Private Correspondence~Page 18~Remember, Remember

Hi Sarah,

I heard from Kelly that you were in town last week. I wish you had called. I would have loved to see you. Not that I am too much fun right now.

Guess you heard that my Dad died in March. Thank you for coming to my Mother’s wake two and a half years ago. Nearly the whole class came. It was a great comfort to me.

I quit school in April. None of that made any sense anymore. Plus I really couldn’t concentrate on anything.

Hey you remember the landlord from the apartment where we roomed our freshman year? I heard he got three girls pregnant. He was always so weird! And what was that thing he had about quinine water?...drink it and the baby disappears. Geez!

Have you been having any fun? Still plan to finish up at Northern ? Linda West transferred to Smith. Oh, and DeeDee got her big break. She understudied for Marla Trump! Do you remember Effie’s older brother George? He’s running for mayor. John and Brittany got married a week before my Dad died. My brother, Jackson, brings me all of the news. He thinks I need to get out more. I am fine.

I’ve taken up gardening. Even created a little memorial garden to my parents. Guess that doesn’t sound much like me, the girl that would party until dawn. Really don’t drink anymore either.

But I am doing quite well now. Much better than a few months ago. I’m sending along a photo of Freddy and me. You remember Freddy, right? He’s almost ten now. He walks really slowly and he even has a gray beard. I am so thankful to have him! (Oh I’m wearing my mom’s nightgown and my dad’s robe. My brother thinks that’s spooky. It’s not. Makes me feel better.)

Well , Sarah, I hope you will stop by when you come back to town. We could even go over to the Northern Mist for hot dogs like we used to. Yep the spinster triplets are still there. They have added burritos to their menu! Go figure! I eat there quite often now. And you know the triplets aren’t as geeky as we once thought. Actually they have become my friends.

If you would ever want to give a call, please do. You remember the number right? 414-248-6828

Hope to hear from you soon.


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