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*~Sara's Little Slice of Heaven~*

Merry: You'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us! Pippin: Anyway you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest... thing. Merry: Well that rules you out Pip.
Sara feelsThe current mood of Sara is

I'm Elijah Wood!

I am Elijah Wood, a tiny wee child star with soulful eyes and high cheekbones. I am the only person in the world who can pass off a good English accent. I much enjoy working with dogs and Dick, but the less we discuss that, the better. I've broken into Hollywood with a pick-axe and everyone thinks I'm great. IN YOUR FACE, CULKIN!

Click here to find out which actor you are!

UPDATES!!! May 20: Fixed the Art archive.

Sections of This Page

My Tribute to Dale Earnhardt
About Sara
A Few Stories
VeRy wEiRd StUfF

The Rabid Monkey Says:


Take the Affliction Test Today!

Adopt-An-Angel (tm)

Click on the adoption certificate to adopt your own bohemian.

Adoption Certificate

This is Morrie,
my Adopt-a-Dooble

In loving memory of:

Dale Earnhardt


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