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Howard C. Blevins, Jr., 1944-1966
Howard Blevins was born on Oct. 15, 1944. At the time of his death, on April 11, 1966, Howard Blevins had attained the rank of Spc4/E4. If you wish to leave a tribute, use the “Write a dedication/tribute” link directly below this message. Be sure to mention Howard by name in the message. It will be posted in 24 to 48 hours.

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Blevins was with me when he got killed. He had gone back to his machine gun with ammo to find the gunner dead and the gun missing. He came to tell me this and that Sgt Langston was dead. He had no sooner told me this when a sniper put 3 rounds into his back. He died almost instantly. It was quick.


You saw more than anyone else that day. I don't remember Blevin's face, but his name seems so familiar that I thought he must have been in First Platoon.

Of course, he could have reported to you even if he had been in First Platoon.

Roger Harris