
Private Correspondence~Quick Cuts


Letter to the Fucked-up World I Live In:

Haha! I finally figured it out. Well maybe.

You know what I think about Yuppies, right? Sick fucks, rude, boring, no substance.

Well, I think now I know why they are the most unattractive people, ever....lumpy bodies, rather homely, sucky attitude. They are the Transitional Generation. It includes everyone from 30 to 40 right now in the year 2000.

They are mutating. It is a sign in our society where the men become women and the women become men. Women no longer cook and are proud of it! Women don’t want to be home. Women prefer working. Skirts...gone by the wayside. They prefer pants.

Men, well I see them all of the time. Outside pushing a stroller or riding bikes with their children. Where are the women? Dunno. Men cook. They like to cook. They are becoming the nurturers.

I can’t wait to see what develops next. Does my generation, the one after the Yups, have women with beards, men wearing skirts? Bring it on. Let’s see this glittery new world we are creating! Mutation can be fun.

Let’s kill the hold-outs!

Extreme Grrl/Man/?

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