Wolverine Short Bio
Little is known about the X-Man whose past remains shrouded in mystery-save that it is fraught with pain and loss. Long ago, he was trained as a samurai in Japan; later, he became Weapon-X-a covert operative for the Canadian government. It was from there that Professor Charles Xavier recruited Wolverine for his second class of X-Men. Also called Logan, he is genetically endowed with animal-keen senses of smell, sight and hearing-as well as a healing factor that mends almost any wound quickly, and even retards his aging. However, along with these gifts there comes a curse-a berserker rage which he must forever struggle to control. His deadliest weapons are his razor-sharp, extendible claws, composed of the same dense bone as his skeleton. Now, Wolverine is a man whose greatest fear is himself-a man who must contain the beast within while he battles to protect a world that fears and hates him!

The Bio Of a Young P.I.B.
The Thugs Of Shitty Cleveland
The Darkman's Photo album