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Gay Thelema
The New Ritual

Here is the new Banishing ritual, for Gays who are beginning practice with Thelema. "Banishing", in my opinion, is a clearing out. One important thing in this, we don't "bind" or "psychically protect" ourselves from others. We are royal beings, and don't have to be brought down to this level of hurt and pain by anyone. We must remain true to our own will, and respect ourselves, harming no-one in the process, including ourselves. So Banishing is a clearing out, a making of sacred space to do the work at hand. The use of breath and visualization is important. The ultimate goal is to be able to do the banishing ritual, projecting these psychic energies from your mind. Work with the breath, and find out what is right for you. When to breath in and when to release while saying the banishing and tracing your Pentagram.

"The New Banishing Ritual for Horus
by Sunwolf

Touch the forehead and say: "Ateh, in the name of the Father."
Touch the left shoulder and say: "Vegedula, In the Name of the Mother."
Touch the right shoulder and say: "Vegeburah, in the name of the Son."
Then touch the Solar Plexus and say : "Malkuth, in the name of the daughter."
Cross arms at chest and recite "Le Olham, Forever and Forever, Amen."
Sing Ateh Geburah le Olham Malkuth (Let the Father continue to send strength and blessings to his princess and great daughter, the glory be, forever).

Repeat Pentagram:
Touch the forehead and say: "Hadit, in the name of the Father."
Touch the left shoulder and say: "Nu, in the name of the Mother."
Touch the right shoulder and say: "Horus, in the name of the Son."
Then touch the Solar Plexus and say: "Bast, in the name of the daughter."

Now imagine a Pentagram (if you want to use this 5 pointed star, great for Earth energies), or a Hexagram ( if you want to use this 6 pointed star, great for Planetary energies), or Octagram (if you want to use this 8 pointed star, great for Star and Cosmic Energies), or use Unicursal Hexagram (great for deep psychic work).

Stand facing East with you wand, and trace the symbol you are using. If a pentagram, trace it by starting in your lower left hand corner, tracing up to the highest point (Earth to Spirit, Malkuth to Kether) and so forth. Like a regular Pentagram banishing, direction is important, so learn this. It is even great to imagine you Pentagram in a particular colour, say Yellow for East, Green for South, Blue for West, and White for North. So turn to each direction, creating a Banishing Circle, and when you arrive back at point A, the East, repeat the second banishing again (Touch Forehead and say "Hadit, in the name of the Father). And end up with calling upon the Silver Star, the Sacred Flame within to be the collum that unites you with Heaven and Earth.

Now you have a sacred space and are ready to perform ritual, psychic work, meditation, healing, etc.

When finishing, clear all energies away, sending them back into the universe, in the name of the Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Earth, Moon, Sky and Stars."

I think I will look up some Thelema and Islam references, I am sure that they are out there.

Crowley talked about the 3 ages, or Aeons, as being Paganism, Christianity, and Thelema. I think when we talk about the diversity of spiritual paths, one has to consider that there is not one dominant path, but many.

Also in the Banishing ritual I left a few things out, to see if people were paying attention.

When one draws their pentagram or hexagram (I prefer Octagram) one should take their wands and plundge it into the center, visualize the sigil spinning off into the cosmos, or perhaps around the world. Also I used traditional terms in the first recitation, and used Thelema ones in the next. One can use their own terms, Gods and Goddesses, and design their own banishing ritual. One could use Buddhist terms, or a gay person could use gay deities like Pan, Dionysus, Bacchus, Horus, Cerrunos, etc.

And a ritual can be as complex, or simple. One can use candles, incense, gem stones crystal, etc. One can wear a robe or go naked. One can do just about anything, because that is what Thelema is all about.

777 is a good reference books on the symbols and deities and how they relate to numbers. Excellent for designing your own personal ritual.

I like using Thoth, he is great in revealing thoughts and insight into magick.

My Favorite Things About Thelemic Ritual

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