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Never Want To Let You Go
Love is the only word
to describe my feelings for you.
So perfect, content, caring,
and also blissfully true.

You taught me to love,
And you taught me to hate.
You told me not to be early,
But to be "fashionably" late.

You love me for who I am,
You showed me right from wrong.
And when I was depressed and began to cry,
It was your shoulder I cried upon.

You were always there for me,
During my times of trial.
Not to try and upset me more,
But to try to make me smile.

With my hand in yours,
You helped me through my life.
You brought me past all the death,
and brought me past the strife.

You made me see the happiness,
inside my heart and mind.
The kind only the depressed and lonely
sometimes leave behind.

It's you who's been by my side,
to teach and help me grow.
Because of that, and your loving heart,
I never want to let you go.