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Creative Cards Newsletter Issue Thirty Five - 15th September 2002

In This Issue:
2. Fusible Webbing Backgrounds By Trish Bayley
3. Stamping and Embossing With Baby Wipes By Trish Bayley
4. Stencil Paste Cards By Alison 'Spot' Chandler
5. Gallery Showcase - Readers Show and Tell Their Art Work
6. Card Galleries & Stamping Websites


Hello and welcome to another issue of the newsletter!

This issue I have enjoyed 'playing' around with stamping on fusible webbing and baby wipes to create interesting backgrounds and cards. I had a lot of fun creating these cards, and I hope you will too! Don't forget to send in your scans as always to share with the members,  or if you have any interesting idea and variations I would love to hear from you too!

Big thanks and a huge round of applause this issue go out to the talented Alison 'Spot' Chandler who has a great Stencil paste feature for you...check out her gorgeous samples. Also Cindi Bisson & Kimberly P for their gorgeous works of art in the gallery.

Don't forget theres still time to enter our 'Design A Logo' competition! See elsewhere this issue for details.

Thats enough of the intro's from to get down to the 'nitty gritty' stamping stuff!

Take care of yourselves and see you all in a couple of weeks time!


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Fusible Webbing Backgrounds By Trish Bayley

Fusible Webbing, also known as 'Bond-o-Web' or 'Heat 'n' Bond' is traditionally used to fuse 2 pieces of fabric together using an iron.

Stampers have utilised it for some time to create interesting artistic backgrounds using embossing powders.

For the benefit of those of you who have never tried Fusible webbing before I will explain how it can be used traditionally to create backgrounds, then further along share with you my recent experiments into using this wonderful crafting medium!

Traditional Fusible Webbing Backgrounds:

1. Take a sheet of fusible webbing, peel off the protective backing and place it on top of a sheet of card stock. Fusible webbing melts clear, so you can use it on any colour card stock, I like to use darker colours for a striking effect.

2. Pick up your heat gun and apply heat source UNDERNEATH the card, so that the webbing doesn't blow off. Heat until the webbing melts on the card stock. You will notice the webbing blisters and bubbles in funny spidery like patterns. This is normal.

3. Quickly while the webbing is still hot, sprinkle on embossing powder in as many or as little colours as you wish. Tip: I tend to sprinkle on several metallic colours on together as they match and compliment one another, especially if you use dark card stock.

4. Tap off excess powder, the embossing powder will stick to the hot webbing. Now reapply heat source until all the powder has melted for a wonderful enamel like background.

Stippled Fusible Webbing Backgrounds:

It occurred to me that instead of using fusible webbing to emboss with to create patterns, that I could also apply PAINT to the fusible webbing!

You can see a card I created below all using Fusible Webbing:

To achieve this effect, I took a sheet of Fusible Webbing, and stippled on various colours of metallic acrylic paints, the paints I use are by Inscribe, but you can use any brand with the same success, for example plaid paints.

Heres how:

1. To start off with, I placed a good sized sheet of fusible webbing onto my work surface, at this point I left it still attached to the protective backing.

2. Next I squirted blobs of acrylic paint in various colours all over the surface. And used a stiff stipple brush to move the colour around and blend them together. Some areas looked a little bare, so I sprinkled on tiny amounts of pearl ex to give it a pearlescent sheen. Once I was happy with the over all look I set it aside to dry.

3. Normally when you heat fusible webbing it goes clear, so with that in mind I decided that the painted fusible webbing background would look better on black card. I opted for gloss for extra sheen. Peel off the protective backing and place the painted fusible webbing sheet onto card stock, painted side up. Using a heat gun, gently apply heat on the REVERSE of the card to allow the fusible webbing to melt and stick to the card. Set aside to cool.

Once cooled, I stamped celestial designs using 'memories' inkpad directly onto the surface, trimmed then mounted onto card to finish.

While playing around with this technique I discovered you can use it on Cds too!

Abstract Fusible Webbing Cards:

These two cards below where created in the same way described above by painting the fusible webbing. Once the paint had dried, I tore the fusible webbing into little strips and placed onto black gloss. Heat was again applied from underneath to prevent the strips from blowing away. Once the fusible webbing had melted and stuck on, I set aside to cool off. The little glitter dots you can see are created using stickers for nails art.

Faux Enameling with Fusible Webbing:

The cards below are similar to the torn strip cards I created above, with one exception, I applied heat using the heat gun from the TOP of the card, this made the pieces of fusible webbing move around and created textures. I then added metallic embossing powders to accent it, and interference utte, finally I edged the squares using a Krylon pen. See the samples below:

More cards can be seen below:

Samples By Trish Bayley © 2002

I hope you enjoy my experiments with fusible webbing and you too will be encouraged to give it a try!

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Stamping and Embossing With Baby Wipes By Trish Bayley

I tend to use baby wipes all the time for both cleaning my stamps and direct to papering with, I dislike wastage and hate to throw anything away so I always keep the more interesting and colourful baby wipes I have! Especially those I have cleaned stamps with which have had rainbow dye inks on them...wonderful rainbow baby wipes!

I've collected far too many baby wipes and decided it was now 'Do or Die'...I HAD to make something with them or I would be forced to throw them away...which I didn't want to do! So I had to get my thinking cap on....

First of all I placed a baby wipe flat onto a sheet of acetate, next I poured on enough Johnsons Klear Floor Wax (otherwise known as Future Floor Finish in the USA) to make the baby wipe wet again, but not enough so it was swilling in the stuff! Next I stippled on various colours of ordinary metallic acrylic paint and sprinkled on a little pearl ex. Then set it aside to dry.

When it was dry, I was surprised to find the baby wipe had gone stiff!! It was almost like thin card yet still retained its soft fabric texture. This made it easy for me to trim down on my paper cutter. Next I stamped the baby wipe with memories inkpad and stuck to the front of a card blank using double sided tape.

You can see the results for yourself:

Samples By Trish Bayley © 2002

The card on the right was created the same way as I have just described. But instead of stamping on it, I layered on some pieces of fusible webbing, and sprinkled on various embossing powders and heated to create an interesting card embellishment.

The gold background was created by: crunching up a sheet of paper, inking it up with versamark inkpad and sprinkling on gold embossing powder for an interesting background.

I hope you enjoy the samples and techniques I have written this issue and that you too will have a go! Don't forget to share your creations with us all!

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Stencil Paste Cards By Alison 'Spot' Chandler

Big thanks to Spot for writing these instructions on how to use stencil paste and scanning in your wonderful samples!

Stencil paste seems to be making a revival at the moment, and as there has been a lot of talk about wall filler and the like I thought I'd sit & write my stencil paste instructions up.

What you need:

Stencil paste (Dreamweaver make some in white or clear, Aleene's also make some and I'm sure there are others too)
Palette knife
Brass stencils
Masking tape
Low tack adhesive spray
Dark cardstock
A bowl of warm water

In order to prevent getting paste all over your cardstock I prefer to protect the outer edges of the stencils with masking tape before I start - this makes the whole process much easier.

Use masking tape and stick it around all four (assuming it's a rectangle) edges of your stencil, then turn it over and place masking tape on the other side too (sticky side to sticky side) - to create a frame around the stencil. See picture 1:

Spray the reverse of the stencil with the low tack spray adhesive - this prevents the stencil paste getting through the gaps in the stencil and making a mess.

Place the stencil down onto the cardstock and press to ensure that all of the brass in as close to the card as possible - paste will squeeze through any gaps.

Take some stencil paste from the jar and spread it across the stencil - try to keep the knife as flat as possible, so as not to dig the paste under the stencil. Make sure that you don't get any paste over the edges of the stencil's protective border and onto the card.

Using the palette knife, smooth the surface of the paste in one motion from top to bottom of the stencil and return any excess to the jar. Don't smooth too hard or you will remove too much paste. If you make a mess of it, spread it over and smooth again. It is important to achieve this in one motion so as to achieve an even surface.

Gently and carefully remove the stencil and immediately place it on the bowl of water - otherwise the paste will ruin your stencils.

While the paste is wet you can sprinkle glitter or embossing powders into it

Leave to dry (where the cat can't walk over it!)

See picture 2 for some examples:

Some of the pastes can be coloured after they dry.

You can try colouring the paste using dye ink refills, mica powder or just about any colouring medium really.


Do You Have Craft Tips, Classes or Techniques to share?
Email them to me and it will be featured it in this section:

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Gallery Showcase - Readers Show and Tell Their Art Work

This issues gallery show case features work from 2 very talented readers! Cindi Bisson and Kimberly P!

Artwork By Cynthia Bisson

Artwork By Kimberly P

Samples By Cynthia Bisson & Kimberly P © 2002

First up we have Cynthia who has submitted 3 wonderful works of art! All stamps are by The Angel Company. The first card is a wonderful spotlight technique card, next a wonderful pinwheel which opens up to reveal a message inside. And a wonderful star book!

Kimberly has 2 stunning pieces of artwork and has the following to say about her work:

'I wanted to submit a card that I created for a challenge on another group that I belong to. It is using a color blocking technique used by scrapbookers.'

Also Kimberly submitted a wonderful Patriotic card and has this to say:
'Here's another card I did, this time using the Serendipity technique, and I used REAL postage stamps. I really like this one! Let me know what you think.'

Thanks to both Cyndi and Kimberly for submitting your wonderful artwork!

How To Get Your Work Featured In The Gallery Showcase:
1. Email scans of your artwork to:
2. Please make sure scans are in either Jpeg or Gif format. Please scan your images at approx 50-75%, file sizes should be no larger than 75k per scan.
3. With your scan please include a brief description, for example the stamp or technique you used etc.

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Card Galleries & Stamping Websites

Christmas is coming!
Theres no escaping it!! It will be here before you know it! The trick is to be organised and start early (says me 'Ms leave it all till the last minute') This website can help you get organised for Chrimbo, plus check out their interesting gift ideas:

Free Die Cuts:
Die cuts are great for stamping on, or making mini books, gift tags..just about anything! And on this site you can print your own all for FREE!

Carol Duval Show Index:
The Carol Duval show for the benefit of our non USA readers is a very successful craft show in the USA which regularly features rubber stamping and card making projects and techniques by some of the big name stamping stars! This site features an archive of all the shows with instructions and samples for you to create the masterpieces too! Prepare to lose many hours at this site!,1158,CRHO_project_22526,00.html

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Email Groups And Websites Created By Trish Bayley

Official Creative Cards Groups

The Following are 2 groups which I run on Yahoo Groups, one is exclusively for UK members and the other group is an International group which features members from all over the globe!

If You would like to join please click on the relevant links and then click on the 'Join This Group' button:

Creative Cards International - Dedicated To All Rubber Stamping And Paper Arts

An expanding International group with members all over the world. For Artists Who Like To Create Greetings Cards, Book Marks, Tag Art, Collage, Book Arts, Dominos, Tins, Pins, Magnets, Jewellery, Altered Art, Photo Slides, Formica ... In short..If It Doesn't Move....STAMP IT!

Exchange Handmade Work, Share Ideas And Inspiration, Ask for Help, Share Your Knowledge plus Show and Tell Your Work! Stampers of all skill levels welcome. We have a separate group dedicated 100% to swapping!
To join go to:

Creative Cards UK Group - Exclusively For UK Rubber Stamp Artists
Exchange handmade Cards, share stamping ideas or ask about the latest stamping products and techniques. New to Stamping? Get answers to all of your stamping questions here. NEED a stamping accessory or a certain stamp? This is the place to find out where you can buy it! Stampers of All Skill Levels Welcome!

Creative Cards Website:
You can view all of the classes and techniques featured in this and past newsletters on the Creative Cards Website. Also check out the handmade card galleries:

Rubber Waffle Ezine
Dedicated To Rubber Stamping and Card Making Ideas. Most of techniques that I have written for this site are taken from the old paper version of the Creative Cards Newsletter.

Wanted: Ideas, Card Scans, Tips, Online Classes, Techniques, Web Links, Sources, Ads, ANYTHING! If you can provide any of the above then please get in touch and I will feature your work/contributions here! Do You Have A Website or Card Gallery? Or maybe you know of a good website that features online classes, techniques, templates, freebies and patterns. Send me the link and I will feature it in this section:

Thanks and Credits To: Alison Chandler, Cindi Bisson & Kimberly P

All Text and Spelling Mistakes Trish Bayley
Copyright © 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003 Creative Cards

Free Rubber Stamping News In Your Email Every Fortnight

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