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Kvanvig family web site


Norway    USA

Norway Information ] Gjert Tobias Tollefson Kvanvig ] Kvanvig Pictures ] Tollef Sigbjornsen Kvanvig ] Times Temps Calendars ] 17 generations from 1440 ] Kvanvig Reunion 1994 ] Kjalmar Kvanvig ] Slideshow ] Kvanvig Birthdays ] Karl Johan Gjertsen Kvanvig ] Kvanvik Information ] Anne Marie Jensdatter Fidsel's ] Unknown Kvanvigs ] Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans-Kvanvig info ] Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans-Botne ] Hans Martin Berntsen Kvanvik ] lisafemmenino ]

Lisa (Tangbakken) Femmenino & her father Orlean Selmer Tangbakken went to Norway in September 2005
(Here are some pictures from Norway with relatives)

Kvanvig pictures

Kvanvik, Flekefjord picture

You can go to this site and put in the name Kvanvig, to see many Kvanivigs living in Norway, and their
phone number and where they live.  Some have e-mail.  Norwegian version   English version

Norway news in English.

Thanks to these people for this information,

Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Lynda Backman in Minnesota, Kenneth Kvanvig in North Carolina, Laura De Haven in Keizer Oregon, Tor & Kari Kvanvig Jessheim Norway, Ivar Kvanvig Kristiansand Norway, George Kvanvig Albuerquerque New Mexico, & Tormod Kvanvig, Kristiansand Norway.

I will be adding more notes later about individuals.  I hope to hear from more of you with family information, and if you have something you would like me to include about an event in someone's life, please send me an e-mail.  Thanks, Jerry Longstrom

The Name Kvanvig      The Place Kvanvig

In the mid 1800's 9 children of Gjert Kvanvig, moved to the USA, the youngest of those
children, Jens Kvanvig stayed in Norway and raised 8 children.

My relation to the Kvanvigs is through Agnes Sofie Långström, who married Magnus Kvanvig.
Agnes is a daughter of Axel Långström and Teodora Samuelsen. 
Axel is a brother to my grandfather Gustaf Longstrom

I am searching for Kvanvigs anywhere that might be related.
If you know of any, please contact me. Thanks, Jerry Longstrom

Kvanne Angelica archangelica L. 
(Garden Angelica)

The name Kvanvig, & the place Kvanvig, are sent from Tormod Kvanvig who lives in Norway.
Tormud sent this info to Ken Kvanvig and Ken sent it to Jerry Longstrom


The name Kvanvig is deduced from the herbal plant KVANN (angelica archangelica). KVANN has two subspecies where Strandkvann (beachkvann) is the one. The ending -VIG in KVANVIG comes therefore from the plant KVANN wich grows in a VIG (cove or inlet ) . This enterpretation fits perfectly with Kvanvik's geographical environment, and the biological surroundings at the place Kvanvik.

KVANN is an approximately 1 meter high plant with a powerful root and a tube shaped stem. The flower is green-white and the fruit is gray-yellow in color. The plant has a strong aromatic smell.

Our family name is probably deduced by Strandkvann which grows in moist sea and fjord beaches all the way along the Norwegian coastline. KVANN is probably the plant that has had the greatest influence on Norwegian folk medicine in time. (Kvann is for instance mentioned in EDDA - a collection of poems that were written down in Iceland at the 1200 century).

The root was for instance used as tobacco-surrogat (today it is also used in the perfume industry) and young stems were eaten as a delicatesse. In folk medicine was KVANN used against indigestion and as a svet- and water reducing remedy. The plant is rich in vitamins, and was a good remedy against the defiency disease, scurvy.

KVANN was earlier grown in KVANNGARDER (Kvannfarms), mainly on the west coast, where Kvanvig also lies. The Kvannfarms are mentioned in Magnus Lagaboter's (Norwegian king 1263-1280) law, where the right of ownership to these farms where strongly restricted. The custom with Kvannfarms has been present also in newer history. There are strong indications that the place Kvanvik used to be such a Kvannfarm.



The place Kvanvik is situated 17 Norwegian miles west of Kristiansand. The nearest town is Flekkefjord, and Kvanvik is 1 Norwegian mile north-east of this town. Originally the main road from Kristiansand to Stavanger went right by Kvanvik. Today the road is re-routed, and it is mostly residents and tourists that uses this idyllic route. The place Kvanvik is protected from weather and wind where it is situated in a small cove/inlet in the end of a narrow fjord. The surroundings are typical for elderly settlings.

At thel 800 century there were 5 farms at Kvanvik. At census the year 1900 there were 9 farms. Today there are about 20 houses at Kvanvik.

As you probably have noticed I change between g and k as the last letter in Kvanvig.

This has an explanation. Originally the place was named Kvanvig with a -g. Now it has been changed to Kvanvik with a -k. The reason of this we find in newer Norwegian history. Traditionally has Norwegian government been linked to the scandinavian countries Denmark and Sweden;
1536-1660:  Norway is a Danish dependency.
1660-1814:  Norway is a part of a Danish- Norwegian union with a common king resident
                    in Denmark. Formally Norway is still one kingdom.
1814:           Norway get it's independence (the 17 th of May, our National day)
1814-1905: The independence doesn't last for long. Norway is now in union with Sweden.  
1905-           Norway is independent, except from German occupation 1940 1945.

When Norway became independent in 1905 a Danish prince was chosen to become our king. His name was King Haakon the 7th. It was very necessary for the little independent kingdom to get rid of anything that could connect us to the union with Denmark, also in regards to the language. Slowly the language was "made Norwegian". Also proper names and place names were affected by this process. Something we are not so happy about today. The place name Kvanvig with the Danish ending -g was changed to a -k. Like your family we still use the -g, with pride. There are very few in Norway, in our direct family, that have changed their name to Kvanvik.

This picture of Kvanvik, Flekkefjord came from Tormod Kvanvig in Norway.
(I do not know the date of this picture)

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Here is a listing of my family web sites,
& my genealogy research site.

Longstrom family 
Jerrys fathers, fathers family

Emilia Anderson
Jerrys fathers, mothers family

Hudson family 
Jerrys mothers, fathers family

Fredericks family
Jerrys mothers, mothers family

Jerrys genealogy research site

Jerry Longstrom

Merry Christmas Web Site

Swanson family
Colleens fathers, fathers family

Colleens fathers, mothers family

Colleens mothers, mothers family

Colleens mothers, fathers family




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