The DiVlanche Family

The DiVlanche Family

(DiVlanche : Pronounced "Dee-Vlan-chey")

Beltane & Tiala DiVlanche

Father and Mother to Tera DiVlanche, Beltane was a just ruler of the DiVlanche clan; a man with wisdom and compassion for all...he taught Tera the ways of kindness after her mother dissapeared (assumed dead until her last known location was discovered to reveal Tera's half-brother). Beltane ended his days battling at his daughters side against the enemy clan of MilVante.

Tiala was a vain wife at her husbands side, and took much unlikeness towards her daughter and husband. Tiala may not have been the model teacher for her perticular position within the clan, nevertheless she was loved, for her troubles as well as contributions to life...

Tera DiVlanche, Maruta Tenhushi & Scythe Ninjatsiu (clockwise)

Tera's past is heavily shrouded in pain and misery. The destruction of her clan, with only 3 other survivors was a severe blow, as her life there was everything to her. Dealings with the dark goddess Assiyah and other deities haunts the DiVlanche prophecies. Finding her way to TirAsleen many years later, Tera finally found her home, and herself....Rising from the shadows she built the CommonWealth to be a protective system of allied clans, to maintain the peace and harmony, as well as security of TirAsleen; but her plans soon expanded, and the CommonWealth became an Empire...and a home for many millions who saught peace. Third member of the Dragonis Holy Family, last survivor of the pure DiVlanche linerage. She died at the hands of betrayal within her Empire only to be ressurected; and to find her son dead, her daughter ascended, and a soulmate lost to the shadows of time. The Empire of her adoptive brother Epostile, Dragonis, was withdrawn from the touch of the other realms, to fall behind the sacred veil; preserving its ancient lands and people for all time. She now reigns at the head of the CommonWealth Empire, strong, powerful, but always...alone...

Maruta remains a mystery to many, her true form has never been seen, even by her mother. She lives within the silken velour shadows of her cloak, and never speaks. Immediatly at the point of her mothers death, Maruta Ascended to the level of the Guardians above, she watches over the heads of the Gods; she is the daughter of creation and the mother of destruction. Maruta is unlikely to return to this level of existence, the absence of her presence has brought chaos to the temperal line.

Scythe is born of Ninjatsiu blood, like his father he has the birth-right of the Ninjatsiu blood-lust and temper. He looks much like his mother, and much of his life remains a mystery; taken at birth from his mothers arms by his father, he has never seen her, and neither her of him. All he knows of Tera are the rumours and lies sprung from betraying lips, and others of the DiVlanche-descendence who bare resemblance. Meeting the ends of the void, and then snatched from its blackened arms, he returned to quest his own life with the knights of the North.

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