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Famous Hair


If there would be a time machine and we would be able to travel back in time we would have some encounters with women whose long hair made them to somebody very special in the eyes of the people.

Today we want to remember to opera singer Blanche Thebom:



Blanche Thebom, the leading dramatic mezzo-soprano at the Metropolitan Opera in New York in the 1940s and 1950s, has been an eye-catcher ever since she stepped on stage in 1941. Her lovely voice and her striking good looks convinced both critics and audiences. And: Miss Thebom had the most beautiful hair in show business. Her long dark-brown hair made her to a unique attraction and she had never to wear wigs for her roles of long-haired heroines.







Blanche Thebom, born to Swedish-American parents on September 19, 1918 in Monessen/ Pennsylvania, studied singing in New York and had her concert debut in December 1941 with the Met. About that time she decided to let her raven tresses uncut so her hair reached knee-length in the late Forties. On this photograph she is lying venuslike on a white rug and lets her hair fan out to full length. It belongs to a series shot by photographer George Karger 1950 and was printed in magazine LIFE in 1951.







For her different opera roles she used her locks to artistic advantage by braiding them, rolling them into buns or weaving them with flowers or jewels. Miss Thebom had some minor appearences in Hollywood movies, too (For example "The Great Caruso", 1951).








Blanche Thebom combs her beautiful hair out on this striking photograph from the year 1950, when her locks reached a length of more than 5 feet (152 cm). Miss Thebom was 5 feet 7 inches tall (169 cm).

Click here for another photo from this series!









During the 1950s when she also sang in various opera houses in America and Europe, her tresses reached the tips of her toes. Then her hair grew longer than she was tall: 6 feet 7 inches (200 cm)! This rare photo from her wardrobe is probably from the Mid-Fifties.








Because Miss Thebom was also a client of the famous hair care specialist George Michael of Madison Avenue, this framed wall-photo still hangs in his N.Y. salon. Miss Thebom headed several opera arts training programs from the late 1960s and lived in San Francisco until her death on March 23, 2010.






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