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"Let Jesus Take Your Wheel"

Let Jesus take your wheel of life. No matter what kind of pain comes into your life. There are sometimes that you feel like your life has cut you with a knife. Asking God what do i do now to help me hold onto life

Let Jesus Take Your Wheel

I gave you my son Jesus to take on your life pain. He will be your umbrella, to catch your tears that sometimes fall like the rain. The tears you shed through all of your life pain.
Let Jesus Take Your Wheel

As you must believe and know. That mine and Jesus tears for you to see and know. Are shed with our love for you, that comes in the form of rain or snow

Let Jesus Take Your Wheel

Let him help you each day. Let his medicine of love fill your heart each time you pray. That will give you the strength you need to face each new day. Believe and know of his promise to you that will come many happy days

Let Jesus Take Your Wheel

Yes beyond this life is a better one. But to get to that life, you must hold on tight to this one. For this life has many gifts to see. That you might not yet have been able to see. Of the beautiful days gone by and the ones yet to be. Please hold on tight and believe.

Let Jesus Take Your Wheel

You are not alone and never will be. As long as you hold on and believe in me. I can help you be. Of all that you want and need to be. But first i need something from you to do for me. Love and believe in yourself as you believe in me.

Let Jesus Take Your Wheel

What was once a secret of life that you couldn't see. Let all these words written, make you know that you now have the key. To the beauty of life you were once to blind to see.
Let Jesus Take The Wheel

Of the beauty of life to make you smile and be happy. Until it is time for you to be with me. In the next life your rewards for holding on to this life ,will be beyond the word called happy

Let Jesus Take Your Wheel
Your wheel of life's pain
With his medicine of love to take away your pain

Poem By_Arlene R.Szynal

Copyright © July 9, 2008 All Rights Reserved

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