Spencer’s Story -
(& Mason's now, too)
Mason was just diagnosed in the fall - 2003
Spencer - normal at birth and thriving - regressed
into the world of Autism after his 15 month check-up.
He lost all his speech, all his play skills, and all his comprehension.
Diagnosed at 3 1/2 years of age - it was later found that
he was given over 250 micrograms of Thimerasol in his child vaccines. -
Treating him for Mercury posioning proved to be very benificial in his healing.
In 2002 - He was also diagnosed with "measles-induced-colitis"
exactly like the works of Dr. Andrew Wakefield had found
in a subset of children with regressive autism.
Treating Spencer's colitis has brought tremendous gains to Spencer
and the entire family unit as a whole.
Though Spencer is not "recovered" he
continues to make gains in his road to recovery.
Mason, diagnosed summer of 2003, is higher functioning.
He does have speech but it is echolalic in nature.
He has a savant like memory and loves computer games.
He began reading at a beginners level when he was just three years old.
Recent results showed that he too suffers from Mercury poisoning
even though he only had three vaccines with Thimerasol in them.
MoMA- Moms On A Mission For Autism
Unlocking Autism - Defeat Autism Now - Cure Autism Now
Together we can make a difference-