~*Arkansas/Oklahoma Cemetery Transcriptions*~
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~*Arkansas/Oklahoma Cemetery Transcriptions*~

Mountain View Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Bean Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Hester Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Old Cave Springs Cemetery: Benton County, Arkansas
Summers Baptist Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Corntassel Cemetery: Adair County, Oklahoma
Sugar Hill Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Cobb Cemetery: Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Clantonville Cemetery: Benton County, Arkansas
White Rock Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Cheatham Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Kinnibrugh Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Illinois Chapel Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Rose Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Cemetery Hill Memorial Park: Washington County, Arkansas
Howell Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
McDonald Cemetery: Washington County, AR
Fitzgerald Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Scott Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Howe Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Rutherford Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Ketcher Cemetery: Adair County, Oklahoma
Prairie View Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Luttrell Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas (see Bell Cemetery)
Bell Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Crossroads Cemetery: Searcy County, Arkansas
Gibson Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Dunagan Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas
Carnahan Cemetery: Washington County, Arkansas

Cemetery Transcriptions: Northwest Arkansas & Eastern Oklahoma

There are more transcriptions in progress (transcriptions already taken, but still being typed up).

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Here are a few cemetery transcriptions that we've done with family and friends. This is a very small, do-it-yourself project. If a local cemetery is relatively small and can be transcribed, we'll try to do it. We can't transcribe cemeteries very often because of work and family obligations, but still, new cemeteries will be added from time to time.

By "transcription", we mean that we go into a cemetery and write down the information on the headstones--usually the person's name and birth/death dates.

PLEASE NOTE: We are not professionals. We are not genealogists. We do this as a labor of love. If you see a problem with any of these transcriptions, please send a note and let us know. Be nice. We're only human. Mistakes happen.

Quite a few people have taken the time to write us, and have told us wonderful stories about the family members whose names appear in these transcriptions. We really do enjoy hearing these stories. It adds a human element to our efforts.

We sincerely hope that you'll find this information useful. Thanks for stopping by the website!

NOTE: We maintain a database of Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi obituaries. This is a very small site at present, but it will be expanding rapidly. Check it out here.

And if you're interested in a non-obituary type of database, you'll find quite a list of unusual baby names here.