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Snow Angel

Just a feeling of lonelines in you
You walk in the cold winter night
Feelingless light of lightposts
They’re driving you even more up

Black water hits your eyecorner
Bridge over its shallowness
Temptation of fall and pain
Your soul screams for freedom
The wild cry

You climb up to the rail
You shake like an autumn leaf
Your hands go round and round
Until the fall begins
You hear the beautiful song of air
Never had a change to enjoy it
You hit the ground

Snow under your shattered body
You feel disgraced
My best friend, my little angel
Gasp for last time
Let the pain fade away
You’re gone.

Found in a snowdrift in your white clothes
Your body was frozen
Every bone of your body was shattered in pieces
Still the peace rested on your face

My little Snowangel
Time of tears has passed
Now it’s time to say good-bye
For a while
We’ll meet again

On that fluffy cloud I told you about
When we were kids
And you woke up in the middle of night
From the terrible dream
My story used to make you feel better

Now you have your cloud, my friend
You stare down on us
With a big applepie on your side
You so liked them

Rest in peace.