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...'sitting with the shamaness in her nunnery of lovers... joni's poppy cottage'... ...'loved too, must be the passions that winged you, joyfully crying, into swirling life'... ...'some women are like yogis.. beseiged by norsemen'... ...'sharing ghost dances of appearances and flight'... ...'in our secret space we nestled, head on breast..amid seashells off paul's pier'...

...from shane's poem "secret space"


press here for "note from joni's mum"

broke wing angel

didn't know beauty 'til i knew her
knew no one 'til i saw them through her
i saw the white buffalo

...from shane's soundtrack "broke wing angel"


"among vibrating iceland poppies... she played in the garden of van the warm wheat morning..."..."her inner child's fountain offered to the throng...with flower child paintings of the coral sea..."..."medicine woman on a vision quest...hejira through the hot south-west..."..."the hungry lights at berkeley..shine on her cheekbones and teeth..."..." the contrapunctal pastorius...shorter's soprano bird calls...the revelling fingers of metheny..." ..."when beach houses drowned and malibu went insane..." ..."and the noble phoenix rising..."

...from shane's poem "taliswoman"...

joni mitchell.....and mozart

shane collects his thoughts on joni's gift to the world... ..."in the correspondance of thomas merton with karl barth, they enjoyed the thought that the wonder-child within all of us is named mozart... that is to say, mozart lies hidden within all of us through grace...a few, didn't have their wonder-child shut down by family or society...the beauty we see in joni mitchell exists in ourselves, a jungian notion, and essential if we would find out who we were made to be before we started constructing the false self...imitation of joni mitchell or of anyone is vitiated in self-defeat from the start...but in grace's progress in becoming ourselves, we identify..."

joni bio

ASCAP FoundersAward
Joni's Achievement

bob 'n joni
and the shane gang!

shane's first jonibook
