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Hi and welcome to Roiyaru, a shrine dedicated to the greatest Masho ever: Shuten Doji, Oni Masho. This site is a collaberation between myself, Rinne, and my partner Sam-chan. We decided to do this when we noticed a small lack of quality Shuten shrines, and since Sam-chan has an anbundance of Shuten type things, and I have the know-how, we put our small minds together and built this humble place in his honor. So enjoy our little piece of heaven, aka Roiyaru.

*1 MAR 01* - Opening day, officially. We have a few pictures up, and a few links too. Still under construction though, until we can get more items up. Keep checking back!
[pictures] [links]


email rinne: Rinne
email sam-chan: Sam-chan

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