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DIRECTORY OF 100 PAINTINGS LATEST PAINTINGS OLDEST PAINTINGS My Deepest Inner Thoughts Sifert geneology 1995 Oslo Paintings A list of shows site NUDITY

Georgie in 1941 1957 jr. chamber chairmanship Old Gallery Santa Barbara 1987 old gallery Graduation U.C.S.B.1992 2002 now what?
Photos from the past, click on picture for enlargement
George Franklin, Artist
also known as, FAKE and born George Franklin Sifert Jr., welcomes you to a life story as told in paintings.  
I am constantly adding new pictures and updating the included discussions so that we are more or less current.
As of August, 2008, we have 112 images with discussions available through the directory.

I was a self trained (primitive) artist for 25 years, who painted in acrylic and sculpted in clay while living in southern California until 1989. Examples of my Primitive works.
It was then I endeavored to KILL my primitive soul with education and started school. Two years of study at Santa Barbara City College and then attending University of California at Santa Barbara. I graduated in 1992 at the age of 57 with a BA. in art, and a 3.5 gpa. Nothing was left to do but memorialize the event with Video documentation!!
ERUDITE? is the name of the resulting effort, a 2hr documentary video that shows and tells the pleasures and surprizes of school life at the beginning of the 1990's. Exhibition is presented in standup comedy style that is very much a part of the character that I act out - off the screen. Efforts are being made to make this video available to the interested public. We also have, 20 Years Painting In SantaBarbara and Revolving Pieces, showing 60 sculptures. We can now offer copies on VHS, or DVD.