Ozark District Officers Ozark District Units Past District Events Ozark District Service Projects Ozark District Eagles
Welcome to Ozark District. We are a part of Westark Area Council, encompassing most of North Central Arkansas, from Norfork to Berryville. Ozark District is host to two Boy Scout Camps.
Camp Orr, a high adventure camp, is the only Boy Scout Camp located within a National Park area. The camp is near Jasper, just South of Harrison, with nearly 600 acres available of the scenic Buffalo National River Wildnerness Area. Facilities include a Dining Hall which seats more than 500, three cabins, trading post, platform tent campsites and coeducational facilities.
Camp Spencer is just East of Mountain Home, located on Lake Norfork. This camp is primitive, with no available drinking water.
If you are a member of Ozark District and would like to have something added to this website, contact me, Dixie Mahmud, with the information.
Upcoming Events in Ozark District
Useful Scouting Links
Boy Scouts of America National Council
Westark Area Council Boy Scouts of America
Cub Scout Belt Loops - U.S. Scouting Service Project
Cub Scouts Advancement Links - U.S. Scouting Service Project
Pack 327 Website - Great information