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Sony Metreon Theater
San Francisco
November 1st, 2002

Jonniesophie, Anakin, and Kay Dee
Jonniesophie is dangerously close to that light saber!
Kay Dee as Padme
The Picnic Dress
Anakin (Jonnie) and the Tusken Raider
A duel to the death?
Jango Fett and the Royal Guard
Very cool costumes
Anakin (Jonnie) and Obi-Wan
Ready for some aggressive negotiations
Padme and Princess Leia
A Family Reunion
Padme (Kay Dee) and R2D2
Let's get in line for the movie R2
The Tusken Raider and Padme
The Odd Couple
A perfect replica
Padme, Padme and Obi-Wan (?)
Costume Contest
Padme and Anakin
The Handsome Couple
Anakin, Padme and R2
Having Fun
Anakin and Padme
a.k.a. Jonnie and Sophie
Padme and the Storm Trooper
Kay Dee with a member of the 501st
Storm Troopers
Members of the 501st
The Two Padmes pose for a picture

Kay Dee, Sophie, Chanel and her daughter Angelica

In memory of Chanel who passed away in October of 2003. Although I only met her once, I'll always remember her as a kind, fun loving member of the San Francisco Star Wars Fan Club. I wish her daughter Angelica all the best.

The Two Padmes with their Anakin
Seeing Double?
The Costume Contest
Queen Amidala (right) was the winner
The Two Padmes with the Fetts
Boba Fett, Padme, Jango Fett, and Padme
Vader, Padme, and a Storm Trooper
Sophie makes some new friends

Thanks to the members of the San Francisco Star Wars Fan Club
for arranging a fun event!