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Hi there! I am glad you found my little place on the world wide web. I hope you enjoy your stay here and that you find something to your liking. Within my pages you will see the collection of wallpapers I have created since September 11, 2001. Most of them were made for my personal use...others were special requests. Special thanks to those people who have also contributed their poems to the site.

Please keep our President as well as our soldiers in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to face the difficult times yet to come. =) Jami

Thanks to all who have been so supportive of me with what I have done with my little place on the net. Feel free to pass along any of my pages or link to my site.

E-mail Jami =)

Please click the links below to view my my tribute pages!

WTC, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania Crash Tributes

Some Gave All It's Our Turn! Need I say more? (Wallpaper) A tribute to Firefighers.(Wallpaper) This page is dedicated to my adopted fallen firefighter, Michael Fiore of FDNY Rescue 5. A Tribute to Police Officers. (Wallpaper) This page is dedicated to my adopted fallen police officer, George Howard of the NY Port Authority Police. This is a wallpaper I made for my daughter with the little girl with the flag in the image and the WTC before the attack. This is the first wallpaper I made after the attack using the photo of the 3 firemen raising the flag at the WTC. WTC and the Pentagon before the attacks. (Wallpaper) PA crash, WTC, Pentagon memorial. Wallpaper) Animation I made. Very pretty page if I may say so myself. Painting of an Angel Weeping over an American flag and a message written by the artist to the victims of 9-11. Beautiful! Used with permission. Tribute to our canine heroes. (Wallpaper} This page is my son's. His 1st grade class did something really special for Family Night this year. We wanted to share...

Military Tributes

USAF wallpaper. USN wallpaper. US Army wallpaper. This is my favorite page so far! USMC wallpaper. USCG wallpaper. YOU GO BOYS!!!!! (Wallpaper) Images from the Revolutionary War thru Desert Storm. (Wallpaper) Jami's Special Page...Enter if you dare!!!! (Wallpaper here too) Another must see. Drawing of a fireman at WTC passing the flag to a soldier. Very touching image. Army Rangers...We own the night! You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!!! (Wallpaper) In rememberance of USAF Capt.W.W. Smith, my soldier I have adopted through Operation Just Cause.(Another snowglobe and a new poem on this page.) Who let the dogs out? (wallpaper) New Operation Enduring Freedom Wallpaper! Operation Iraqi Freedom Wallpaper Another Operation Iraqi Freedom Wallpaper Snipers Rule! Wallpaper featuring photo of sailors raising the 'Don't Tread on Me' flag on board the USS Kitty Hawk. A picture is worth 1000 words... Wallpaper from screen shots from the movie We Were Soldiers.


A must see...I love this page! Snipers are KEWL!(Wallpaper) Yeah, I had to do it again! Funniest thing I ever heard! Hang on to your seats! Just amusing myself again...I think it's time for Osama to give up his profession as a terrorist. I have a new job for him! The Crocodile AKA Bin Laden Hunter. Very funny stuff! Welcome to Baghdad! Just have to look...this is too funny. Rated PG! More Baghdad Bob! Saddam screwed with the wrong bird!.

Poems and Songs

A Patriot?...A poem written by a friend. This is the Pledge of Allegiance sung by Lee Greenwood. It's worth the time to listen. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!!! (Kewl pics) This poem was written by my friend Brenda for the sister of a pilot. (Wallpaper also on this page) A touching poem written by Denise about the events of Sept. 11th. Thank you Denise for allowing me to display your poem on my site! A poem written by my friend Alan for his friend who is a tanker in the US Army. (Wallpaper also) Another poem written by Alan and contributed to my site. Thanks again Alan! This poem was written by my cousin for his dad who served in the USMC and is a veteran of the Vietnam War. This is also my first attempt at creating an internet snowglobe! This is a poem written by Don Baker. Thanks for permission to use it on my site! There is also a new Navy wallpaper on the page. A new wallpaper and a poem in rememberance of 9-11. The poem was written by my friend Brenda who has contributed several other poems to my site. Thanks again Brenda!


My idea of a Happy Halloween! A poem for our veterans, written by a veteran. Thanks to Robert and Jackie for this contribution to my site! A poem for Thanksgiving... In rememberance of the lives lost December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbour and our WWII veterans.(wallpaper) Twas the Night Before Christmas Patriotic New Year! (Wallpaper)


Our great National bird, the Bald Eagle (Wallpaper) A tribute to Tony Blair and our friends in the UK....United We Stand! (Kewl Wallpaper) A tribute to George W. Bush, our admirable Commander in Chief. Wallpaper of George Bush using images of him when he was in the Texas Air National Guard. (and yes I am a fan of our President!) W 2004! Tribute to the Space Shuttle wallpaper. Awards I have won! Some neat links! Please check out the webrings I belong to! For those who have asked or wondered, this is me.

Web Graphics Sets and Screen Savers

Screensavers I have made and wanted to share with you all!

Graphics within my pages created with Paint Shop Pro 7 by JASC Software.

Graphics Created with Paint Shop Pro 7