believed Fox meant it. But if it really went down that way, he wondered just how long it would be before the other man started to regret what he'd done...and they fell apart.

Fox's arms tightened around his pensive lover, and he planted a soft kiss in his hair. "It's going to be okay, baby," he whispered, "trust me."

Alex tilted his head, meeting a sincere, hazel gaze. He stretched up for a long kiss, then burrowed into the warmth of his lover's arms. The conversation ended, and a short time later, they were asleep.

Fox's arm flailed blindly, his fist finally pounding the alarm clock into silence. The man draped across his chest lifted his head and blinked down at him.

"That clock do something to you?"


"You almost beat it into the nightstand."


"Oh." Fox gave his lover a weary smile. "Guess I'm just not real thrilled about it being morning already."


"Yeah." He hugged Alex to him. "And I hate to get out of bed and leave you here."

"What, you hate the thought of me getting more sleep than you?"

"Funny. No, I just hate to leave you." He caressed Alex's back. "This feels so good."

"I know." Alex kissed his chest. "I'd love to keep you right here, but that isn't very realistic, is it? You gotta go to work, and you gotta face Skinner and tell him whatever it is you're going to tell him."

"Yeah, yeah. Well, I guess I may as well get it over with."

Alex moved away and started to slide out of bed, but Fox's hand on his arm stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

"You're getting up. I am too."

Fox smiled and scratched his head. "Would...would you do something for me?"

"Foooox, there's no time for that."

"No, no. Well....yes, but I know there's no time. No, what I'd like you to do is stay here in bed. At least until after I leave."

Alex's brows knitted into a confused frown. "Why?"

"This is going to sound stupid, but...I would have loved to have got up without waking you, and got ready for work, then come in and given you a soft kiss and left you fast asleep in my bed."

Alex gave him a slow, understanding grin. "You're as big a romantic sap as you say I am."

"I guess."

Alex shifted onto his back and snuggled back into the pillows. "Okay, so I'll stay here. Go on, get up. I'll try to go back to sleep."

Fox laughed and dropped a tender kiss on his lover's mouth. "What a guy." He slipped out of bed and padded naked into the bathroom, the heat of Alex's appreciative stare following him.

When the bathroom door closed, Alex closed his eyes and stretched, then curled himself around his lover's still-warm pillow. Sleep, he knew, was impossible, but if it was going to make Fox happy, he could at least give it a shot.

Twenty minutes later, Fox emerged from the bathroom, and an uncontrollable smile curled his lips. He didn't know if Alex was actually asleep or not, but the sight of his lover buried in the tangle of sheets, arms wrapped around a pillow and seemingly oblivious to his presence, went straight to his heart.

He turned away, dressing himself then running a brush quickly through his hair. He checked his appearance in the mirror.

Special Agent Fox Mulder, FBI.

Funny, he didn't feel much like that man right now. He wondered if he ever would again.

He looked past his image to the one of the man in his bed, then back at himself.

Fox Mulder, man in love.

That's who he was.

He moved to the bed and leaned over his lover's still form, taking in the wild hair and relaxed set of his mouth...watching the slow, even rise and fall of his chest, and his heart pounded joyfully. He inclined his head, brushing his lips across Alex's cheek, then bit his own lower lip. The urge to whisper the words 'I love you' was stronger than any he had felt thus far, and while his heart screamed for him to say it, some tiny voice inside him insisted that the time wasn't right yet.

He kissed Alex once more then straightened up and moved to the door. One last look, and he slipped out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

A minute later, Alex's eyes drifted open. He turned onto his back, staring up at the ceiling and smiling softly. He didn't know how the rest of Fox's day was going to go, but at least he'd left happy.

He snuggled into the pillows for a few minutes more, inhaling his lover's scent, then dragged himself out of bed and into the shower.

"Have you seen him yet?"

Mulder looked up from his desk at Scully as she entered the office. "No, I was waiting for you before I went up."

"Well..." She removed her coat and straightened her suit. "I'm here. Let's get this over with."

"Scully...I think I should talk to him alone."

Blue eyes widened. "Why would you want to do that? I was there too, Mulder. You're going to need me to back you up."

"You don't have to do this, Scully. I'll take all the's mine to take, anyway. My involvement with Alex is what got us to where we are."

"That's true, Mulder, but I'm not going to let you..."

"So when were you two going to let me know that you hadn't disappeared off the face of the earth?"

The agitated baritone interrupted her speech.

Two sets of eyes turned toward the door.

"Sir," Mulder began, "we were just about to go up to your office."

"Well," Skinner folded his arms across his broad chest. "Since I'm here, why don't you tell me where the hell you've been for the past few days?"

Mulder rounded his desk and came to stand before his superior. "Might we talk about this someplace else, sir? Someplace away from the office?"

Sharp, brown eyes narrowed. "Why?"

The two agents looked at each other, then to Skinner, and for the first time, Scully spoke up.

"Please, sir."

Skinner paused, trying to read the somber expressions. "Fine. Where would you like to talk?"

"The mall would be fine."

He looked to his female agent and nodded. "In an hour." With a last, long look at Mulder, he exited the office, leaving the two alone.

"Well," Scully sighed a few beats later, "this is going to be pleasant, I can tell."

"I told you, Scully, you don't have to go with me."

"And I told you, Mulder, that I am going. I'm not going to let you take the heat all by yourself."

He looked down at the earnest expression and shook his head. "After the last couple of days, Scully...that you would..."

"It's not for him," she interrupted quickly. "It's for you. I told you that no matter what, I was on your side, and I meant it."

He took a deep breath and released it. "Thank you. Well...I guess we should get going soon. God knows I don't want to tick him off any more than he's going to be."

He handed Scully her coat, grabbed his off the hook, and the two walked out to meet their fate.

Exactly one hour later, they stood by the reflecting pool, watching the brooding hulk stalk toward them.

"All right," Skinner growled when he reached his agents. "What the hell is going on?"

Mulder stood chewing on his lower lip, then began. "A few days ago, I received a note saying that someone had something in his possession that would be of great importance to me. Scully and I went to check it out and met a man who said he was a professor at the university. He seemed on the up and up, but....we walked into a trap."

"A trap?"

"Yes. Set up by our smoking friend and his cronies."

Skinner's eyes narrowed. "What kind of trap?"

"They want me dead, sir. I've become too much of a nuisance to them. They sent someone to kill"

"The man who lured you into the meeting?"

"No. There were two men in the mill....three, actually, but we didn't find that out until later."

"How did you escape?"

"The man who was contracted to kill us is the one who saved us."

"What? Agent Mulder, you're losing me, here. Who was this man?"

Mulder took a deep breath.

Just spit it out.

"The same man who rescued me from the lodge in Washington."

"I thought you had no idea who that was?"

"I...I did know. I just wanted to protect him."

Skinner shook his head. "Protect...Agent Mulder, who are you talking about?

Mulder watched the other man's eyes intently. "Alex Krycek."

The man went silent for a moment, allowing the words to register. Then...


"Yes, sir." Mulder jumped right in again, not allowing Skinner to react further. "He saved my ass, sir. Not once, but twice...and now Scully."

The A.D. raised a hand to his forehead. "What the hell happened?"

"I have to go back to the beginning, sir, if you're to understand it all."

The hand lowered and came to rest on the older man's hip. "Any time you're ready, Agent."

Mulder started his story, watching Skinners' expression go from suspicion, to disbelief, to anger, and back to disbelief.

When he was through, Skinner stood quietly for a moment, then turned to the one who had not spoken a word. "Agent Scully, he said softly, "would you care to add anything to this...this..."

"Sir...every word of Agent Mulder's account is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Alex Krycek did save us in that mill. And as a result, he was shot. Obviously, the smoking man wasn't sure he could trust him. Apparently, his suspicions were correct. I removed the bullet, and we took him to the only place Mulder could think of where we wouldn't be hunted down. Krycek needed a little time to recuperate..."

"What about the rest of this?" Skinner broke in. He turned a withering stare on Mulder. "Are you going to stand there and tell me that you and Alex Krycek are..."

"Yes, sir," Mulder said softly, but without a hint of apology in his tone. "We are."

"Have you lost your mind completely?" Before Mulder could answer, Skinner whirled around, facing Scully. "You knew about this?"

"He told me not long after he returned from Washington."

"And you don't think he's certifiable?"

"Sir, Agent Mulder knows my very strong feelings on this matter. I've made myself crystal clear, but..."

"But what?"

"But," she said softly but firmly, "he's my partner and my friend, and even though I object most strenuously to his choice of a...companion, I stand behind his right to make his own choices."

He gave her an incredulous look. "Even if it's Alex Krycek?"

Scully hesitated then looked at her partner and nodded. "Yes, sir."

"You both need psychiatric care." He took a long, steadying breath and released it. "Agent Scully, you can go. Agent Mulder and I need to speak alone."

"It's all right sir," Mulder spoke up. "Agent Scully can hear whatever it is you've got to say."

"All right," the other man said flatly. "Agent Mulder, you have chosen to get yourself involved with is a murdering, thieving, lying sack, I know that those are my personal feelings and that there's not a thing that I can make stick, but I think we all know what he is. Your entanglement with this man is a serious conflict of interests, and in my opinion, a threat to security. As Assistant Director, I cannot allow your association to continue. I'm not going to make you decide where your loyalties lie right this second, but by tomorrow, I either need your guarantee that you two are finished, or...or I need your resignation."

Mulder fixed an unwavering stare on the other man. "I can give you that answer right now..."

"Mulder," Scully snapped. "Please. Let's just go. Come on, we can talk about this. Do what he said. Take tonight and give it some good, long thought."

"Do it, Agent Mulder," Skinner advised. "I will not accept any answer you give me today." Without another word, he walked away, leaving the partners alone.

Mulder watched the retreating figure for a few seconds, then turned and walked in the opposite direction.

"Mulder...Mulder!" Scully ran to catch up with him. "Okay, Mulder, you got his reaction, which I have to tell you was a hell of a lot milder than I expected. You know what he's hoping to hear from you tomorrow. Let's talk about it."

"Nothing to talk about."

"Of course there is!"

"The answer I give him tomorrow will be exactly the same as the one I would have given him today."

"I...I can't believe this!" Scully railed. "You'll throw your whole career away? You'll walk away from the X-files? The search for your precious truth and your sister just like that?"

Mulder stopped short. "No, Scully, not just like that. You think I want to give it up? I don't. But I want to give Alex up even less." He waved a hand in the air and continued on. "I'm not going to explain it to you again."

"Wait!" She tried to catch up. "Where are you going?"

"For a walk...alone, okay?"

Scully broke off her pursuit, watching her partner until she could no longer see him, then spun around and stormed off in the opposite direction.

Fox walked slowly through the park, letting the stinging wind whip his hair this way and that. He pulled his collar up as he walked, only partially shielding his face from the bits of sand and leaves that swirled around him.

So. Here it is. Put up or shut up time. Alex, or everything you've been working for, for years.

What's to think about? I've already made my decision.

Yeah, but you've got one more chance to change your mind. So, which is it? Alex or your job?

Frustrated, he viciously kicked a rock and watched it skip frantically ahead of him.

I want them both.

You can't have them both. Skinner's made that damn clear.

He heaved a long sigh and looked up to the gray sky.

Looks like snow.

Nevermind the snow. You've said it and said it. But do you really mean it? Is Alex more important than your life's work?

His thoughts wandered back to this morning and Alex asleep in his bed, lying amidst the tangle of sheets and blankets. The rightness of that moment when he kissed his sleeping lover and went off to work could never be denied.

He smiled up at the forbidding sky.

Damn straight he is.

The smile dimmed though, as he almost immediately began to mourn the loss of the only life he'd known for so many years.

I can't expect it not to hurt. It's only natural. It's completely understandable.

Yeah, but will Alex understand, or will he start thinking that you're having regrets?

No. He'll understand if I just explain it to him.

Explain it to him, now? The way you're feeling? Don't do it. You'll only fuck it up. Just let it go until tomorrow.

He's going to want to know.

Alex isn't the only one who's good at evasion. You can think of a couple of ways to keep him occupied until you think you can talk about it without alienating him.

He stopped and looked up again at the thickening clouds.

It's gonna start any minute. I should go home now.

He hesitated, looking back the way he had come, then decided to walk on.


The A.D. returned to the Hoover Building, and as he blew past his receptionist, he asked that all but the most important calls be held. Once inside the privacy of his office, he began to pace, trying to absorb what had just happened.

Mulder had thrown him some wicked curves in the past, but this?

He ran a hand over the top of his head and sat heavily in his chair, staring across his desk to the place where Mulder always sat. He stared at the seat, seeing his agent sitting there, hazel eyes sparkling as he confidently spewed his outrageous assessment of whatever case he'd been assigned. The notions he put forth would have been quickly dismissed by anyone else, but he'd always given the man all his attention, doubtful though he was. There was just something about Fox Mulder that made him want to listen...made him want to provide him with all the time and resources he needed...made him want to...

Oh, God.

Why the bloody hell did Mulder have to go and do this?

It was hard enough seeing him day after day, talking to him...standing so close to him, and thinking that there was no way in hell, but he had information he didn't have before. Not that it made a damn bit of difference, he supposed, but shit.

He took his glasses off and tossed them onto the desk. Rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands, he attempted to ward off the sudden flood of images that raced through his mind. Mulder and Krycek together...doing the things he'd always imagined that they would do.

Mulder and Krycek....

Mulder and Alex. Fucking. Krycek.

His blood boiled at the thought of that son-of-a-bitch touching Mulder. And his mind screamed at thought that Mulder wanted him to. And his cock throbbed at the thought of Mulder ever wanting a man.

He leaned back in his chair, wondering if he'd done the right thing in giving Mulder that ultimatum. He was ready to pack it all in, Skinner could see it in his eyes. Fox Mulder never did go in big for ultimatums, but what else could he do? Yes, he was shocked, and yes, he was incensed that Mulder was insane enough to take Alex Krycek as a lover, but he what he did, he did as Assistant Director, and for no personal reason. He did view that rat bastard as a threat to Bureau security, and he was right in his decision. But what did he really accomplish besides putting off the inevitable? Mulder wasn't likely to change his mind overnight. A more stubborn man he'd never met.

Those eyes...such a fiery shade of amber when they stared at him in total defiance. The set of his jaw...that insistent tone in his voice...the angry pout of his lips...

Jesus Christ, Skinner couldn't count the times that he had wished he could just throw the man up onto his desk and...

He shook the thought off and jerked his drawer open. Pulling out the last file he'd been working on, he flipped it open, donned his glasses, and...

And stared blindly at the words in front of him.

The hard knock at the door startled Alex out of his nap. He shook off the fog and rose from the sofa, tripping toward the door. A quick glance into the peephole revealed the red face of Fox's partner. He started to open the door, and she pushed it the rest of the way, practically knocking him over.

"Scully, what the hell...?"

"You and I have to talk."

"Where's Fox?"

"Who knows?"

"What do you mean, who knows?"

"He took off. Wanted to go for a walk by himself after we talked to Skinner."

Alex sat down. "What happened?"

"He's done. Over. His career at the Bureau is finished."

"Oh, shit. Shit, shit...Skinner dismissed him?"

"No. He gave Mulder a choice. Gave him till tomorrow to either cut you loose or hand in his resignation. Guess what he's going to do?"

"You already told me. He can't quit."

"It's as good as done."

Alex buried his face in his hands and groaned softly.

"What's the matter, Krycek? You should be happy. You got what you wanted. He's out of the way."

Alex dropped his hands and glared up at her. "Has your bitterness rotted your brain? I don't want him 'out of the way'. Together, he and I could bring those assholes to their knees. The only agenda this serves is theirs."

Scully eyed him doubtfully.

"For Christ's sake, Scully, I never wanted this."

"No? You knew it was inevitable, Krycek."

He rose and shook his head, turning away. "I let him talk me into believing that it would be all right. I didn't want to believe that I would tear his life apart."

"Well, you've done that for sure. Congratulations." And with that, she turned and promptly left, slamming the door behind her.

Alex paced the length of the room for at least half an hour after Scully left, wracking his brains, trying to figure a way to fix the mess he'd caused. Coming up with nothing but a severe headache, he sat down and decided that the best thing to do would be to wait until Fox got home and hash it out with him.

Over two hours later, Alex heard the key in the lock. He looked up from the droning television as Fox moved quietly into the living room, brushing a few remaining flakes of snow from his hair. He gave his lover a wary smile.



Alex waited a moment, then spoke up. "'d it go?

Fox shrugged.

Again Alex waited. When no more information was forthcoming, he asked, "What does that mean?"

Fox looked up and gave him a false smile, stroking his hair. "Everything's fine."



"Then why do you look like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like the world is ending."

Fox moved closer and planted a kiss on the side of his head. "How could I look like that? I've got you." He moved away and started toward the bedroom. "God, I'm tired. I'm going to go take a shower, then we can think about dinner?"


The older man gave no answer. He simply disappeared into the bedroom, and a few minutes later, Alex heard the shower go on.

He moved into the room, brushing his fingers over Fox's suit jacket. He picked it up and sat on the bed, cradling it in his lap. A few minutes later, the water shut off, and Fox emerged from the bathroom, draped in a towel.

"Fox, I'd like to hear a little more about today than just, 'everything's fine'."

The older man cocked his head. "Why? Everything is fine." He walked to the dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans, underwear, and some socks, then wandered over to the closet and yanked a shirt off of a hanger. He dressed while Alex watched, then he walked over to the younger man and covered his mouth in a long, sweet kiss. "You hungry? I am."

Alex's gaze dropped to the carpet. "Yeah. Sure. Wh-what do you want?"

"Pizza is great. Fast, easy, no mess to clean up. I'll call now, okay?"

Alex nodded, and Fox kissed him once more before he left the room. For long minutes afterward, he sat there on the bed, fingers fumbling with the buttons of Fox's jacket, wondering why his lover wouldn't tell him the truth about what had happened.

How was he supposed to talk to him now? How were they supposed to try to fix this if Fox wouldn't let him in?

He rose from the bed and left the room. He stopped in the doorway and listened as Fox completed the pizza order and hung up. The older man looked up, reading the sad expression in his eyes.


Alex moved forward and took his outstretched hand. Fox pulled him down to the sofa and wrapped his arms around him.

"Pizza'll be here in about forty-five minutes."

Alex laid his head on Fox's chest and nodded silently.

They sat that way, saying nothing, absorbing each other's heat until the pizza arrived. Only then did Alex pull away, allowing Fox to get up and go to the door. The older man came back with the pizza, retrieved a couple of beers from the refrigerator, and they sat down to dinner.

An hour later, half the pizza sat in the box, untouched and ice cold. Fox folded the cover down and gave Alex a tiny smile. "Well, we got something to snack on if we get hungry later."

Alex gave no answer. He sat back against the cushions of the sofa and stared at his hands. Fox picked up the box, and Alex watched as he walked into the kitchen with it. His eyes dropped back down to his hands which were linked tightly together.

He's quitting. He really is quitting, and he doesn't want to talk about it. You're the reason he's flushing his career down the toilet, and he won't even talk about it with you.

He expelled a hard, trembling breath.

You can't. How can you love him and let him throw his life away?


Fox's soft voice startled him out of his thoughts.

"Are you all right?"

He opened his mouth to answer but closed it again and gave a weak nod.

Fox studied his lover for a moment, then walked over and took his hand. "Come with me."

"Where?" Alex asked, just above a whisper.

The older man pulled him to his feet and wrapped him in a snug embrace. "To bed."

Alex let Fox lead him into the bedroom, and once they were there, Fox began to undress him slowly. He stood quietly, eyes never leaving his lover's face as he was disrobed.

When Alex was completely stripped, Fox removed his own clothing. He moved forward, pressing Alex backward onto the bed, and lay down on top of him. Alex's body immediately began to respond, feeling his lover's hard warmth covering him. His eyes drifted shut, and he tried desperately to block out everything but the feel of his Fox's mouth coaxing his into submission.

Fox groaned as Alex's mouth opened to him, and his tongue plunged inside, anxiously probing the moist interior. His hands wandered the body beneath him, stroking and petting, driving his lover into a sensual frenzy. He pressed downward, grinding his hips against Alex's, listening to the desperate cries the action evoked, and he released the swollen mouth.

"I want you now, baby," Fox panted. "I need you."

Alex's eyes squeezed shut, and he turned his face into Fox's neck. He arched up against his lover, whimpering his encouragement, and Fox reached into the nightstand drawer for the lube. He quickly unscrewed the cap, squeezed a generous amount of the contents into his hand, and smoothed it on his rigid cock. Alex wrapped his legs around Fox's waist and gave himself up to the frantic, penetrating heat.

Fox released a hard sigh as he buried himself inside his lover. "Oh, God," he sobbed, "baby, I can't wait..."

Alex's fingers clenched in Fox's back, and he arched again, pulling his lover as deeply into his body as he could. He repeated the move again and again as Fox drove forward, grunting harshly with each thrust. He grabbed hold of Alex's cock and began to pump wildly.

"It's', God..."

Fox's head snapped back, and he released a sobbing growl as he emptied himself into his lover. His hand continued to move, and only seconds later, he took Alex screaming over the edge. When the younger man's cries faded and his body stopped convulsing, Fox released his cock and slumped down on top of his chest.

They lay quietly together, recovering, and when the power of reason returned to Alex, a surge of tears stung his eyes. He swallowed them down and wrapped his arms around his lover, burying his face in the golden-brown silk.

Some time later, the sounds of sleep reached Alex's ears. He squeezed his eyes shut, listening to the sound. He inhaled the scent of Fox's hair and gently stroked his back, memorizing the texture of his skin. Then very carefully, he slipped out from underneath his lover and sat at the edge of the bed. He looked down at the sleeping man and gently pulled the blanket up around his shoulders. Thoughts of their conversation this morning came back to him, and he smiled sadly.

A soft kiss and then leave him asleep in his bed.

Only, he wouldn't be coming back.

The impact of that thought hit Alex like a truck, and he doubled over, shaking violently. He breathed deeply, trying to pull himself together, and when he straightened up, he forced himself to look down again into the face he'd come to adore. He leaned in, brushing a tender kiss into Fox's hair, then made himself stand on shaky legs. He reached out to touch the sleeping man's cheek, but stopped just short of contact. His fingers curled into a fist, and he tucked the hand under his other arm. His mouth opened, and a choked whisper left them.

"I love you, Fox."

Alex dressed quickly, then turned and left, closing the door quietly behind him.


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