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Dedication Wall
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John A. Johnson, 1942-1966
John A. Johnson was born on Feb. 16, 1942. At the time of his death, on January 31, 1966, John had attained the rank of Spc4/E4. If you wish to leave a tribute, use the “Write a dedication/tribute” link directly below this message. Be sure to mention John by name in the message. Also include your own name please. It will be posted in 24 to 48 hours.

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John was in the second platoon with me and took my place as squad RTO after I gave up that position and became Platoon RTO for Lt Libbs and platoon Sgt Joe Shine. He got zapped soon after he took over that position from me. I have always thought how easy it could have been me instead of him. John was easy going and was always ready to do more than his fair share of the action...

David Stewart