
Private Correspondence~Crunchy


Hey Girlfriend,

I have turned my ringers off, permanently.

Yesterday I returned from a week in the Great North Woods, and tonight I was hoping for a quiet love-where-I-am-planted evening, just me, my house, the mourning doves singing their plaintive song, and the wind whistling through the trees.

But no! Those damn sales calls.

Between 4 and 9 (they can’t call after 9, thank God) I had 8 calls. I was offered a week all-expenses-paid trip to a time-share resort in Hawaii in exchange for listening to a 4-hour presentation (right when I answered I asked the woman if this was a sales call and she said “no”, she answered "no" and plowed right into her spiel...arrgh),a man from Kirby vacuum cleaners (don’t call them vacuum cleaners) said he would clean all of my carpeting free just to show me how exceptional his product is (told him I don’t have carpeting, only room-sized rugs that I send to the cleaners one a year), two investment calls (make my money grow!!!!), another call from a broker who is interested in managing my portfolio (he sounded nice and I told him so, he was taken aback, then said “You sound very nice too. You have made my evening.”), then Discover called to tell me that they had raised my credit card limit since I was such a good customer(gag), and the next you-gotta-have-it call was from the Courier offering me a special rate on a 6-month subscription to their newspaper. The last one was to invest in airline ownership...TravelAir. What else???!!!

In between all of that I took a half-hour bike ride and watched “Weakest Link.” I have been hooked since Dan was on the show! Did u catch it? He was, well he was...Dan.

Congress has passed a new law about solicitations called the Opt Out Program. You can opt out of all phone and mail solicitations and they can’t sell your name to a third party without your written consent. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I spent 3 hours (I listened to endless elevator music) calling credit companies, debit companies, my banks, insurance companies, so there. In 8 weeks I will be rid of them, or so they say.

When you call please talk through, leave me a message. I only want to hear from REAL peeps, peeps I actually know, like you my sweet girlfriend.

How was your trip to Bolivia? I want to hear all about it!!!

Talk soon.
