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Randall Anthony Jonas MA




Randall Jonas is an experienced instructional designer, content creator and editor with experience in curriculum development, authoring textbooks, copywriting, training  and communications.  He has been published in Sweden, Germany, and Iceland and works with corporations, universities and international publishers.  He has an MA, BEd and BA.




2012 - 2013 Various Freelance/ Consulting



Corporate Trainer


Language instructor for corporate executives for companies such as Sony, Sanofi and others



Social Media Marketing


Use LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora and Face Book to help market and crowd source the company which connects content experts with journalists internationally



Freelance Educational Writer


Write educational texts for this American test prep tutoring company



Freelance Blogger for Test Preparation


Write a blog giving advice about how to succeed at taking the TOEFL exam


2004 - 2013 Various Freelance/ Consulting


Natur och Kultur - Publishing House (Sweden)

Instructional Designer, Author, Primary Editor


Primary Author of Spotlight 8 - 9, English Textbook Series

Author texts and chapters  for educational purposes

Author testing materials, quizzes, workbook activities

Edit manuscripts and texts

Design and research content for learning units/ modules/ textbooks

Primary English language editor for numerous complete textbooks


Liber AB - Publishing House (Sweden)

Educational Materials Author, Primary Editor


Co-Author of Trailblazer, English Textbook Series

Author texts for educational purposes

Author testing materials, quizzes and workbook activities

Edit manuscripts

Design and research content for online and hardcopy use



Klett Verlag - Publishing House (Germany)

Educational Materials Author


Authored educational unit in a German college textbook for language learning



Barron's Educational Series - Publishing House (USA)

Book Reviews for Test Preparation Textbooks


Review all English testing textbooks for IELTS, TOEIC and TOEFL exams


The Public Knowledge Project (Canada)

Social Sciences and Humanities Researcher, Published Research


Assisted main researcher with gathering data regarding literacy in Cameroon

Analysed and Compiled data and analysed it using qualitative and quantitative methods

Wrote up the analysis for publication with 3 other authors

Worked in a team with 3 other social science researchers


2007 - 2008 Montmorency College (Canada)

College English Professor for French speakers


Taught college level English according to the Quebec government’s curriculum

Used ELearning for projects

Created an online self study set of web links with activities

Tested, evaluated and placed students into appropriate class levels


2003 - 2004 The University of British Columbia

Graduate Student


Completed MA in Education

Published literacy and ICT research in Hong Kong

Worked as a researcher regarding library history for thesis advisor



2002 - 2003 Pacific Rim College (Canada)


Taught TOEFL/ TOEIC preparation, composition and the four skills

Created my own curriculum, tests and lesson plans

Used computers and Internet to develop the self-study skills of students


2001 The University of British Columbia (Canada)

The English Language Institute       


Taught academic writing, cross-cultural communication, and

used CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) in all classes


2000- 2001 University College of Boras (Sweden)

School of Education and Behavioural Sciences


Adjunct Professor, Course Designer, Teacher Trainer and Advisor


Trainer for adult students learning how to teach English

Researched and designed courses about literature, language learning and literacy for children

Tested and evaluated students

Used CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) in various classes



1999 - 2001 Sven Erikson Gymnasium IB World School (Sweden)


Taught over 200 older adolescents English according to the Swedish curriculum


1998 - 2001 Folkuniversitetet, TBV, Utbildningcentrum, EF Corporate(Sweden)


Taught business, technical, and specialised English courses.

Designed the courses based on each company’s needs and the students’ capabilities.



1997- 1998 Ecole Anjou, Canada


Taught 200 secondary students according to the Quebec curriculum.

Responsible for language instruction, testing and evaluation, and course design




University of British Columbia (2003 - 2004) - Master of Arts  

Concordia University (1997) - Bachelor of Education: Major TESOL 

Concordia University (1992) - Bachelor of Arts: Philosophy, Honours and Distinction


Computer Skills


Computer literate regarding MS software, MS OS and others


Awards and Distinction


Honorary Alumni of UBC’s Public Knowledge Project (2004)

Awarded the Toronto Dominion Bank Research Scholarship (2003)

Graduated with honours and distinction (1992)


Note: References and samples provided on demand.