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Peter, aged 14

Peter and His Wife Betty today

"Midi Bugle Last Post
by Neville Young"



Peter Francis Malins (Trooper) 555278
7th Queens Own Hussars

This is Peters Story as told by his wife Betty.


Born in India, while his father was serving there with "The Regiment" it was only natural that Peter should follow his father's, grandfather's and uncles footsteps and also serve with the regiment. So it was in 1935 at the age of 14 years, that he found himself in the British Calvary Regiment, the 7th Queens Own Hussars and posted to Egypt, to Abbasia Barracks, as a band boy.

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This is the story of Betty and Peter Malins,their overland journey to, and their life in Uganda. Then, with the prospect Ugandan Independence in the 'pipe line' their journey to New Zealand and their life in that country. Their various travels and their eventual emigration and retirement. to Australia. To read on Click the crest



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Peter and Betty Malins have three daughters, Dail, Kim and Maya who for some inexplicable reason refuse to give up the name Malins. Seven grand children, and 10 great grand children.


This page has been designed to recognize my fathers 80 years and to celebrate my parents marriage of 54 years. It has been put together as much for the future as the past.


None of this would have peen possible but for many people, and these I'd like to thank. If I miss any please forgive.


First of course Daddy, for being the best darned Dad ever. Mother for many reasons, naturally the best Mum and my best friend, but without her incredible organizational skills keeping all the information and documents together over the years, her skill in writing the books, and memory, her cleverness in composing her piano music, and the fun that shows through in her book A Port By Any Other Name. We can see why Daddy snapped you up over 54 years ago and had the good sense not to let go.

A gimungus thank you to Paulette Venables, (my daughter) who has juggled a hubby, 4 young children, home and a near full term pregnancy to move mountains and put together things we didn't even know a computer could do.

Doug Kershaw WO2 who 'hunted down' the correct Reville, Mess Call and Stables thank you to the Band Of The Blues And Royals who put together a special tape for an old soldier from their Regiment some sixty years after he left. He can now listen to calls he thought he'd never hear again!

To the late Spence Edge, and Jim Henderson with their Book No Honor No Glory.

This has been fun to do, the more we dug the more we found, too much to fit in one web sight. We know you don't have a computer, (yet) Daddy and Mother, but as nearly every member in your family does, you can see your *site* any time you like.

We hope you enjoy, and those you meet through it.


*We would like to express our grateful thanks to Dail for her inspiration in compiling this web page. We know it's been a marathon task and appreciate the many long hours both she and Paulette have worked bringing this to fruition. Well done! those girls and many thanks to all who have helped
Mummy and Daddy* .


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