An idea of a friend of mine is that of a "Dim" or "Dull" bomb. Laser-guided smart bombs work well for targets that only need a single hit, but the explosion of the first bomb often throws up a lot of smoke and dust that is ideal at blocking laser beams. A laser beam rider may not be practical in many situations. JDAM bombs use inertial navigation and GPS to home in on programmed co-ordinates, but what if the exact location of the target is not know, or is something mobile like a large ship. It would be useful if one could hit a target with a laser-guided bomb and have a stick of bombs home in on the same target. A solution is to have the second and subsequent bombs in a string home in on a flare or transmitter on the first smart bomb. The detonation of the first bomb may result in the loss of signal, but the bombs will have followed the first so closely that dispersion will be greatly reduced. A beacon that will survive the first bomb's destruction may be possible. Most likely way to do this is to have the lead bomb have no explosive content, just a radio beacon on which the other bombs home.