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EARLY 2004

"Silicon Harbour" 30" x 30" AOC

An imaginary trip through space-time. This work owned by:
Mr. Gregg O'connell,CEO of Pier 41 Associates,
Red Hook Brooklyn.
My company, DEAK Technologies, Inc. is a part of Silicon Harbour, the name Mr. O'connell gave to this fast growth region, along the dockfront, of Red Hook Brooklyn
For more exciting information about Silicon Harbour, please go to:

"Art Raider" 20" x 20" AOC

A play on words: Art Raider....Darth Vader!

My art work table in my lab

This is the table where I do most of my art work, it is a section of my 12,000 sq. ft. of space where my company, DEAK Technologies, Inc. Red Hook Brooklyn, NY lab and office facilities are located.

"Electric Dipole Moment" 30" x 30" AOC

The electric dipole moment associated with a crystal lattice structure.

"Flight Simulator" 24" x 24" AOC

I did this piece based upon some graphics I saw on a computer game.

"Hungarian Rhapsody" 18" X 18" AOC

Well there are the colours of the Hungarian flag, a part of my Hungarian/Roumanian/Ukrainian/English/Scottish background........YIKES!.

"Red Hook" 18" X 18" AOC

Well there are the colours of the Hungarian flag, a part of my Hungarian/Roumanian/Ukrainian/English/Scottish background........YIKES!.

"No Place Like Absolute Space"
30" X 30" AOC

Since Einstein proved that space is not absolute, but rather relative because it really is four dimensional in description; three dimensions of space, and one dimension time.

"Robota I" 7.5 feet tall Styrafoam

This is a robot I made from some left over styrafoam packing I saved.

"Russabet" 2 - 18" X 18" AOC

A two part piece bound together by a wood cross member. Russabet, the Russian alphabet combined.

"Russabet Left Half"

The left half of the two part piece, Russabet.

"Russabet Right Half"


"Russian Botanical Garden" 30" X 30" AOC

A compliment to a piece I did several years ago called: Quantum Botanical Garden!

"Space-Time" 30" X 30" AOC

As a theoretical quantum physicist, what else would I call it :-) !.

"X-MAN" 20" X 20" AOC

I am he!.

"Conduction Energy Band" 30" X 30" AOC

With electrical conductors, the outermost electrons abundant in a conductor are loosely bound to the nucleus.It is these electrons, which are responsible for our conception of electricity.So as an artist, I tried to represent what it looks (feels) like to me. The Russian letters for me represents difficulty in understanding something abstract or foreign to our minds.

"Effervesce" 36" X 25.5" Acrylic on dry wall material.

The title says it all. Hear the bubbles?:-)

"Cynthia" 36" X 36" AOC

You see, we have this CNC milling machine we named Cynthia,

"Thermodynamic Plunder" 40" X 30" AOC

Stealing heat from various quantum mechanical effects.

"No! You're Trumped!" 36" X 36" AOC

Donald Trump has this TV show and at the end of every episode, he fires someone.
He announces from across his boardroom table; "You're Fired!"
So I say: "No, You're Trumped!:-)"
I also trademarked the term. I now have made T-shirts with this saying and they are for sale on eBay.

Now as I understand it to be Mr. Trump will have a radio programme starting this autumn called "Trumped." Ergo, it appears that I've trumped him. :-)))

"Between 4L7 and 4L8"
40" X 30" Acrylic on canvas.

In my art studio, on my work table, above the table on the wood beam are the old named section of the munitions storage warehouse. They read 4L7, 4L8, etc. So my table is between the 4L7 and the 4L8 stenciled marks. Clever hey? :-)))

"The elusive ZED-axis"
48" X 36" Acrylic on canvas.

My having a problem with accuracy along the Z (ZED) axis of my CNC milling machine promted me to do this piece and title it so.

"18 David and 1 Michael"
40" X 30" Acrylic on canvas.

My name 14 times printed and 4 images of Michaelangelo's DAVID along with 1 Michael for Michaelangelo....get it?