Topic: People/Family stories

This is the little guy who lives on our front porch. He comes out at night and prowls about in search of bugs to eat! (and that is OK with me) When I look out at night and see him, I half expect him to stand up, put his front paws on his hips and talk to me about car insurance with an Aussie accent. (and I would LIKE it too!) But he doesn't. I came too close once and he ran like a spazz back into a crack in the wood.
Today I found out he is a, maybe she is a mom. Like I said, I haven't been able to get very close to it. ;) I was in my bathroom, doing bathroomy things, when I saw a mini gecko on the floor. I MEAN MINI. It was so small! The baby is only a little over an inch long and skinny, with the tiniest claws! If I could have gotten a picture of him, you would be oooing and awwing all over the place! He looks just like the picture above, but tiiiiiiiiiiny....just a wisp of a thing.
So....what would you do if you had a baby gecko in your bathroom? Yep, I ran to get my husband. He went in, shut the door behind him and tried to catch the little monster. I kept hearing him hit his hand against the wall or the floor, quietly making exclamations to himself, sometimes talking TO the gecko, encouraging him not to run. lol Once outside, he opened his fist to reveal the small fellow, who flew off like lightning into the gravel. Heeheehee.....what fun. He kept stopping and we kept touching him and off he'd go again. Finally we left him in peace to grow up to eat our crickets and cicadas.

UPDATE: There were spies among us as I typed this post. I found 2 more tiny geckos right above my head, on the window frame. The good husband was called in again and he found that if he poked them in just the right way, they jump right into his other hand. Yeeesh....I'm so glad he caught them! I'll probably still dream of tiny claws padding their way across my arm in the night! *shiver*
Updated: Thu, Aug 10 2006 9:17 PM PDT
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