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Well, this update didn't take as long in coming - just almost a year. *grin* Well, besides poems in the works, and a slight update to the about me page, nothing much has changed, but I figured it needed something. (Also didn't want Angelfire deleting my account thinking it was being ignored, LOL.)

IN THE WORKS: I`m currently in the process of working on three different poems at the moment. (You haven`t written poetry until you`ve had three poems forming in your head at once! *LOL*) I`ve gotten two of the three finished up, but I am not going to release them until they are all done. Hopefully those will be done and up soon, and I`m hoping to do one about Brantford. I have also recently found another poem I did in school called "Peace", and am working on getting that one up soon. I also am considering one on college life. Update: Between moving and organizing, my poems and other writings have been put aside until I get everything else finished and sorted.


The newsletter is no longer in service, due to the email provider discontinuing their service. So, to replace that, I am still keeping this page, and I will be creating a blog to handle all updates as well, then you can go and look at previous updates to see what you`ve missed.



Meet Thalia, Guardian of Stories and Poetry.

You can find her and her sisters at