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What Color is Your Aura? Take This Test to Find Out

This test is from the book "What color is your aura" by Barbara Bowers, Ph.D. The Questionnaire~ answer each question 1,2,3,4,or 5.
Dont forget to think through these questions and really answer
 truthfully, or it wont work correctly.
1 being this does not describe me
2 being I am very seldom like this
3 being I am sometimes like this
4 being I am often like this
5 being this is me!
The Questions
1.  You are methodical in your thinking.

2.  You have a strong inner desire to make your mark on the world.

3.  You resent emotional and domestic demands made on you.

4.  Esoteric spiritual or political philosophies have a great emotional and intellectual appeal for you.

5.  You seek the unusual or the avant-garde.

6.  You cry easily.

7.  You are not judgemental or critical of the ways in which others express their emotions or feelings.

8.  You are at ease in any enviornment where healing is the primary activity or occupation.

9.  When faced with a dangerous task, you carefully plan how to handle any crisis that may arise.

10.  You are a lonor.

11.  When solving problems, you are able to visualize all the steps and the solution at the same time.

12.  You have no biases about sexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality.

13.  you prefer working at jobs that are physically demanding.

14.  You react physically (with sweaty palms, for example) before you respond to a situation mentally or emotionally.

15.  As a leader, you solicit lots of detailed information from others in order to make decisions.

16.  Social get-togethers such as cocktail parties bore you.

17.  You prefer occupations that have unlimited financial oppertunity, such as sales.

18.  When you have money, you spend it; when you don't, you don't.

19.  You are a nonconformist.

20.  You have a hard time saying no when people ask yu to do them a favor.

21.  You organize projects by creating systems.

22.  You depend on other people for clues on how you should act in various social situations.

23.  You meet physical challanges without fear.

24.  You are slow to choose friends

25.  You do not require emotional loyalty to effectively mentor someone.

26.  In school, you learn most effectively in an unstructured enviornment.  

27.  For you, sex is for physical pleasure.

28.  When you find yourself in a tense situation, you want to run away or pretend it doesn not exist.

29.  You have diffuculty sharing your emotions and feelings with others.

30.  You would rather be the theorist of a project, and leave the building of the working model to someone else.

31.  You diagnose problems by recognizing patterns.

32.  You are a dreamer who likes to live in fantasies you create.

33.  You are a spontaneous person.

34.  The experience of God's love is the spiritual force in your life.

35.  You look for ways to improve your community.

36.  you rarely show your deepest feelings.

37.  You prefer activities that allow you to demonstrate physical prowess.

38.  You evaluate objects by how solid or substantial they feel.

39.  You are attracted to religions with strong theological structures that allow for personal interpretation.

40.  You lead by forcing others to rethink and reexamine old beliefs, values, and ways of doing things.

41.  When you lose your temper, you get over it quickly.

42.  You are not cynical.

43.  You like social activities that combine business and pleasure.

44.  You are not "free and easy" when spending your money on others.

45.  You see God as the "brain" that created the universe.

46.  You express your sexuality creatively, intuitively, and experimentally.

47.  You are attracted to products that have unusual or unexpected design features.

48.  When looking for a job, you have diffuculty asking for the salary you deserve.

49.  You feel that raising a well-educated child is the greatest contribution you can make to your community.

50.  You enjoy reading biographies and diaries that describe the lives of real people. 

51.  You prefer individual competition rather than team effort.

52.  You are slow to commit to any belief system.

53.  You eagerly seek to please those you love and care about.

54.  You perceive spirituality to be in everything you do.

55.  If you have enough money to buy the necessities, you are happy.

56.  You experience God as the physical sensation of the joy of being alive.

57.  You prefer a spiritual belief system that relies on a foundation of laws and principals.

58.  You lead by telling people what to do.

59.  You prefer a few specially chosen friends who stimulate you intellectually.

60.  Your artistic pursuits often keep you indoors.

61.  You form loose friendships that are not encombered with bonds of expectation.

62.  You feel more comfortable sharing the leadership by being co-chairperson.

63.  You financially support community groups and programs that benifity society.

64.  Your source of personal power is yoru ability to mentally retreat inward.

65.  You are not interested in organized religion or other belief systems.

66.  You are meticulous in following instructions given to you by your supervisor.  

67.  You prefer social gatherings where you have an opportunity to talk to many different people.

68.  You need to be awakened slowly from a sound sleep to avoid being irritable or in physical pain.

69.  When playing a teram sport, you rally the team when the chips are down.

70.  You like parties.

71.  To you, money is security.

72.  You feel compelled to do something significant with your life.

73.  You find a great satisfaction in assisting people by giving ideas and information.

74.  You prefer a somewhat isolated existance rather than one in which you would have to conform to society's expectations.

75.  When you see something that you like, you choose to have your fantasy now and pay later.

76.  You do not enjoy endurance sports such as cross-country running, skiing or weight-lifting.

77.  You feel that spiritual principles must have practical application in the real world.

78.  You prefer quiet, introspective, spiritual diciplines.

79.  You prefer to work for a commission, or even as a freelancer, rather than for a regular, fixed salary.

80.  You believe that to be a good leader, you must first be a good follower.

81.  You have difficulty managing money effectively.

82.  You cannot be coerced into doing something in which you are not interested.

83.  You experience spirituality when you physically participate in a worshipe service.

84.  You lead others with enthusiasm because you enjoy being with people.

85.  You enjoy working with mechanical devices such as computers, calculators, and stereo equipment.

86.  Possessions are important to you as stepping-stones to power and influence.

87.  To you, ideas are things, not mental abstractions.

88.  You see ideas as three-dimentional patterns.

89.  You express your spirituality through your strong connection with nature.

90.  When making a decision, you try to find a solution that will please everyone.

91.  You lead others by incorporating their feelings into the decision-making process.

92.  You work best in an enviornment that is calm and peaceful with limited contact with others.

93.  You do not need friends or social interaction to be happy.

94.  To you, money represents physical safety and stability.

95.  You have difficulty keeping track of personal posessions.

96.  You are content to work with your hands.

97.  You want to know how and why things work the way they do.

98.  You enjoy working in occupations that require physical activity.
Ok, done with the questions, whew!  Now time for some math.  I know, but nothing comes
 without a price, even self discovery.  Now you must take your answer 
number and write it in the order of the questions as follows.  Now because 
I have a retarded computer and I cant seem to get this right, it's going 
to be just a little bit harder for you.  You must add the answer you
 get for the first question with that of the first question in each section.  
For example, the answer you get for number 1 adds with the answer from number
 15 and number 29 and 43 and 57 and 71 and 85.  Then start with the
 answer you get for number 2 and add it with the answer from number 16 and 30
 and 44 and 58 and 72 and 86.  You get the idea (hopefully).  Continue 
this until you have finished every single one.  Trust me, this little 
alteration makes it worth it.  You might want to do this on a piece of paper 
to order things right.  Make a list  from 1 through 14 going down, then to the right of that, start 
the list again, this time going from 15 through 28, then next to that 29 through 42
 and next to that 43 through 56 and next to that 57 through 70 
and next to that 71 through 84 and next to that 85 though 98.  You should have
 7 coloums going up and down, and 14 rows going across.  
Keep the rows neat so that you can add across later.  Now fill in your answer 
(the 1-5 from above) with each numbered question it was.  When you finish this, add the answers up going across.
  Make sure that you keep each total from the group
 separate from the total of the other groups or you will get confused.
  Then you need to find which group you have the highest score in,
 that will reveal which aura you have.  When you have discovered this,
 you can read about your aura by clicking the link below on your color.
  Good luck.  
Use this format to answer your questions.  
The line with the highest number is your aura.

Mental Tan
Physical Tan
Nurturing Tan
Loving Tan