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Ice Rose Poetry

Hi. This is my web site of poetry. I only recently finished building it so please tell me about problems or typos. Just so you can decide if you like my writing style I have created a random sampling of my poetry. Below are links to the rest of the site.


Christmas is a time for friends,

For loved ones dear and good times.

On this day of days I have thought of each of you

and hugged you in my mind.

Today we visit family

and open our presents wide.

And though I can’t be with you this eve,

I can still give you a present.

My love to see you through the days

and my thoughts to preserve you as you are right now

for eternity in my mind.

Christmas is a time for friends,

And you are the truest of them all.

May this day of love bring you cheer

and the tapping sound of reindeer

as they land upon your roof

with Santa Claus in tow.

And though some of you don’t believe in him

he is there just the same.

In the hearts of all of you

bringing out your Winter cheer.

Christmas isn’t about religion,

it is for friends and family,

love and joy

and the prospect of a New Year.

So the deck the halls,

my beloved friends,

and I’ll see you

on New Years Eve,

in spirit or person,

it matters not,

for we shall be together

for eternity and beyond.

My Poems

Some Friends Sites

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