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Question 4 The Site's Owner
I figured out that a lot of u email me with a lot of good questions on things you would like to know and deserve to know as devoted fans of Ginuwine. Soo... email me with any questions you may have at Candies
and there will be an answer on the site ASAP!!!
Please Note that i may not be able to answer everything, though i know more than i need to know (*laughing* and it's not like that).

Luv Peace & Ginuwine's Hair Grease...Aliah

SHEENA: I WON'T TO KNOW HOW OLD IS GINUWINE? I HEARD HE WAS 25,29,AND 31.and have old is little elgin? so how old are they?
My Reply: As far as i know and was told, He'll be 28 on his birthday

Laura: 1. How many kids does he have? (I already know he has a son named Elgin, a daughter named Story, and a daughter named Ginel) Does he have more then that?
2.How old are his kids? (I dunno if you'll know the exact answer, but can you kinda tell me about how old they are?)
My Reply: As far as i know, it is 5 kids. I don't know their names but it's 3 boys and the two girls.
I don't know any ages. I only know Elgin is 10 and i don't know his birthday. G didn't get to tell me. Umm And of course, Story is approx. 2 months.

Isabella: Do you know if Ginuwine and Sole are getting married? Are they even still together? Or is he only around because of the baby?

My Reply I know they are supposed to be getting married. They are getting a house built in MD and everything. her kids are calling him dad and his are calling her mom. But that's all i know...referring to ur questions. I don't know why they are staying togetehr. But they were in love well before the baby. Solé says it was planned if I'm not mistakened.

Evette:Do Ginuwines son really stay in dallas? Cuz if he do then he stays like an hour from where I stay.

My Reply: Umm... Yeah, as far as i know. That's what i read and was also told.

MusicSys: Hey, Aliah. Have you heard a rumor that Ginuwine and Sole got married last weekend? If so, do you know what that's about?

My Reply: Yeah i heard about it, but nah, I don't know anything about it.

Leyah: Well of course l went out and bought the Sister2Sister magazine with Sole' and Ginuwine on the cover. l thought the article was tight and l have gained a new found respect for her. You know l never hated her or her music. But you part of the article had me messed up. When she talked about about how Ginuwine would give up his career for her because he loved her so much. It has me thinking. Ginuwine worked ten or more years to get this far and he has deserved all the praise he gets. l just can't think of him giving up his career for love. l am not saying that he doesn't love her but why couldn't Ginuwine have both. l really think he deserves a love that would have him happy and a successful career he has worked hard for. Now l am do agree, he shouldn't have to pick when it comes to either his fans or Sole', that just isn't fair to him. l believe some fans need to define the line between fantasy and reality. Do you think Ginuwine would leave the music business if it came down to that? l mean he does have something to fall back on but wasn't that just in case he didn't make it?

My reply: Nope! I don't think he would leave for any woman. I hope not. Not to sound selfish or anything. And u are right. He shouldn't have to choose between love (if he's in it) and the fans.

Krissy: why don't you try to ask James (St. James III) about what is oing on and how he feels about it. Maybe he knows something we don't. I think James will be straightforward about it. But you know what, I wonder if Sole hads ever met G's family? And to tell u the truth, I think she's gased. I doubt he'd ever leave. If he leaves it's cuz she made him do it. He won;t leave the business happy, becuz the fans make him happy, i think.

What you think?

My Reply:Because James either never knows or he never cares to share with the rest of us, which i can understand, sort of. Yeah she did meet his family. James used to have a pic of her, G, and him on his site when it was up.

Toriscia:hy would a man deny the one he loves? A real man wouldn't do that (or would he some men are mad funny) what happened to keepin it real? and how many videos were sole and ginuwine seen together in?

My Reply:Well, I don't know. I'm not a man but i think the reason G did it is for the fans and his popularity. A lot of Gurls loved him as a boyfriend and thought they had a chance. Once he says i'm in love, i'm getting married, etc., they are like forge it. Also, fans wo are just fans don't like him because he is with someone and he's no longer a bachelor. He kinda had no choice. I know there are a lot of real fans out there, but i guess not enough to keep his wallet full of green. Umm, all that comes to mind is None Of Ur Friends' Business and It Wasn't me. 2.

Pam:i heard alot of stuff about g and sole first of all i heard on the radio( i live in memphis)i heard that sole is pregnant(didn't say who the father was hmmm they just was sayin how she gonna lose her shape who cares i know i don't lol) another rumor: g's baby (atleast i think that is still a rumor)then i saw on your site that someone said lil elgin is already callin her mom come on now lil elgin is about 9 or 10 years old why would he start callin her mom so soon. i don't even think lil elgin barely knows her . i am so confused..On heart and soul g was on there talkin bout he was still a bacholor wassup with that....g needs to speak up.i agree with some of the females that said why is sole the only one speakin up sayin everything. if g has a baby on the way and is engaged or whateva he needs to speak up and let us fans know a lil somethin somethin..... I love g regardless of what he decides to do with his life as long as he comtinues to preform and make his fans happy..I think personally that he should tell us something and straighten out these rumors ( some atleast)....... g come on baby u can do better then these!!!!!!! Who do u think the father is?and how do u know that sole is still married to sam salter????hit me back

My Reply:Wow... Um, where do i begin? Well, She did say she was pregnant in S2S magazine and that it is G's baby. So that rumor has been cleared up. G and Sole' have been together for almost 2 years this month. A serious relationsip since last year (i think) this month. So that's enough time for Elgin to get used to her being around. Also, that's what Solè said. Maybe he will maybe he wont speak up. I hear a lot of things...and i don't know what to believe becuz not for nothing... there's a lto with G that it's like... ok should i believe u now or is this something i hae to find out later? I mean, like for instance, the way he is with Solè. Before they came out, or she came out, they were all over each other i mean ALLLLL OVVVEEERRR each other. And they are just friends? What kind of friends are they? Ginuwine lies a lot abou this sort of situation so I dont knwow ha to believe. fter awhile, it's not much to care about. He's gonna fall in love and do what he has to do when he has to do it, who he has to do it with, you know what I'm saying? Sole' has never been married. And if there is a baby like she says... then i believe it's his and there is no way around that.

Janelle aka Musicsys: Aliah, I want to respond to Tamara's comments and questions. What she mentioned on your site, I thought about long ago (ever since Sole's outburst on Hot97). Yes, it does seem strange that he won't make any statements about it. When I saw him on Heart and Soul late last month, the host mentioned him being a bachelor and he just smiled without denying it. However, I don't think Sole is making everything up. I believe that at least half of her story is accurate (at least). She sounds too convinced for it to all be a lie. Ginuwine has to be giving her a reason to believe and say all of these things. I know that I was saddened because he has lied about this for over a year and I feel that the situation was handled wrong. In my opinion, they should have went ahead and told people that they were together by the time "It Wasn't Me" came out. That way G's fans would have had a chance to get used to the idea of them being together and this engagement wouldn't be such a shock to all of us. G may be really in love with her but just afraid to admit it. Why else would he appear in not 1, not 2, but 3 videos with her? He maybe trying to tell us without telling us, you know what I mean? Or he could possibly care less about the effect the situation is having on his fan base. I'm sure none of us want to believe that's true but ... it's hard to say.

Sweet Diamond:Hello, do you know if its true that Sole' wants to name the baby, Story Sanaa Lumpkin?

My Reply:Yeah, if it's a girl.

Tamara:This is just my personal thought. When I was at home thinking about Ginuwine and his new life (should I say), I was thinking that why is Sole the only one to ever admitt that something is going on between her and G? everytime someone has something to say about it, she is the only one who is answering. I was having this discussion with my sister about it and she was saying that maybe something was wrong. She gave me this senario. Say you were dealing with some guy. After a while in the realtionship thing's started to get more serious. You end up pregnant and you say that your getting married. Obviously you and that man are in some type of love for you to be thinking and saying those thing's and to also take it to that next step further in your life. she was saying that if that's the case, then why would he be denying everything everytime someone asked him about it. She says that if your man truely loved and cherished you, he wouldn't hurt you like that. Now what I'm saying is that if G really does love Sole and their are going to get married and have a baby, why is he denying it? if it's because he doesn't want to lose his bachelor status, he's going about it the wrong way. I mean lying to his fans is really not a good thing especially if you are a loyal fan like I am. I am really shocked by all this news. At first I thought that it was just rumors but now I just don't know anymore.What do you think of the senario I gave you? Do you think that if you are that in love and serious with a guy he shouldn't be ashamed or embarrassed to tell anyone especially when a baby is involved? I just don't know anymore, tell me what you think.

My Reply:Well, The reason i think G lied about his little relationship with Solè is because he didn't want it to affect his career and she didn't have a problem with it. Andshe can't in my opinion. And if G has even the tiniest drop of space in his heart for us dedicated fans...maybe he did itnot to hurt us cuz i know a lot of gurls' hearts hit the pavement when they heard. Why Solè is responding now instead of him? Becuz she wanted to do it. She said since the baby is coming they can't hide it. But i've also been hearing that G still has not admitted it, so I dont know. But i kinda think it's safe to believe (a little bit of it) that they are together because tats what she said in a mag.

A reply to a last reply: It didnt even come to mind when i was asked about Ginuwine and his weird dates and stuff. I totally forgot about the chick that threw up on him and how he nursed her...AWWWW

RHEDD18Why is everyone hating' on Sole? I think that a lot of G's female fans are intimidated by her because they keep saying' that she is ugly. I think that she is pretty and I think people should not be calling her a slut. There are always 2 sides to a story and no one knows what is really going down between her and G. I that it is very unfair to judge her based on hearsay.

My Reply: thats mad true, but what can i say we all (maybe not all, but most) get not gonna say her music is tight cuz its not and im not gonna say shes pretty cuz shes least not in my opinion. Some of the things most of us say i think its just becuz we get jealous and we think he can do so much better. We say what we thought before its just coming out becuz shes with him and we dont want her with him.

Theresa: do you think that khalib (ginuwine) will hook up with moesha?

My Reply: Hmmmm...I Guess not since he already did his 3 episodes. But if he comes bac he better do a little something something with Mo' cuz thats exactly what i was hoping for.

Theresa: i heard that sole' is pregent do you think she is lying about that?

My Reply: I don't know. Everyone has been hearing about that. No one knows who the father is including Sole' as far as I have heard. It's between Mr. Lumpkin and Sam Salter.

James JR: I got an email from a person (who will stay namless) that G and sole are married! Now from many sources saying they broke up! So I'm confused, I don't think she is right but she said that she lived in Maryland and she knows alot about G. HELP!

My Reply: Ok, i heard the same thing for a certain person who shall remain nameless, but if they look at my site they know who they are. Yeah i heard. I'm gonna tell u what i think and what other fans who don't get too carried away with believing everything they hear. I don't think they got married. Supposedly, sole' is still married to sam salter. Even if she wasn't, that type of news would have been heard all over the place. There's always someone to find out the juice on a person as big as Ginuwine. So i guess it is safe to believe they are not married. And i also heard they broke up, but Sole' doesn't know who the fathe rof her baby is, EEEWWWLLLL!!! I hope i was able to help u out.

Theresa: hi, yesterday when i was online i listened to sole' and mrs. jones and they were arguing over the ginuwine thing and at the end sole' said that "yes that is my man and yes we are getting married" now after that i listened to funkmaster flex interview ginuwine and he said "i don't go with sole we are just good friends" now what i want to know is do you think that sole' is lying or ginuwine or both because it doesn't make scense and i'm asking you to see if you agree with me about this.

My Reply:I don't think anyone took what she said the way/reason she meant it. She was arguing with Miss Jones about Miss Jones saying that Sole' was tryna take her man. Sole' confronted the isue and Jones was like we dated that was it and i didn't say he was my man. It was sumthing like that. And they were going backand forth about Sole' saying he was her man... sumthing stupid like that. I think she said yes he is my man and yes we're getting married just to say whatever u know. Like to prove apoint or sumthing i dont think she meant it as ok fine I'll tell u the secret. As for Ginuwine, as far as i am concerned, they were just f*** me buddies. It wasn't a relationship kept under wraps. Hope i answered ur question.

MusicSys: Have you heard or read that Miss Jones finally announced on the radio that Sole is pregnant and she and G were supposed to get married a few months ago? There is no knowledge as to who the father is (G, Salter, or some other dude). I figure if G was going to marry her with child, it must be his. What do you think? My Reply: No, i didn't hear about that. but yeah, well, then again, i don't know what G would do. I reallyhave no idea what those two are up to so i really don't know what to think about them anymore.

Theresa: do you think if you met ginuwine he would act like he's all that?

My Reply: I met Ginuwine, and no, he is as sweet as can be

Monae: Do you Know if Ginuwine ever went on some dates with girls that turned out bad or weird. Like something you would've seen on the MTV show Blame Game.

My Reply: Nope, sorry. I don't.

Monae:Do you Know if Ginuwine ever went on some dates with girls that turned out bad or weird. Like something you would've seen on the MTV show Blame Game.

My Reply:Nope, sorry. I don't.

Sweet Diamond:Hey whats up, do you know if Ginuwine had all the girls on him when he was in High School, or not. Because I am just curious to know?

My Reply: As far as i understand, he wasn't that popular with the girls, but he wasn't aloner either. He had his fair

Magnolias146: did ginuwine always have the curly hair? And what is he doing now?

My Reply: Nope!!! That's a perm. Remember that haircut Bobby Brown had "back in the day"? Well, I saw a pic of G liek that when he was like 15.

Tina: Do you think that Ginuwine will end up gettin' with Moesha? I mean I know she supposed to be marrying Q which I don't think will happen....... but it seems like she kinda likes Khalib even though she calls him a friend. Do you think he will be on a few more episodes, cause thing happen with Usher they end up gettin together. I really wouldn't want them together, not that I don't like they just don't make a cute couple. But hey I don't care as long as he is on the show for a while i'll be happy. So what's your your opinion???

My Reply: Heyy!!! I dunno... I think G will try to get with her and hopefully a kiss on the lips will get thrown in, Mo' will be stunned and just standing there letting him kiss her so Q can come and there can be nothing, but DRAMA!!! lol... HAHAHA... Nah, I don't think they'll get together, but I WANT drama, or for Q to at least find out about Kalib sending Mo' the tape.

Summojo: when will Ginuwine start being on television a little bit more? I am starting to miss him like crazy.

My Reply:To tell you the truth, I have no idea. He is prob. in the studio doing his album and also doing his movie. I really don't know. All i can tell u is: wath Moesha on Monday (Oct. 2nd) and more Monday's to come... Im sorry I don't know.

Kendra: Wassup? I wanted to know what do Ginuwine's tattoo's say, or what are they a picture of, thanx

My Reply:Wut Up Kendra! On Ginuwine's left arm, it's a pony head and it says My Pony like on a wavey banner. On his right arm, it has a tiger clawing thru his arm and it has like red spots to show blood.

SweetDiamond: Do you know if Ginuwine has any family in Philadelphia?

My Reply:No Sweety, I don't know. All i know is that (i heard) Elgin (his son) lives in Dallas with his mom. That's the only family I know of not living in the MD/DC area.

Toriscia: okay is it true ginuwine took off time form Juwanna Mann t get married thats just what i heard

My Reply: Ok, I am kinda geting tired of answering this question. LOL... I'm not tryna offend any1 I'm just gonna say this for the umtienth time (I prob spelled that wrong... but iight). As i started the whole tingamagiggy... ITS A NEW RUMOR!!! Ginuwine took time off cuz of his mom... at least that is what many peepz said until now. Ginuwine is not a married man. He is still "The Bachelor".

Ssumoja:Do you know what type of women Ginuwine really likes, because i have been hearing different types?

My Reply: According to Ginuwine, he likes women that are any shape size or color but has a pretty face, not superficial, (but then in sister 2 sister he changed the story and said a healthy in shape pretty gurly that is blunt at times and truthful with him) there for him when he needs them and it would be vice versa, "INDEPENDENT LADIES"... there is more that he said but i cant remember and i am to lazy to go and get my G Book but if u need more info gurly, email me again and ask for more.

Monae:I read in a Ginuwine interview on that G was raised by his aunt early on but later he was with his Mom & Dad .I just wanted to know why. And also I wanted to ask if you knew if G was in sports or the boy scouts, or any other activies when he was younger.

My Reply:I guess it has finally come down to that. Sorry, but I don't know why. He never said it and no one ever told me. Sorry i can't provide you with that info. As far as I know and G has said, the only activities he was into when he was young were: singing, dancing, and Michael Jackson. He was doing his thing with the Finesse Five & Physical Wonder as a kid is all i know. But, if you find any thing out, Holla at me.

Patrick (sorry if that is not ur name it came up in the email):Ginuwine's brother said that ginuwine has been keeping to himself lately b/c of his moms death. Do you think this will change him forever? Or do you think its a temporary thing.

My Reply:No, Not really. I think you know, right now he is coping with everything, but eventually he'll realize his moms in a better place (i hope that doesnt sound too corny) and he has to move on (dont mean to sound insensitive). It's what his mom would want. For him to be happy and making every one else happy and following through. Who knows (AGAIN... not to sound insensitive cuz i dont mean it in a bad way), maybe this will help him more with his music and his acting. (I sound real insensitive don't I?)


My Reply: Of course I do. All the gurls out there chasing him... he's bound to find Ms. Right...that is when he is ready to be Mr. Right.

Geneva:Do you think Ginuwine will ever stop his performing and stuff because his mother died?

My Reply:No, I don't. I think soon, ELGIN will realize that his mom is in a better place and he has to move on. He'll see his mom's part is over (i dont mean to make that sound bad if it does). Soon, he'll see that GINUWINE needs to come back and he'll be back. It'll just be over a period of time, but he has so much and then the fans. I think & kinda hope (I hope that doesnt sound selfish) that he won't give it up.

Ginuwine157510: Do u really believe sole & g will get married?

My Reply: I dunno. I kinda don't care because he is going to do what he wants to do regardless of the disappointment MANY of the fans will feel.

Tina:How do you think it will affect Ginuwine's staus(The Bachelor)?I mean like when he marries Sole', do think he will still perform the way he does at concerts?Like gettin real freaky with the women and takin girls back to his hotel room and ect.Because he will be married and you know how Sole' act around G fans. Just want to know what you think about that.

My Reply: I think he (to some people) will no longer be know as "The Bachelor" (obviously) and regardless of what Sole' has to say about it, G is gonna do what he has to do to keep his fans satisfied or Sole' will be bringin' in the moolah and he'll have no say in anything he wants to do (that sounded twisted but u get the idea). And for sum reason, i guess u'll say i'm just in denial (at least some of you), but i still dont think they r getting married. Whether they r always together (EEWWWLLL) or not.

Toricia:how do you think ginuwine feels about the "imposter" or does he even know?

My Reply:I think he is kinda upset about it. I'm really not sure, but he does know about the imposter.

Tina:i know this is really old but i was reading the message board and some girl said that Ginuwine did a porno with Heather Hunter. I know he was on the show but I idn't know he did a porno? Did he? Hmmmmmm.........cause I just never heard that.

My Reply:It wasn't exactly a porno. Fom what i heard, he was being interviewed on the show and a whole bunch of gurls were up on him touching, feeling, waxing the salami. Yuh know, stuff like that.

Panda Bear: I have the new CD and love it naturally. But I have problem. It is this: why is it that he always promising to give this young lady material things, like ice and loot? Now of course, he offers love and affection but is the deal with him promising money and jewelry and whatever else?

My Reply: Hey, Wsup Girl! I asked that same question when i got the CD... and then i said... and he wonders why he ends up singing things like There It Is. Like i can't stand the song with Luda becuz he's telling her he'll give her all these things and then when she gets happy and spoiled with it and always wants it, he singing... There It Is... U know what i mean.

Datgirllilblack: Just how old is G?
My Reply: Well, according to public knowledge, he is going on 25 (i kinda lost count after finding he just may be: going on 27) this Monday.