The DiCesercito Clan

(Pronounced: Dee-Chay-ser-chee-toe)

The DiCesercito Clan was forged many generations ago from a truce between them and the Ventrian clan of Karios. The years were peaceful but turbulence was felt in the midst of the clan from members of different views. The DiCesercito's were a very swift-just race, taking action quickly and some bearing a heated temper, passed down from the ancestor Praetorial (where the Italian for "Praetorian" comes from, meaning Patroling Guard). Some disagreed with such ways, and in the 4th Generation, one of the 3 brothers of the leading house of DiCesercito broke away and headed North with many other followers from the Clan, eventually forging the DiVlanche family. The two families lived separated and rarely communicated or communed with one another, but still good relations were kept over the years. The DiCesercito's ways of swift-action and quick temper remained a warning sign for the clans around their borders, and they faced little opposition, eventually reigning as the leading Clan of Southern Italy. The DiVlanche however, were a more docile and peaceful people, relying on the ways of justice and traditional values, aspiring jelousy and hate amongst rivaling clans outside their borders. Eventually the battle between the MilVante (a leading rival clan) and the DiVlanche was waged...but the dwindling numbers of only 150 DiVlanche was no match for the 1000 outer clansmen who attacked and dessimated the family. The DiCesercito remained isolated from the North of Italy for many years, still reigning as the most wealthy and popular-trade clan of the Southern Peninsula, but the day came when the last DiVlanche (lady Tera) was slain, and the DiCesercito inherited the remaining Empire of the CommonWealth realm.

(Reception of the DiCesercito sisters to Denartis)

After a short ruling of the DiCesercito sisters, Lady Tera returned, ressurected from the void, and retook her place as first leader of the CommonWealth. Present day see both Lady DiVlanche and the DiCesercito sisters ruling the Empire jointly, with Lady Tera as the first Counsil.

Ostara & Phelia DiCesercito

Ostara and Phelia ruled the DiCesercito clan tenaciously, Phelia being the more veracious party when it came to quick action and the upholding of the law, unlike Ostara who had the tendancy to take things much slower and allow problems to solve themselves. Indeed Ostara wished to join the sister clan of DiVlanche in the North, but was trapped into marraige to Phelia as she hungered for power and the ruling of the clan. Ostara's younger brother, Beltane, fathered the creator of the CommonWealth Empire, while Ostara's own daughers inherited its throne.

Dirisereano & Laluce


Dirisereano remains much like her

mother, retaining an insaciable lust

for the pleasures of life, and strives

for perfection, success and power.

Her sister Laluce sustains an air of

calm and peace like her father, as

well as sharing his personality;

where Serea remains dominant in

swordplay, Laluce remains master

of majik and healing.

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