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Free flash you won't find anywhere else!

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My UP TO DATE Online Portfolio at DeviantART:


UPDATED: March 3/2004 -
This page will no longer be updated.
I have no motivation left to keep updating, and I don't even draw very much anymore, so I don't have anything new to add. All things currently on this site will not be removed, but nothing new will be added. BUT I will continue to update my online portfolio at DeviantART, see above link.

UPDATED: Jul. 14/2003 -Ok my lazy ass didn't feel like updating for a realllly long time, I have been sent some pictures from people and I have lost them *kicks hotmail*, so if you have sent me something and its not here then please send again!! Also welcome our new co-webmaster Chris!! YAY FOR HIM! His email is if you have any questions that are NON TATTOO related. He insists I put his email even though he can't draw and doesnt know about tattoos but oh well! NEW PHOTOS!!!!! My best friend got a tattoo of my tribal canada thingie and I have all the photos from in the process and finished! It's soooo cool, you gotta take a should be found on the 3rd page of photos...*putting Chris to the test*

UPDATED: Dec. 13/2002 -The new URL to! Please make note that will not work anymore. I added pop up stopper for those of you who don't already have it. GET IT....i said so! There might be some other new stuff here but I forgot. meh

UPDATED: Sept. 25/2002 - I've replaced 2 of my old flash designs cuz they were well...crappy. I've replaced them with my favorite thing so far...elemental astrological signs!!! So the fire signs are firey and the water signs are watery, etc. I also got rid of the less-important older updates from this page. SEND ME YOUR ART AND PHOTOS PEOPLE!!!! NOW! *points at you*

UPDATED: June 10/2002 - YAY for the new top referral site - Also there's a new flash artist on flash page 9...bringing the total number of flash designs up to 82! As well, 2 new photos, although I added them a couple days ago, I never got around to updating this page till now.

UPDATED: June 2/2002 - I have removed 10 flash designs. Don't worry, you're not missing anything too great. I removed some flash that wasn't really of any interest to people...pretty much just some crappy art. No offence to any people who is missing one or 2 of their designs, because I got rid of 6 of my own and only 4 in total of other people's. Please take our new poll on your most favorite flash pages. There are now 78 flash designs in the gallery.

UPDATED: May 20/2002 -6 new flash designs by myself...a new photo...and I had to put a banner on the top of the page because I was tired of all those stupid pop-ups. Angelfire like to be weird and give you either 1 banner ad...or like 3 pop-ups, which I find to be annoying as hell. So finally it's down to one pop-up and NO I can't get rid of it because it's for my account!! SO THERE!

UPDATED: Apr. 19/2002 -A NEW FLASH ARTIST!!! Welcome to Luke Gregor and with him he brought 22 new flash images!! They're GREAT...a MUST SEE! To skip right to the page click here.

NOTE: If you have a Mac, it is most likely that this page will now show correctly. There seems to be a problem with the top title bar liking to go onto the next line with Macs. I don't know why this happens, but if YOU know PLEASE TELL ME how to fix it. Until then, If you are a Mac user, just ignore it, and pretend the title bar is up at the top like it is supposed to be.

PLEASE let me know if you are getting a tattoo from something you found here, even if you changed the design a little. If you have anything to send me please contact me. Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy my site!

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