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These are pictures from our trip to Barcelona. We met up with one our friends who is studying in Florence (Sid) and another who is studying in London (Moskowitz).

This is one of the many pictures I took with pigeons on me.

I think I just had a thing for these pigeons, only me and Lindsay would let them crawl on us. Lindsay unfortunatly got shit on.

We had to stop at this Museum. You should see the pictures we couldnt put up on the website...I learned a lot.

Ari,Sid,Kevin,Moskowitz, and Jon. I really have no idea what this statue was of. Sorry.

Jon,Roger,Mosko,Me,Kevin,Sid. This was at some amazing restuarant we ate at.

Nick&Carolyn,Stacy,Sid,Kevin,Mosko,Jon,Ari,Lindsay. We are at some cafe.

Jon,Ari,Kevin. This is us at a park that was constructed by the famous architect Gaudi.

Stacy,Sid,Lindsay,Ari.This is another picture from the park. We chilled there and watched the sunset. Ahhhhhh.

Kevin and I at Gaudi Park.

Kevin, Jon, and Ari. You cant really see but we are standing in front of the largest park bench in the world at Gaudi Park. Pretty cool...