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Healing Herbs

For centuries, herbs have been used for healing all kinds of ailments, and improving general health. In fact, many of today's modern medicines have been derived from traditional herbs! For centuries herbal wise women have been healing family and friends with these gifts from the Earth.
This page is meant for informational purposes only! It is not meant to prescribe; and nor do I profess this information to be a cure-all. If suffering from an illness or are inexperienced in the use of herbs, please consider seeing a naturopathic doctor (one who is licensed and uses natural remedies). Herbs can be just as dangerous as any other medication, and should be treated with respect!

Keep that in mind and remember herbs come in many forms; for more information, check your local health food store!

Herbs for Colds and Flu
Echinacea- to build the immune system
Goldenseal- a blood cleanser, also acts as a natural antibiotic.
Honey- also has anti-bacterial properties.
Horehound- for coughs
Ginger- removes congestion, also helps upset stomach
Coltsfoot- helps with congestion, soothes mucous membranes
Rose Hips- natural source of Vitamin C
Slippery Elm- sore throats
Yarrow- fevers
Red Clover- cleanses the blood
Sage- excessive mucous

Herbs for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails
Evening Primrose Oil- provides essential fatty acids
Burdock Root- purifies the blood
Horsetail- high in the mineral silica
Rosemary- stimulant; an anti-oxidant
Dulse- high in iodine, a necessary mineral
Calendula- healing/TOPICAL USE ONLY
Witch Hazel- an astringent, good for oily skin/TOPICAL USE ONLY
Aloe Vera- drink internally or apply gel to dry, damaged skin
Lavender Essential Oil- apply to blemishes/TOPICAL USE ONLY
Tea Tree Oil- apply to blemishes or fungal infections/TOPICAL USE ONLY

Herbs for Stress and Tension
Chamomile- calms and soothes, safe for children
Valerian- strong relaxant, good for insomnia
Hops- very relaxing, also stimulates the appetite.
Passion Flower- calming, safe to use for children
Lemon Grass- soothes, safe for children
Lemon Balm- great for frazzled nerves, safe for kids
Bach Flower Rescue Remedy- made from flowers; look for it a your local health food store. Also good for shock.

Herbs for Women's Health
Damiana- helps to regulate hormones, also a sexual stimulant
Dong Quai- Queen of the female herbs! Nourishes female glands, helpful to almost all female complaints.
Red Raspberry Leaf- tones female organs, relieves painful menstruation
Chaste Tree Berries (Vitex)- another hormone regulator, also helpful with most female complaints
Sarsparilla- balances progesterone
During this time period, women must be very careful with herbal healing, as many herbs have the ability to cause miscarriages. RESEARCH YOUR HERBS VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE USING. CONSULT A NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR. Please! I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!
Red Raspberry- wonderful uterine tonic! Strengthens the wall of the uterus, after birth helps the uterus return to normal size, also helps with lactation. Good for relieving morning sickness without the stimulation that Ginger has.
Nettles- high in iron, calcium, and potassium; helps prevent anemia, as well as aids the kidneys-very important with the stress pregnancy puts on them!
Ginger- can be helpful with morning sickness, use very sparingly and carefully. It can be too stimulating!
Witch Hazel- EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Apply to legs to help with varicose veins. Also refreshing for tired legs, especially in the Summer months!
Yellow Dock- rich in iron to help prevent anemia
Fennel- aids digestion, helps with heartburn
Skullcap- good for calming frayed nerves, also for sleep problems that seem to occur a little later in pregnancy. Can help with hypertension, but use the tea for this ailment,not the tincture.

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