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United Nations Association Townhall Art Gallery, featuring :

the Angelfire Gallery of Fine Art (eat your heart out Ansel Adams)

"Blessed Are The Peacemakers"

This collection of eleven famous peacemakers is on loan from the United Nations Association of the United States of America, Mariposa Chapter, Northern California Division.

The pictures are on tour to help galvanize support for the United Nations by reminding the public that peace begins in the hearts and minds of Humankind.

"The global agenda has never been so varied, so pressing or so complex. It demands of the international community, new approaches, new resources and new commitments of political will."

Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General

Double click on pictures for full size view

Mahatma Gandhi

Mother Teresa

Martin Luther King.Jr.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Albert Schweitzer

Leo Tolstoy

Albert Einstein

Dag Hammarskjold

Anne Frank

George Bernard Shaw

Linus Pauling

The photographic exhibit, "Blessed are the Peacemakers," on tour of the United States, is an inspiring presentation. For information on how you, your university, NGO, or organization can acquire this collection on loan, contact Priscilla LaLone, Recently displayed, year 2000: Office of the Governor of California, Gray Davis, United Nations Association Film Festival-Stanford University-2000, United Nations Association of the United States of America, Mariposa Chapter.

Web Page Masters Cameron and Colleen Rankin

Web Sites:

United Nations Association Film Festival October 19-22, 2000
Priscilla Lalone, Vice-President, Communications, UNA-USA,Northern California Division; President, UNA Townhall