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undefined Tiberius the Pug Dog
Posted: 07.01.02
Ottawa PugNic

Tiberius the Pug Dog :: Ottawa PugNic logo

UPDATED:: July 6, 2002
The news is getting out.............................................. Click BACK or X to return here
[ Tina Seri interview ]   [ ]   [ Official stand of SPCA Los Angeles ]
[ Support at Toronto Pug Club ]   [ Roxane Fritz interview ]  [ Letter link ]  [ Letter itself ]

Many people are very concerned that the expanded role of Frank the Pug
in the new Men In Black ll movie will ultimately harm the pug breed.

Based on recent past experiences with Dalmations and Chihuahuas, popular film / TV depictions
of a certain breed increase the "demand" for the dogs.

This leads to increased activity at puppymills and by exploitative backyard breeders.

Result: a whole lot of new dogs who may have a whole lot of new problems
spontaneoulsy bought by people who really don't understand the comittment it takes
to raise a pug for life.

Consequence: many of these dear creatures who are born in misery and purchased on impulse,
are neglected then abandonned and wind up in shelters or in rescue.

Originating from pug rescue groups in the US, there is a non-confrontational
pug ownership education campaign underway to inform the media
and to hand out flyers at theatres where the new movie will be shown.

I've volunteered to spread the word about the campaign and the flyers.
You can find a copy of the flyer [ here ]

The originator is Roxane Fritz at in California.
Another link in this is Tina Seri at Pugs 'N Pals pug dog rescue , also in California.

To date, I've learned of three regionally-based organized pug dog rescues in Canada -
in Ontario, New Brunswick and British Columbia. Contact details for two of them are
listed at the end of the flyer page. The worry is that their "business" is going to
increase when people see rascally Frank the Pug.

This campaign is NOT a protest against
  • the movie
  • the handling of little Frank
  • any theatre

  • It's just factual, friendly info for people who may get smitten by Frank the Pug
    and "want one of those, right now!"

    The information will remain posted on this site and copies of the flyer
    will also be available at the next Ottawa PugNic.

    The Ottawa PugNic has been a place for pugs and owners to mingle, away from
    the kind of attention and issues that this campaign is concerned about.
    That's why I've avoided Media attention for the PugNic. I've been having second-thoughts
    about the event and even this site since our last large attendance.

    But since we are a loosely-knit group of pug owners, we can pro-actively raise
    awareness by knowing the reasons for the campaign and letting people know.

    The sincere hope is that our pugs don't suffer the affliction of popularity
    that other purebreds experienced after being in a big, hit movie or even
    in the sad case of the Chihuahua in a hit TV commercial campaign.
    There is now a Chihuahua Rescue and Transport group in Ottawa.

    Other breeds who also suffered due to movie/tv exposure were the Collie, St. Bernard,
    Jack Russell Terrier, Bull Terrier and Brussel Griffon.

    The SPCA of Los Angeles has the right idea: to satisfy instant pug-craving, they say:
    buy a stuffed toy pug instead of the real thing until you do the homework. That's the gist of this campaign.

    In the meantime, though, I look forward to seeing the movie and will try not to exclaim "Pug!"
    everytime Frank appears on screen.

    [ Pug Facts Info Flyer ]

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